Perform multiple upload, SAS URL creation, move, download, storage tier setting, or delete actions. Alternatively, perform multiple actions in a single call
Choose either the upload
, sas
, move
, download
, tier
, delete
, or batch
usage: AzureAutomate [-h] {upload,sas,move,download,tier,delete,batch} ...
Automate the submission of multiple AzureStorage commands
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Available functionality:
upload Upload files/folders to Azure storage
sas Create SAS URLs for containers/files/folders in Azure storage
move Move containers/files/folders in Azure storage
download Download containers/files/folders in Azure storage
tier Set the storage tier of containers/files/folders in Azure storage
delete Delete containers/files/folders in Azure storage
batch Perform multiple different operations in batch
Choose either the file
or folder
usage: AzureAutomate upload [-h] {file,folder} ...
Upload files/folders to Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Upload functionality:
file Upload files to Azure storage
folder Upload folders to Azure storage
Automate the upload of multiple files to your Azure storage account
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, file name, destination path (optional), storage tier (optional)
For additional details on running file uploads, please see the AzureUpload file
usage: AzureAutomate upload file [-h] -a ACCOUNT_NAME [-p PASSPHRASE] [-v VERBOSITY] -b BATCH_FILE
Upload files to Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account_name ACCOUNT_NAME
Name of the Azure storage account
The passphrase to use when encrypting the azure storage-specific connection string to the system keyring. Default is "AzureStorage".
Set the logging level. Options are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Default is info.
-b BATCH_FILE, --batch_file BATCH_FILE
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, file name, destination path (optional), storage tier (optional)
Automate the upload of multiple folders to your Azure storage account
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, folder name, destination path (optional), storage tier (optional)
For additional details on running folder uploads, please see the AzureUpload folder
usage: AzureAutomate upload folder [-h] -a ACCOUNT_NAME [-p PASSPHRASE] [-v VERBOSITY] -b BATCH_FILE
Upload folders to Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account_name ACCOUNT_NAME
Name of the Azure storage account
The passphrase to use when encrypting the azure storage-specific connection string to the system keyring. Default is "AzureStorage".
Set the logging level. Options are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Default is info.
-b BATCH_FILE, --batch_file BATCH_FILE
Tab-separated file with the following fields (one entry per line):
container name, folder name, destination path (optional), storage tier (optional)
Choose either the container
, file
, or folder
usage: AzureAutomate sas [-h] {container,file,folder} ...
Create SAS URLs for containers/files/folders in Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
SAS URL creation functionality:
container Create SAS URLs for containers in Azure storage
file Create SAS URLs for files in Azure storage
folder Create SAS URLs for folders in Azure storage
Automate the creation of SAS URLs for multiple containers in your Azure storage account
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, expiry (optional), output file (optional)
For additional details on creating SAS URLs for containers, please see the AzureSAS container
usage: AzureAutomate sas container [-h] -a ACCOUNT_NAME [-p PASSPHRASE] [-v VERBOSITY] -b BATCH_FILE
Create SAS URLs for containers in Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account_name ACCOUNT_NAME
Name of the Azure storage account
The passphrase to use when encrypting the azure storage-specific connection string to the system keyring. Default is "AzureStorage".
Set the logging level. Options are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Default is info.
-b BATCH_FILE, --batch_file BATCH_FILE
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, expiry (optional), output file (optional)
Automate the creation of SAS URLs for multiple files in your Azure storage account
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, file name and path, expiry (optional), output file (optional)
For additional details on creating SAS URLs for files, please see the AzureSAS file
usage: AzureAutomate sas file [-h] -a ACCOUNT_NAME [-p PASSPHRASE] [-v VERBOSITY] -b BATCH_FILE
Create SAS URLs for files in Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account_name ACCOUNT_NAME
Name of the Azure storage account
The passphrase to use when encrypting the azure storage-specific connection string to the system keyring. Default is "AzureStorage".
Set the logging level. Options are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Default is info.
-b BATCH_FILE, --batch_file BATCH_FILE
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, file name and path, expiry (optional), output file (optional)
Automate the creation of SAS URLs for multiple folders in your Azure storage account
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, folder name and path, expiry (optional), output file (optional)
For additional details on creating SAS URLs for folders, please see the AzureSAS folder
usage: AzureAutomate sas folder [-h] -a ACCOUNT_NAME [-p PASSPHRASE] [-v VERBOSITY] -b BATCH_FILE
Create SAS URLs for folders in Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account_name ACCOUNT_NAME
Name of the Azure storage account
The passphrase to use when encrypting the azure storage-specific connection string to the system keyring. Default is "AzureStorage".
Set the logging level. Options are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Default is info.
-b BATCH_FILE, --batch_file BATCH_FILE
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, folder name and path, expiry (optional), output file (optional)
Choose either the container
, file
, or folder
usage: AzureAutomate move [-h] {container,file,folder} ...
Move containers/files/folders in Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Move functionality:
container Move containers in Azure storage
file Move files in Azure storage
folder Move folders in Azure storage
Automate the moving of multiple containers in your Azure storage account
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, target container, destination path (optional), storage tier (optional)
For additional details on moving containers, please see the AzureMove container
usage: AzureAutomate move container [-h] -a ACCOUNT_NAME [-p PASSPHRASE] [-v VERBOSITY] -b BATCH_FILE
Move containers in Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account_name ACCOUNT_NAME
Name of the Azure storage account
The passphrase to use when encrypting the azure storage-specific connection string to the system keyring. Default is "AzureStorage".
Set the logging level. Options are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Default is info.
-b BATCH_FILE, --batch_file BATCH_FILE
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, target container, destination path (optional), storage tier (optional)
Automate the moving of multiple files in your Azure storage account
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, target container, file name, destination path (optional), storage tier (optional)
For additional details on moving files, please see the AzureMove file
usage: AzureAutomate move file [-h] -a ACCOUNT_NAME [-p PASSPHRASE] [-v VERBOSITY] -b BATCH_FILE
Move files in Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account_name ACCOUNT_NAME
Name of the Azure storage account
The passphrase to use when encrypting the azure storage-specific connection string to the system keyring. Default is "AzureStorage".
Set the logging level. Options are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Default is info.
-b BATCH_FILE, --batch_file BATCH_FILE
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, target container, file name, destination path (optional), storage tier (optional)
Automate the moving of multiple folders in your Azure storage account
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, target container, folder name, destination path (optional), storage tier (optional)
For additional details on moving folders, please see the AzureMove folder
usage: AzureAutomate move folder [-h] -a ACCOUNT_NAME [-p PASSPHRASE] [-v VERBOSITY] -b BATCH_FILE
Move folders in Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account_name ACCOUNT_NAME
Name of the Azure storage account
The passphrase to use when encrypting the azure storage-specific connection string to the system keyring. Default is "AzureStorage".
Set the logging level. Options are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Default is info.
-b BATCH_FILE, --batch_file BATCH_FILE
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, target container, folder name, destination path (optional), storage tier (optional)
Choose either the container
, file
, or folder
usage: AzureAutomate download [-h] {container,file,folder} ...
Download containers/files/folders in Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Download functionality:
container Download containers from Azure storage
file Download files from Azure storage
folder Download folders from Azure storage
Automate the downloading of multiple containers from your Azure storage account
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, output path (optional)
For additional details on downloading containers, please see the AzureDownload container
usage: AzureAutomate download container [-h] -a ACCOUNT_NAME [-p PASSPHRASE] [-v VERBOSITY] -b BATCH_FILE
Download containers from Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account_name ACCOUNT_NAME
Name of the Azure storage account
The passphrase to use when encrypting the azure storage-specific connection string to the system keyring. Default is "AzureStorage".
Set the logging level. Options are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Default is info.
-b BATCH_FILE, --batch_file BATCH_FILE
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, output path (optional)
Automate the downloading of multiple files from your Azure storage account
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, file name, output path (optional)
For additional details on downloading files, please see the AzureDownload file
usage: AzureAutomate download file [-h] -a ACCOUNT_NAME [-p PASSPHRASE] [-v VERBOSITY] -b BATCH_FILE
Download files from Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account_name ACCOUNT_NAME
Name of the Azure storage account
The passphrase to use when encrypting the azure storage-specific connection string to the system keyring. Default is "AzureStorage".
Set the logging level. Options are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Default is info.
-b BATCH_FILE, --batch_file BATCH_FILE
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, file name, output path (optional)
Automate the downloading of multiple folders from your Azure storage account
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, folder name, output path (optional)
For additional details on downloading folders, please see the AzureDownload folder
usage: AzureAutomate download folder [-h] -a ACCOUNT_NAME [-p PASSPHRASE] [-v VERBOSITY] -b BATCH_FILE
Download folders from Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account_name ACCOUNT_NAME
Name of the Azure storage account
The passphrase to use when encrypting the azure storage-specific connection string to the system keyring. Default is "AzureStorage".
Set the logging level. Options are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Default is info.
-b BATCH_FILE, --batch_file BATCH_FILE
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, folder name, output path (optional)
Choose either the container
, file
, or folder
usage: AzureAutomate tier [-h] {container,file,folder} ...
Set the storage tier of containers/files/folders in Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Storage tier setting functionality:
container Set the storage tier of containers in Azure storage
file Set the storage tier of files in Azure storage
folder Set the storage tier of folders in Azure storage
Automate setting the storage tier for multiple containers in your Azure storage account
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, storage tier
For additional details on setting the storage tier of containers, please see the AzureTier container
usage: AzureAutomate tier container [-h] -a ACCOUNT_NAME [-p PASSPHRASE] [-v VERBOSITY] -b BATCH_FILE
Set the storage tier of containers in Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account_name ACCOUNT_NAME
Name of the Azure storage account
The passphrase to use when encrypting the azure storage-specific connection string to the system keyring. Default is "AzureStorage".
Set the logging level. Options are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Default is info.
-b BATCH_FILE, --batch_file BATCH_FILE
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, storage tier
Automate setting the storage tier for multiple files in your Azure storage account
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, file name, storage tier
For additional details on setting the storage tier of files, please see the AzureTier file
usage: AzureAutomate tier file [-h] -a ACCOUNT_NAME [-p PASSPHRASE] [-v VERBOSITY] -b BATCH_FILE
Set the storage tier of files in Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account_name ACCOUNT_NAME
Name of the Azure storage account
The passphrase to use when encrypting the azure storage-specific connection string to the system keyring. Default is "AzureStorage".
Set the logging level. Options are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Default is info.
-b BATCH_FILE, --batch_file BATCH_FILE
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, file name, storage tier
Automate setting the storage tier for multiple folders in your Azure storage account
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, folder name, storage tier
For additional details on setting the storage tier of folders, please see the AzureTier folder
usage: AzureAutomate tier folder [-h] -a ACCOUNT_NAME [-p PASSPHRASE] [-v VERBOSITY] -b BATCH_FILE
Set the storage tier of folders in Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account_name ACCOUNT_NAME
Name of the Azure storage account
The passphrase to use when encrypting the azure storage-specific connection string to the system keyring. Default is "AzureStorage".
Set the logging level. Options are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Default is info.
-b BATCH_FILE, --batch_file BATCH_FILE
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, folder name, storage tier
Choose either the container
, file
, or folder
usage: AzureAutomate delete [-h] {container,file,folder} ...
Delete containers/files/folders in Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Delete functionality:
container Delete containers in Azure storage
file Delete files in Azure storage
folder Delete folders in Azure storage
Automate deleting multiple containers in your Azure storage account
File with the following field:
container name
For additional details on deleting containers, please see the AzureDelete container
usage: AzureAutomate delete container [-h] -a ACCOUNT_NAME [-p PASSPHRASE] [-v VERBOSITY] -b BATCH_FILE
Delete containers in Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account_name ACCOUNT_NAME
Name of the Azure storage account
The passphrase to use when encrypting the azure storage-specific connection string to the system keyring. Default is "AzureStorage".
Set the logging level. Options are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Default is info.
-b BATCH_FILE, --batch_file BATCH_FILE
File with the following field:
container name
Automate deleting multiple files in your Azure storage account
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, file name, retention time (optional)
For additional details on deleting files, please see the AzureDelete file
usage: AzureAutomate delete file [-h] -a ACCOUNT_NAME [-p PASSPHRASE] [-v VERBOSITY] -b BATCH_FILE
Delete files in Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account_name ACCOUNT_NAME
Name of the Azure storage account
The passphrase to use when encrypting the azure storage-specific connection string to the system keyring. Default is "AzureStorage".
Set the logging level. Options are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Default is info.
-b BATCH_FILE, --batch_file BATCH_FILE
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, file name, retention time (optional)
Automate deleting multiple folders in your Azure storage account
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, folder name, retention time (optional)
For additional details on deleting folders, please see the AzureDelete folder
usage: AzureAutomate delete folder [-h] -a ACCOUNT_NAME [-p PASSPHRASE] [-v VERBOSITY] -b BATCH_FILE
Delete folders in Azure storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account_name ACCOUNT_NAME
Name of the Azure storage account
The passphrase to use when encrypting the azure storage-specific connection string to the system keyring. Default is "AzureStorage".
Set the logging level. Options are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Default is info.
-b BATCH_FILE, --batch_file BATCH_FILE
Tab-separated file with the following fields:
container name, folder name, retention time (optional)
Automate multiple operations
Tab-separated file in the following format:
command, sub-command, command:subcommand-specific arguments
Please review the AzureAutomate
documentation for all the possible operations
usage: AzureAutomate batch [-h] -a ACCOUNT_NAME [-p PASSPHRASE] [-v VERBOSITY] -b BATCH_FILE
Perform multiple different operations in batch
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account_name ACCOUNT_NAME
Name of the Azure storage account
The passphrase to use when encrypting the azure storage-specific connection string to the system keyring. Default is "AzureStorage".
Set the logging level. Options are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Default is info.
-b BATCH_FILE, --batch_file BATCH_FILE
Tab-separated file in the following format:
command, sub-command, arguments
Below is the complete list of functionalities:
upload, file, container name, file name, destination path (optional), storage tier (optional)
upload, folder, container name, folder name, destination path (optional), storage tier (optional)
sas, container, container name, expiry (optional), output file (optional)
sas, file, container name, file name and path, expiry (optional), output file (optional)
sas, folder, container name, folder name and path, expiry (optional), output file (optional)
move, container, container name, target container, destination path (optional), storage tier (optional)
move, file, container name, target container, file name, destination path (optional), storage tier (optional)
move, folder, container name, target container, folder name, destination path (optional), storage tier (optional)
download, container, container name, output path (optional)
download, file, container name, file name, output path (optional)
download, folder, container name, folder name, output path (optional)
tier, container, container name, storage tier
tier, file, container name, file name, storage tier
tier, folder, container name, folder name, storage tier
delete, container, container name
delete, file, container name, file name, retention time (optional)
delete, folder, container name, folder name, retention time (optional)