#! /usr/bin/env python """Heroku Postgres Backup to S3 Utility. Uses the Heroku PG-Backups system to pull the latest backup for a database, and put the file on Amazon S3. Unfortunately, depends on the heroku toolbelt, since there is no standard API for PGBackups (that we have found). Be sure that you are logged in to the heroku toolbelt before you run this script, and that it is in your $PATH. Usage: herokupostgres_s3_backup.py -r -a -b -k -s -p herokupostgres_s3_backup.py (-h | --help) Options: -h --help Show this screen. -a --app= Heroku App name. -r --herokupath= location where the heroku executable lives, needs trailing slash -b --bucket= S3 Bucket name -k --awskey= AWS Key ID -s --awssecret= AWS Secret Key -p --prefix=