HLS-Segmenter-AWS-S3 ==================== The is script for conver mp4 video file from source folder to HLS streams and upload this stream to to Amazon S3 bucket install requrement for script work you need boto modules for AWS #pip install boto more datail about boto instalation - http://boto.readthedocs.org/en/latest/getting_started.html also script requred ffmpeg in you system Best values compiled latest version from source The is instruction for this https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide or simple install from repositories Ubuntu debian #sudo apt-get install ffmpeg CentOS #sudo yum install ffmpeg Configuration in config.json you need set AWS credential path to source folder path for temp folder path to ffmpeg path to ffprobe config in JSON format { "aws":{ "access_key":"AWS Access Key", "secret_key":"AWS Secure Key", "s3bucket": "S3 bucket name"}, "tmp":"/tmp/tmp/", "source":"/home/video/", "log":"/home/log.log", "ffmpeg": "/usr/bin/ffmpeg", "ffprobe" : "/usr/bin/ffprobe" } Using simple run ./hls-segmenter.py