刘凡 3282579ec1 first commit пре 2 година
detector 3282579ec1 first commit пре 2 година
generator 3282579ec1 first commit пре 2 година
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docker-compose.yml 3282579ec1 first commit пре 2 година


Kafka Fraud Detector

Kafka Docker Images Python

This is the supporting repository for my blog post: Building A Streaming Fraud Detection System With Kafka And Python.


This fraud detection system is fully containerised. You will need Docker and Docker Compose to run it.

You simply need to create a Docker network called kafka-network to enable communication between the Kafka cluster and the apps:

$ docker network create kafka-network

All set!


  • Spin up the local single-node Kafka cluster (will run in the background):
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.kafka.yml up -d
  • Check the cluster is up and running (wait for "started" to show up):
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.kafka.yml logs -f broker | grep "started"
  • Start the transaction generator and the fraud detector (will run in the background):
$ docker-compose up -d


Show a stream of transactions in the topic T (optionally add --from-beginning):

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.kafka.yml exec broker kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic T


  • queuing.transactions: raw generated transactions
  • streaming.transactions.legit: legit transactions
  • streaming.transactions.fraud: suspicious transactions

Example transaction message:

{"source": "yGfZ1Xa6k1r0", "target": "N5RvY7RO5sQF", "amount": 217.46, "currency": "EUR"}


To stop the transaction generator and fraud detector:

$ docker-compose down

To stop the Kafka cluster (use down instead to also remove contents of the topics):

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.kafka.yml stop

To remove the Docker network:

$ docker network rm kafka-network