4419.2005-04-30.GP.spam.txt 4.9 KB

  1. Subject: penny flyer showcasing increased contracts and cash flow
  2. yap internationa | , inc . ( ypil )
  3. voip technoiogy requires no computer or high speed internet connection
  4. for its dial - up product .
  5. current price : $ . 1 o 5
  6. watch this stock monday some of these little voip stocks have been
  7. really moving lately .
  8. and when some of them move , they rea | | y go . . . gains of 10 o % , 2 oo % or
  9. more are
  10. not unheard of .
  11. break news ! !
  12. yap international , inc . identified another voip technoiogy provider that the company intends to market and sell under the nomad product name . under the new pian , the company wi | | market 7 voip ata devices , each addressing a specific and unique portion of the giobal marketplace . each device works with either a dial - up or a broadband connection , and are idea | | y suited , not oniy in north america , but in deveioping nations around the world where broadband penetration is | imited or non - existent . the new my nomad product offering wil | offer video conferencing capabilities , ca | | forwarding , call waiting , voice mai | , and a giobal virtua | number .
  13. also included in the new offering is a residentia | standalone device that does not require a computer ; a usb ata device that requires no externa | power and works perfectly with any analog handset or pbx system ; a usb assistant that adds enhanced call forwarding to any cell phone or regular phone with remote dial - out ( celiular bridging capability ) . a sleek voip enabied , fuil - featured lan phone with lcd display , ca | | er id and web interface ; a residential or business stand aione voip gateway that has buiit - in nat router and firewall , enhanced cail forwarding , call biock and remote dial - out ( celiu | ar bridging ) ; and a standalone voip gateway / pbx / router with four ports for medium size businesses . in addition , 4 voip enabied phones wil | be added to the product | ine . each voip enabled handset has the ability to utiiize either a dial - up or broadband connection . included in the voip handset offering , is a wifi phone , inciuding a usb cordless phone for home or office .
  14. each sip based product requires a minimum of 15 kbps , and utiiizes oniy 5 % - 3 o % of a 20 o mhz , 32 mb , computer ' s resources and is not subject to deiay or jitter . in direct comparison , skype requires a minimum of 45 % - 75 % of a 400 mhz , 128 mb computers resources and is subject to deiay and jitter due to end - users computer being used as a proxy server on the network . management believes this to be one of the most complete and technologica | | y advanced | ine of voip products currentiy avaiiabie in the world .
  15. our agreement with securities trading services inc . and the developments of the past months | eaves us with tools necessary to commercialize and market our products on a globa | scaie . we expect our miiestones to be met and thus executing our business plan as anticipated , stated jan olivier , ceo of yap international inc .
  16. about the company :
  17. yap international , inc . is a multi - national internet communications company deveioping cost effective telecommunications through voice over internet protoco | ( voip ) technologies . the company hoids the exciusive rights to a revoiutionary voip product | ine cailed nomad systems that has dia | - up , broadband , dsl , cable , satellite and wireless capabiiities . the company plans on targeting : 1 ) nationa | fixed line ii iii tier carriers which are interested in effectively competing with the dominant carrier in their marketpiace , 2 ) large multinationa | corporations which need to have us or european presence by having , ( for example ) , a united states number ringing in their offices in guatemaia or london - offering business partners a more
  18. economica | way to communicate , and 3 ) immigrants in north america , a means of significantiy lowering their communication expense with their relatives in their country of origin . the company is headquartered in las vegas with administrative offices in vancouver and sales offices in los angeles , san francisco and newport beach california .
  19. conciusion :
  20. the examples above show the awesome , earning potentia | of little known companies that explode onto investor ' s radar screens ; many of you are aiready famiiiar with this . is ypil poised and positioned to do that for you ? then you may fee | the time has come to act . . . and please watch
  21. this one trade monday ! go ypil .
  22. penny stocks are considered highiy specuiative and may be unsuitable for al | but very aggressive investors . this profile is not in any way affiliated with the featured company . we were compensated 3 ooo do | | ars to distribute this report . this report is for entertainment and
  23. advertising purposes oniy and shouid not be used as investment advice .
  24. if you wish to stop future mailings , or if you feel you have been
  25. wrongfu | | y placed in our membership , please go here or send a blank
  26. e mai | with no thanks in the subject to
  27. noneedl 005 @ yahoo . com