0838.2004-04-13.GP.spam.txt 572 B

  1. Subject: popular meds at lowest prices
  2. we are now carrying v / alium !
  3. save cash , buy ge . neric !
  4. no previous presc . ription needed !
  5. - x / anax - treatment for anxiety
  6. - - phe / ntermine - - for wei / ght loss
  7. - via / gra - at wholesale cost
  8. - - ambian - sleep like a baby
  9. - lipitor - reduce cholesterol
  10. - nexium to treat acid reflux
  11. - pa . xil - to treat mental ailments i . e . depression or panic attacks
  12. - - vioxx - - p . ain relief
  13. check out canadian ge . nerics below :
  14. try some now
  15. http : / / 12 wmeds 3 . com / hos t / e m a i lr e mov e . as p ( no s paces )