# GPX Favorites merge This tool merges multiple GPX files with favourites data with dedupliucation using an intermediate CSV file allowing modification. I use this tool to synchronize the `favourites.gpx` files of multiple [OSMAnd](https://osmand.net/) installations. The tools is *only* tested with files from OSMAnd. ## Usage To merge multiple files into one: ``` ./merge.py gpx2csv in1.gpx in2.gpx data.csv categories.json ``` This results in two files: * `data.csv`: You can now edit this file with your favorite editor (text/spreadsheet programs) to spot and remove any similar but not exact duplicate entries. The file is sorted by the average of latitude and longitude. * `categories.json`: Contains the mapping of categories (also: types) and colors. Then you can generate the GPX file: ``` ./merge.py csv2gpx data.csv categories.json output.gpx ```