from gspread import utils

class GWorksheet:
    This class makes read/write operations to the a worksheet easier.
    It can read the headers from a custom row number, but the row references
    should always include the offset of the header. 
    eg: if header=4, row 5 will be the first with data. 
        'url': 'link',
        'status': 'archive status',
        'folder': 'destination folder',
        'archive': 'archive location',
        'date': 'archive date',
        'thumbnail': 'thumbnail',
        'thumbnail_index': 'thumbnail index',
        'timestamp': 'upload timestamp',
        'title': 'upload title',
        'duration': 'duration',
        'screenshot': 'screenshot',
        'hash': 'hash'

    def __init__(self, worksheet, columns=COLUMN_NAMES, header_row=1):
        self.wks = worksheet
        self.columns = columns
        self.values = self.wks.get_values()
        if len(self.values) > 0:
            self.headers = [v.lower() for v in self.values[header_row - 1]]
            self.headers = []

    def _check_col_exists(self, col: str):
        if col not in self.columns:
            raise Exception(f'Column {col} is not in the configured column names: {self.columns.keys()}')

    def _col_index(self, col: str):
        return self.headers.index(self.columns[col])

    def col_exists(self, col: str):
        return self.columns[col] in self.headers

    def count_rows(self):
        return len(self.values)

    def get_row(self, row: int):
        # row is 1-based
        return self.values[row - 1]

    def get_values(self):
        return self.values

    def get_cell(self, row, col: str, fresh=False):
        returns the cell value from (row, col), 
        where row can be an index (1-based) OR list of values
        as received from self.get_row(row)
        if fresh=True, the sheet is queried again for this cell
        col_index = self._col_index(col)

        if fresh:
            return self.wks.cell(row, col_index + 1).value
        if type(row) == int:
            row = self.get_row(row)

        if col_index >= len(row):
            return ''
        return row[col_index]

    def get_cell_or_default(self, row, col: str, default: str = None, fresh=False, when_empty_use_default=True):
        return self.get_cell or default value on error (eg: column is missing)
            val = self.get_cell(row, col, fresh)
            if when_empty_use_default and val.strip() == "":
                return default
            return val
            return default

    def set_cell(self, row: int, col: str, val):
        # row is 1-based
        col_index = self._col_index(col) + 1
        self.wks.update_cell(row, col_index, val)

    def batch_set_cell(self, cell_updates):
        receives a list of [(row:int, col:str, val)] and batch updates it, the parameters are the same as in the self.set_cell() method
        cell_updates = [
                'range': self.to_a1(row, col),
                'values': [[val]]
            for row, col, val in cell_updates
        self.wks.batch_update(cell_updates, value_input_option='USER_ENTERED')

    def to_a1(self, row: int, col: str):
        # row is 1-based
        return utils.rowcol_to_a1(row, self._col_index(col) + 1)