import logging import re from collections import namedtuple from urllib.parse import urljoin from scrapy import Request, Spider, signals from scrapy.utils.request import request_fingerprint from warcio.warcwriter import WARCWriter from .utils import resource_matches_base_url, write_warc_request_response Resource = namedtuple("Resource", ["name", "type", "link_type", "content"]) REGEXP_CSS_URL = re.compile(r"""url\(['"]?(.*?)['"]?\)""") Extractor = namedtuple("Extractor", ["name", "type", "link_type", "xpath"]) EXTRACTORS = [ # Media (images, video etc.) Extractor(name="media", type="link", link_type="dependency", xpath="//img/@src"), Extractor(name="media", type="link", link_type="dependency", xpath="//audio/@src"), Extractor(name="media", type="link", link_type="dependency", xpath="//video/@src"), Extractor(name="media", type="link", link_type="dependency", xpath="//source/@src"), Extractor(name="media", type="link", link_type="dependency", xpath="//embed/@src"), Extractor( name="media", type="link", link_type="dependency", xpath="//object/@data" ), # CSS Extractor( name="css", type="link", link_type="dependency", xpath="//link[@rel = 'stylesheet']/@href", ), Extractor(name="css", type="code", link_type="dependency", xpath="//style/text()"), Extractor(name="css", type="code", link_type="dependency", xpath="//*/@style"), # JavaScript Extractor(name="js", type="link", link_type="dependency", xpath="//script/@src"), Extractor(name="js", type="code", link_type="dependency", xpath="//script/text()"), # TODO: add "javascript:XXX" on //a/@href etc. # TODO: add inline JS (onload, onchange, onclick etc.) # Internal/external links and iframes # TODO: iframe sources must be considered as if they were the same as the # current page being archived (same depth, get all dependencies etc.). Extractor(name="other", type="link", link_type="anchor", xpath="//iframe/@src"), Extractor(name="other", type="link", link_type="anchor", xpath="//a/@href"), Extractor(name="other", type="link", link_type="anchor", xpath="//area/@href"), Extractor( name="other", type="link", link_type="anchor", xpath="//link[not(@rel = 'stylesheet')]/@href", ), # TODO: link rel=icon should be considered a dependency (what about other # link rel=xxx?) # TODO: add all other "//link/@href" ] def extract_resources(response): for extractor in EXTRACTORS: for content in response.xpath(extractor.xpath).extract(): yield Resource(, type=extractor.type, link_type=extractor.link_type, content=content, ) class CrauSpider(Spider): name = "crawler-spider" custom_settings = { "CONCURRENT_REQUESTS": 256, "CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_PER_DOMAIN": 16, "DNSCACHE_ENABLED": True, "DNSCACHE_SIZE": 500000, "DNS_TIMEOUT": 5, "DOWNLOAD_MAXSIZE": 5 * 1024 * 1024, "DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT": 5, "REACTOR_THREADPOOL_MAXSIZE": 40, "REDIRECT_ENABLED": False, "SCHEDULER_PRIORITY_QUEUE": "scrapy.pqueues.DownloaderAwarePriorityQueue", "SPIDER_MIDDLEWARES_BASE": { "scrapy.spidermiddlewares.httperror.HttpErrorMiddleware": 50, "scrapy.spidermiddlewares.offsite.OffsiteMiddleware": 500, "scrapy.spidermiddlewares.referer.RefererMiddleware": 700, "scrapy.spidermiddlewares.urllength.UrlLengthMiddleware": 800, }, } @classmethod def from_crawler(cls, crawler, *args, **kwargs): spider = super().from_crawler(crawler, *args, **kwargs) crawler.signals.connect(spider.spider_closed, signal=signals.spider_closed) return spider def __init__(self, warc_filename, urls, max_depth=1, allowed_uris=None): super().__init__() self.max_depth = int(max_depth) self.warc_filename = warc_filename self.urls = urls self._request_history = set() self.warc_fobj = None self.warc_writer = None self.allowed_uris = allowed_uris if allowed_uris else [] def spider_closed(self, spider): if self.warc_fobj is not None: self.warc_fobj.close() def make_request(self, request_class=Request, *args, **kwargs): """Method to create requests and implements a custom dedup filter""" kwargs["dont_filter"] = kwargs.get("dont_filter", True) kwargs["errback"] = kwargs.get("errback", self.parse_request_error) meta = kwargs.get("meta", {}) meta["handle_httpstatus_all"] = meta.get("handle_httpstatus_all", True) meta["dont_redirect"] = meta.get("dont_redirect", True) kwargs["meta"] = meta request = request_class(*args, **kwargs) if "#" in request.url: request = request.replace(url=request.url[: request.url.find("#")]) # This `if` filters duplicated requests - we don't use scrapy's dedup # filter because it has a bug, which filters out requests in undesired # cases . # TODO: check if this dedup filter does not have the same problem # scrapy have (the problem is related to canonicalize request url). request_hash = request_fingerprint(request) # TODO: may move this in-memory set to a temp file since the number of # requests can be pretty large. if request_hash in self._request_history: return None else: self._request_history.add(request_hash) return request def write_warc(self, response): # TODO: transform this method into `write_response` so we can have # other response writers than WARC (CSV, for example - would be great # if we can add specific parsers to save HTML's title and text into # CSV, for example). write_warc_request_response(self.warc_writer, response) def start_requests(self): """Start requests with depth = 0 depth will be 0 for all primary URLs and all requisites (CSS, Images and JS) of these URLs. For links found on these URLs, depth will be incremented, and so on. """ self.warc_fobj = open(self.warc_filename, mode="wb") self.warc_writer = WARCWriter(self.warc_fobj, gzip=True) for url in self.urls: yield self.make_request( url=url, meta={"depth": 0, "main_url": url}, callback=self.parse ) def parse(self, response): main_url = response.request.url # TODO: what if response.request.url != response.url? current_depth = response.request.meta["depth"] next_depth = current_depth + 1 content_type = response.headers.get("Content-Type", b"").decode( "ascii" ) # TODO: decode properly if content_type and content_type.split(";")[0].lower() != "text/html": logging.debug( f"[{current_depth}] Content-Type not found for {main_url}, parsing as media" ) yield self.parse_media(response) return logging.debug(f"[{current_depth}] Saving HTML {response.request.url}") self.write_warc(response) redirect_url = None if 300 <= response.status <= 399 and "Location" in response.headers: redirect_url = urljoin( response.request.url, response.headers["Location"].decode("ascii"), # TODO: decode properly ) for resource in extract_resources(response): if resource.type == "link": # TODO: handle "//" URLs correctly absolute_url = urljoin(main_url, resource.content) depth = None if resource.link_type == "dependency": depth = current_depth elif resource.link_type == "anchor": depth = next_depth for request in self.collect_link( main_url,, absolute_url, depth ): if request is None or ( redirect_url is not None and redirect_url == request.url ): continue elif ( self.allowed_uris and resource.link_type == "anchor" and not resource_matches_base_url( absolute_url, self.allowed_uris ) ):"Different domain. Skipping {absolute_url}.") continue yield request elif resource.type == "code": for request in self.collect_code( main_url,, resource.content, current_depth ): if request is None: continue yield request if redirect_url is not None: # TODO: how to deal with redirect loops? logging.debug(f"[{current_depth}] Redirecting to {redirect_url}") yield self.make_request( url=redirect_url, meta={"depth": current_depth, "main_url": main_url}, callback=self.parse, ) def parse_request_error(self, failure): pass # TODO: should we do something with this failure? def parse_css(self, response): meta = response.request.meta for request in self.collect_code( response.request.url, "css", response.body, meta["depth"] ): if request is None: continue yield request logging.debug(f"Saving CSS {response.request.url}") self.write_warc(response) def parse_js(self, response): meta = response.request.meta for request in self.collect_code( response.request.url, "js", response.body, meta["depth"] ): if request is None: continue yield request logging.debug(f"Saving JS {response.request.url}") self.write_warc(response) def parse_media(self, response): logging.debug(f"Saving MEDIA {response.request.url}") self.write_warc(response) def collect_link(self, main_url, link_type, url, depth): if depth > self.max_depth: logging.debug( f"[{depth}] IGNORING (depth exceeded) get link {link_type} {url}" ) return [] elif not url.startswith("http"): logging.debug(f"[{depth}] IGNORING (not HTTP) get link {link_type} {url}") return [] if link_type == "media": return [ self.make_request( url=url, callback=self.parse_media, meta={"depth": depth, "main_url": main_url}, ) ] elif link_type == "css": return [ self.make_request( url=url, callback=self.parse_css, meta={"depth": depth, "main_url": main_url}, ) ] elif link_type == "js": return [ self.make_request( url=url, callback=self.parse_js, meta={"depth": depth, "main_url": main_url}, ) ] elif link_type == "other": return [ self.make_request( url=url, callback=self.parse, meta={"depth": depth, "main_url": main_url}, ) ] else: return [ self.make_request( url=url, callback=self.parse, meta={"depth": depth, "main_url": main_url}, ) ] def collect_code(self, main_url, code_type, code, depth): if depth > self.max_depth: logging.debug( f"[{depth}] IGNORING (depth exceeded) getting dependencies for {code_type}" ) return [] elif code_type == "css": if isinstance(code, bytes): code = code.decode("utf-8") # TODO: decode properly requests = [] for result in REGEXP_CSS_URL.findall(code): url = urljoin(main_url, result) if url.startswith("data:"): continue requests.append( self.make_request( url=url, callback=self.parse_media, meta={"depth": depth, "main_url": main_url}, ) ) return requests elif code_type == "js": # TODO: extract other references from JS code return [] else:"[{depth}] [TODO] PARSE CODE {code_type} {code}") return [] # TODO: change