123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252 |
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
- from sweetviz import sv_math
- from sweetviz import utils
- from sweetviz.config import config
- from sweetviz.sv_types import FeatureType, FeatureToProcess, OTHERS_GROUPED
- import sweetviz.graph
- from typing import List
- def plot_grouped_bars(tick_names: List[str], data_lists: List[List], \
- colors: List[str], gap_percent: float, axis_obj = None, \
- orientation: str = 'vertical', **kwargs):
- if len(data_lists) > len(colors):
- raise ValueError
- num_data_lists = len(data_lists)
- locations_centered = np.arange(len(tick_names))
- usable_for_bars = 1.0 - (gap_percent / 100.0)
- bar_width = usable_for_bars / num_data_lists
- center_offset = (bar_width / 2.0) * (1 - num_data_lists % 2)
- tick_positions = locations_centered + usable_for_bars / 2.0
- category_starts = locations_centered + center_offset
- offset = 0.0
- for cur_height_list, cur_color in zip(data_lists, colors):
- if len(tick_names) != len(cur_height_list):
- raise ValueError
- if axis_obj:
- if orientation == 'vertical':
- plt.xticks(locations_centered, tick_names)
- axis_obj.bar(category_starts + offset, cur_height_list, \
- bar_width, color=cur_color, **kwargs)
- else:
- plt.yticks(locations_centered, tick_names)
- axis_obj.barh(category_starts + offset, cur_height_list, \
- bar_width, color=cur_color, **kwargs)
- else:
- if orientation == 'vertical':
- plt.xticks(locations_centered, tick_names)
- plt.bar(category_starts + offset, cur_height_list, bar_width, \
- color=cur_color, **kwargs)
- else:
- plt.yticks(locations_centered, tick_names)
- plt.barh(category_starts + offset, cur_height_list, bar_width, \
- color=cur_color, **kwargs)
- offset = offset - bar_width
- return locations_centered, bar_width
- class GraphCat(sweetviz.graph.Graph):
- def __init__(self, which_graph: str, to_process: FeatureToProcess):
- if to_process.is_target() and which_graph == "mini":
- styles = ["graph_base.mplstyle", "graph_target.mplstyle"]
- else:
- styles = ["graph_base.mplstyle"]
- self.set_style(styles)
- is_detail = which_graph.find("detail") != -1
- cycle_colors = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']
- if which_graph == "mini":
- max_categories = config["Graphs"].getint("summary_graph_max_categories")
- elif is_detail:
- max_categories = config["Graphs"].getint("detail_graph_max_categories")
- else:
- raise ValueError
- plot_data_series = utils.get_clamped_value_counts( \
- to_process.source_counts["value_counts_without_nan"], max_categories)
- if which_graph == "mini":
- f, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, \
- figsize=(config["Graphs"].getfloat("cat_summary_graph_width"),
- config["Graphs"].getfloat("summary_graph_height")))
- gap_percent = config["Graphs"].getfloat("summary_graph_categorical_gap")
- axs.tick_params(axis='x', direction='out', pad=0, labelsize=8, length=2)
- axs.tick_params(axis='y', direction='out', pad=2, labelsize=8, length=2)
- axs.xaxis.tick_top()
- elif is_detail:
- height = config["Graphs"].getfloat("detail_graph_height_base") \
- + config["Graphs"].getfloat("detail_graph_height_per_elem") * max(1, len(plot_data_series))
- if height > config["Graphs"].getfloat("detail_graph_categorical_max_height"):
- height = config["Graphs"].getfloat("detail_graph_categorical_max_height")
- f, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, \
- figsize=(config["Graphs"].getfloat("detail_graph_width"), height))
- gap_percent = config["Graphs"].getfloat("detail_graph_categorical_gap")
- axs.tick_params(axis='x', direction='out', pad=0, labelsize=8, length=2)
- axs.tick_params(axis='y', direction='out', pad=2, labelsize=8, length=2)
- axs.xaxis.tick_top()
- self.size_in_inches = f.get_size_inches()
- tick_names = list(plot_data_series.index)
- sum_source = sum(plot_data_series)
- plot_data_series = plot_data_series / sum_source if sum_source != 0.0 else plot_data_series * 0.0
- axs.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.PercentFormatter(xmax=1.0, decimals=0))
- if to_process.compare is not None:
- matched_data_series = utils.get_matched_value_counts( \
- to_process.compare_counts["value_counts_without_nan"],plot_data_series)
- sum_compared = sum(matched_data_series)
- matched_data_series = matched_data_series / sum_compared if sum_compared != 0.0 else \
- matched_data_series * 0.0
- height_lists = [list(plot_data_series.values), list(matched_data_series)]
- else:
- height_lists = [list(plot_data_series.values)]
- reversed_height_lists = list()
- for height_list in height_lists:
- reversed_height_lists.append(list(reversed(height_list)))
- tick_names = list(reversed(tick_names))
- height_lists = reversed_height_lists
- try:
- others_index = tick_names.index(OTHERS_GROUPED)
- tick_names.insert(0, tick_names.pop(others_index))
- for height_list in height_lists:
- height_list.insert(0, height_list.pop(others_index))
- except:
- pass
- tick_names_for_labels_only = tick_names
- if len(tick_names):
- if type(tick_names[0]) == str:
- tick_names_for_labels_only = [str(x).replace("$",r"\$") for x in tick_names]
- category_centers, bar_width = \
- plot_grouped_bars(tick_names_for_labels_only, height_lists, cycle_colors, gap_percent,
- orientation = 'horizontal', axis_obj = axs)
- if to_process.source_target is not None:
- if to_process.predetermined_type_target == FeatureType.TYPE_NUM:
- target_values_source = list()
- names_excluding_others = [key for key in tick_names if key != OTHERS_GROUPED]
- for name in tick_names:
- if name == OTHERS_GROUPED:
- tick_average = to_process.source_target[ \
- ~to_process.source.isin(names_excluding_others)].mean()
- else:
- tick_average = to_process.source_target[ \
- to_process.source == name].mean()
- target_values_source.append(tick_average)
- ax2 = axs.twiny()
- ax2.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FuncFormatter(self.format_smart))
- ax2.xaxis.tick_bottom()
- axs.xaxis.tick_top()
- ax2.tick_params(axis='x', direction='out', pad=2, labelsize=8, length=2)
- ax2.plot(target_values_source, category_centers,
- marker='o', color=sweetviz.graph.COLOR_TARGET_SOURCE)
- if to_process.compare is not None and \
- to_process.compare_target is not None:
- target_values_compare = list()
- for name in tick_names:
- if name == OTHERS_GROUPED:
- tick_average = to_process.compare_target[ \
- ~to_process.compare.isin(names_excluding_others)].mean()
- else:
- tick_average = to_process.compare_target[ \
- to_process.compare == name].mean()
- target_values_compare.append(tick_average)
- ax2.plot(target_values_compare,
- category_centers, marker='o', color=sweetviz.graph.COLOR_TARGET_COMPARE)
- elif to_process.predetermined_type_target == FeatureType.TYPE_BOOL:
- target_values_source = list()
- names_excluding_others = [key for key in tick_names if key != OTHERS_GROUPED]
- for name in tick_names:
- if name == OTHERS_GROUPED:
- tick_num = sv_math.count_fraction_of_true(to_process.source_target[ \
- ~to_process.source.isin(names_excluding_others)])[0]
- else:
- tick_num = sv_math.count_fraction_of_true(to_process.source_target[ \
- to_process.source == name])[0]
- target_values_source.append(tick_num)
- axs.plot(target_values_source, category_centers,
- marker='o', color=sweetviz.graph.COLOR_TARGET_SOURCE)
- target_values_compare = list()
- if to_process.compare is not None and \
- to_process.compare_target is not None:
- for name in tick_names:
- if name == OTHERS_GROUPED:
- tick_num = sv_math.count_fraction_of_true(to_process.compare_target[ \
- ~to_process.compare.isin(names_excluding_others)])[0]
- else:
- tick_num = sv_math.count_fraction_of_true(to_process.compare_target[ \
- to_process.compare == name])[0]
- target_values_compare.append(tick_num)
- axs.plot(target_values_compare, category_centers,
- marker='o', color=sweetviz.graph.COLOR_TARGET_COMPARE)
- if which_graph == "mini":
- needed_pixels_padding = np.array([14.0, (300 + 32), 14, 45])
- else:
- needed_pixels_padding = np.array([14.0, 140, 16, 45])
- padding_fraction = needed_pixels_padding
- padding_fraction[0] = padding_fraction[0] / (self.size_in_inches[1] * f.dpi)
- padding_fraction[2] = padding_fraction[2] / (self.size_in_inches[1] * f.dpi)
- padding_fraction[3] = padding_fraction[3] / (self.size_in_inches[0] * f.dpi)
- padding_fraction[1] = padding_fraction[1] / (self.size_in_inches[0] * f.dpi)
- plt.subplots_adjust(top=(1.0 - padding_fraction[0]), left=padding_fraction[1], \
- bottom=padding_fraction[2], right=(1.0 - padding_fraction[3]))
- self.graph_base64 = self.get_encoded_base64(f)
- plt.close('all')