import numpy as np from hmmlearn import hmm from urllib.parse import unquote, parse_qsl import re import joblib import nltk # 以黑找黑 # 处理参数值的最小长度 MIN_LEN = 6 # 隐状态个数 N = 10 # 最大似然概率阈值 T = -200 # 数据提取与特征提取,这一步不采用单字符的char特征提取,而是根据领域经验对特定的phrase字符组为基础单位,进行特征化,这是一种token切分方案 # # # <;IFRAME SRC= <; # ';alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//\';alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//";alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83)) # //\";alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//-->">'> tokens_pattern = r'''(?x) "[^"]+" #"xxxx" |http://\S+ #http://xxxx | # |<\w+> # |<\w+ # # > |\w+\([^<]+\) #函数 比如alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83)) |\w+ # xxxx ''' # #排除中文干扰 只处理127以内的字符 def ischeck(str1): for i, c in enumerate(str1): if ord(c) > 127 or ord(c) < 31: return False return True # 数据预处理 def preprocessing(str1): result = [] line = str1.strip('\n') line = unquote(line) # url解码 if len(line) >= MIN_LEN: # 忽略短url value # 只处理参数 params = parse_qsl(line, True) for k, line in params: if ischeck(line) and len(line) >= N: line, _ = re.subn(r'\d+', "8", line) # 数字常量替换成8 line, _ = re.subn(r'(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9\.@&/#!#\?:=]+', "http://u", line) # url换成http://u line, _ = re.subn(r'\/\*.?\*\/', "", line) # 去除注释 tokens = nltk.regexp_tokenize(line, tokens_pattern) # token切分 result += tokens if result: return result return False # 加载词集 def load_wordbag(filename, max=100): tokens_list = [] index_wordbag = 1 # 词袋索引 wordbag = {} # 词袋 with open(filename) as f: for line in f: tokens = preprocessing(line) if tokens: tokens_list += tokens fredist = nltk.FreqDist(tokens_list) # 单文件词频 keys = list(fredist.keys()) keys = keys[:max] # 降维,只提取前N个高频使用的单词,其余规范化到0 for localkey in keys: # 获取统计后的不重复词集 if localkey in wordbag.keys(): # 判断该词是否已在词袋中 continue else: wordbag[localkey] = index_wordbag index_wordbag += 1 return wordbag # 训练 def train(filename, wordbag): x = [[-1]] x_lens = [1] with open(filename) as f: for line in f: words = preprocessing(line) if words: vers = [] for word in words: # 根据词汇编码表进行index编码,对不在词汇表中的token词不予编码 if word in wordbag.keys(): vers.append([wordbag[word]]) else: vers.append([-1]) np_vers = np.array(vers) x = np.concatenate([x, np_vers]) x_lens.append(len(np_vers)) ghmm = hmm.GaussianHMM(n_components=N, covariance_type="full", n_iter=100), x_lens) joblib.dump(ghmm, "export/model/hmm-xss-train_2.pkl") return ghmm # 测试 def test(filename, wordbag): # 从pkl读取 ghmm = joblib.load("export/model/hmm-xss-train_2.pkl") with open(filename) as f: for line in f: words = preprocessing(line) if words: vers = [] for word in words: # test和train保持相同的编码方式 if word in wordbag.keys(): vers.append([wordbag[word]]) else: vers.append([-1]) np_vers = np.array(vers) pro = ghmm.score(np_vers) if pro >= T: print("SCORE:(%d) XSS_URL: %s " % (pro, line)) def main(): xss = "data/XSS/xss-200000.txt" # 得到词频编码表 wordbag = load_wordbag(xss, 2000) # 以黑找黑, 训练HMM模型, 保存 train(xss, wordbag) # 输入test样本检测 test('data/XSS/test-sample.txt', wordbag) if __name__ == '__main__': main()