import urllib import urllib2 import json import ConfigParser import sys from sync_fb import Archiver #To be done-- To use Requests instead of urllib2 def main(): url_fb = [] try: if (len(sys.argv)>1): init_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()[1]) fb_url = init_config.get('group','url') else: print ('Correct usage: Init_archive ') return jsdata = urllib2.urlopen(fb_url).read() jsondata = json.loads(jsdata) while(fb_url is not None): jsdata = urllib2.urlopen(fb_url).read() jsondata = json.loads(jsdata) #paging attribute used to go to next page fb_url = jsondata.get('paging').get('next') url_fb.append(fb_url) except Exception as err: print (str(len(url_fb)) + " :Length of json pages of group! Sit back and relax its gonna take some time an hour or so " ) # Archive post in reverse order so the new link post to db and kipppt first fb_url = url_fb.pop() jsdata = urllib2.urlopen(fb_url).read() jsondata = json.loads(jsdata) while(fb_url is not None): Archiver(sys.argv[1]).process_data(fb_url) jsdata = urllib2.urlopen(fb_url).read() jsondata = json.loads(jsdata) fb_url = url_fb.pop() if __name__ == "__main__": main()