0928.2004-04-24.GP.spam.txt 1.1 KB

  1. Subject: stamp out s _ p _ @ _ m paliourg
  2. hello ,
  3. this pro 4 gram wo 3 rked for me . if you hate s 8 pa _ m like i do , you o w e it to your self to try this pro 8 gram , and forward this email to all of your fri 8 ends which also hate s + p 5 a + m or as many people possilble . together lets help clear the internet of s 9 p * a + m !
  4. stop . s _ p * a 4 m in its tr . acks !
  5. do you get jun 7 k , scams and wo . rse in your i . nbox every day ?
  6. are you sic . k of s . pending valuable time re . movi . ng the trash ?
  7. is your ch . ild recei . ving inapprolpriate a _ dul 6 t material ?
  8. if so you sh . ould know that no othe . r solution wo . rks
  9. better then our softw . are to return con . trol of your
  10. e . mail back where it belo . ngs !
  11. ima 3 gine being abl . e to read your impor 3 tant em . ail
  12. without loo . king thr . ough all that s 3 p + a * m . . .
  13. c . lic _ k bel . ow to vist our website :
  14. st . op it
  15. www . . biz
  16. chaperone presumptive dwarves gunk crater exasperate inoperative bewhisker nouveau everhart persuasive feminism auerbach schweitzer cholera dreyfuss dartmouth clifton gaucherie pershing calvert ektachrome affectation epoch predominant