2347.2004-10-02.GP.spam.txt 1022 B

  1. Subject: feelings of guilt , worthlessness , helplessness ?
  2. htmlbodytable cellpadding = 10 align = centertrtda href = http : / / www . zmedabsd . info / 92 / img
  3. src = http : / / thm - brlr 2 . search . vip . scd . yahoo . com / image / 27167564 / a / tdtd width = 30 / tdtd
  4. align = centera href = http : / / www . zmedabsd . info / 92 / font size = 7 face = arial color = blackdepressed ? / font / abrbrfont
  5. size = 2 constantly suffer from a sad , anxious , or empty mood ? brplagued by feelings of
  6. hopelessness ? brexperience decreased energy , increased fatigue , feel slowed
  7. down ? / td / tr / tablebrbrcentera href = http : / / www . zmedabsd . info / 92 / font face = comic sans msfind out what you can
  8. do about it . . . / a / body / html
  9. brbrbrbrbrbrbrbr
  10. guido asterixe - mail fool ssssss dragonfl sarahlmidori aeh stingray lucas promethe joanna
  11. godzilla flight fountain
  12. fiona nikitaliverpoo pirate aliens
  13. asdfghjk timber dead
  14. young yomamacaesar midori symbol
  15. nimrod sonnypedro kenneth megan frederic velvet nugget