from import core, lib import config import sys, io import schedule, threading, time from datetime import datetime from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join import glob def run_once_threaded(job_func): job_thread = threading.Thread(target=job_func) job_thread.start() return schedule.CancelJob def run_threaded(job_func): job_thread = threading.Thread(target=job_func) job_thread.start() local_upload_folder_path = "LOCAL_FOLDER_PATH" adls_upload_folder_path = "ADLS_FOLDER_PATH" orginal_stdout = sys.stdout buf = io.StringIO() sys.stdout = buf adlCreds = -1 uploaded_files = False def postToTeams(): output = buf.getvalue() if output == "": return orginal_stdout.write(output) now = current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") config.sendToTeams("{}
{}".format(current_time, output)) buf.truncate(0) def authenticate(): global adlCreds adlCreds = lib.auth(config.azure_tenant_id) def authenticated(): if adlCreds == -1: return # print("Authentication sucess!") run_once_threaded(upload_files) return schedule.CancelJob def upload_files(): adl = core.AzureDLFileSystem(adlCreds, store_name=config.store_name) uploadedFolders = uploadedFolders = set([folder.replace(adls_upload_folder_path[1:], "")+"/" for folder in uploadedFolders]) local_folders = glob.glob(local_upload_folder_path+"*") # * means all if need specific format then *.csv local_folders = set([d.replace(local_upload_folder_path, "")+"/" for d in local_folders]) to_upload_folders = local_folders.difference(uploadedFolders) folder_names = sorted([d.replace(local_upload_folder_path, "") for d in to_upload_folders]) files = [] for folder in folder_names: path = local_upload_folder_path+folder for f in listdir(path): if isfile(join(path, f)): files.append(folder+f) print("Uploading the following folders:
Total number of files to upload:
{}".format(", ". join(folder_names), len(files))) for f in files: adl.put(local_upload_folder_path+f, adls_upload_folder_path+f) print("Upload finished.") time.sleep(2) global uploaded_files uploaded_files = True def exit_program(): if uploaded_files == True: exit() schedule.every(2), postToTeams) schedule.every(), authenticate) schedule.every() schedule.every() while 1: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1)