import numpy as np import time import sys from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder from sklearn.datasets import make_moons, make_blobs from .activelearner import * from .gbssl import * import mlflow BMODELNAMES = ['gr', 'log', 'probitnorm'] MMODELNAMES = ['mgr', 'ce'] OTHERMODELNAMES = ['rkhs', 'hf'] ACQS = ['mc', 'uncertainty', 'rand', 'vopt', 'sopt', 'mbr', 'mcgreedy', 'mcavg', 'mcavgf', 'mcf'] def create_checkerboard2(N): X = np.random.rand(N,2) labels = [] for x in X: i, j = 0,0 if 0.25 <= x[0] and x[0] < 0.5: i = 1 elif 0.5 <= x[0] and x[0] < 0.75: i = 2 elif 0.75 <= x[0]: i = 3 if 0.25 <= x[1] and x[1] < 0.5: j = 1 elif 0.5 <= x[1] and x[1] < 0.75: j = 2 elif 0.75 <= x[1]: j = 3 labels.append((i+j) % 2) return X, np.array(labels) def create_binary_clusters(): np.random.seed(4) Xm, labelsm = make_moons(200, shuffle=False, noise=0.12) X1, labels1 = make_blobs([50,60, 40, 30, 40], 2, shuffle=False, centers=[[1.6,-1.3],[1.3,1.7], [0.5, 2.4], [0.2,-1.], [-1.7,2.2]], cluster_std=[.26, .23, .23, .26, .23]) labels1 = labels1 % 2 X2 = np.random.randn(100,2) @ np.array([[.4, 0.],[0.,.3]]) + np.array([-1.5,-.8]) X3 = np.random.randn(70,2) @ np.array([[.4, 0.],[0.,.3]]) + np.array([2.5,2.8]) x11, x12 = np.array([-2., 0.8])[np.newaxis, :], np.array([-.2,2.])[np.newaxis, :] l1 = (x11 + np.linspace(0,1, 80)[:, np.newaxis] @ (x12 - x11)) + np.random.randn(80, 2)*0.18 x21, x22 = np.array([2.5, -1.5])[np.newaxis, :], np.array([2.5, 2.])[np.newaxis, :] l2 = (x21 + np.linspace(0,1, 90)[:, np.newaxis] @ (x22 - x21)) + np.random.randn(90, 2)*0.2 X = np.concatenate((Xm, X1, X2, X3, l1, l2)) labels = np.concatenate((labelsm, labels1, np.zeros(100), np.ones(70), np.ones(80), np.zeros(90))) return X, labels def create_checkerboard3(N): X = np.random.rand(N,2) labels = [] for x in X: i, j = 0,0 if 0.33333 <= x[0] and x[0] < 0.66666: i = 1 elif 0.66666 <= x[0]: i = 2 if 0.33333 <= x[1] and x[1] < 0.66666: j = 1 elif 0.66666 <= x[1]: j = 2 labels.append(3*j + i) labels = np.array(labels) labels[labels == 4] = 0 labels[labels == 8] = 0 labels[labels == 5] = 1 labels[labels == 6] = 1 labels[labels == 3] = 2 labels[labels == 7] = 2 return X, labels def run_binary(w, v, tau, gamma, oracle, init_labeled, num_al_iters, B_per_al_iter, modelname='gr', acq='mc', cand='rand', select_method='top', full=False, verbose=False): ''' Inputs: w = eigenvalue numpy array v = eigenvectors numpy array (columns) oracle = "labels" ground truth numpy array, in {0, 1, ..., n_c} or {-1, 1} init_labeled = list of indices that are initially labeled, per ordering in oracle and rows of v num_al_iters = total number of active learning iterations to perform B_per_al_iter = batch size B that will be done on each iteration acq = string that refers to the acquisition function to be tried in this experiment Outputs: labeled : list of indices of labeled points chosen throughout whole active learning process acc : list of length (num_al_iters + 1) corresponding to the accuracies of the current classifer at each AL iteration ''' if modelname not in BMODELNAMES: raise ValueError("modelname %s not in list of possible modelnames : \n%s" % ( modelname, str(BMODELNAMES))) if acq not in ACQS: raise ValueError( "acq = %s is not a valid acquisition function currently implemented:\n\t%s" % (acq, str(ACQS))) N, M = v.shape if M < N: truncated = True else: truncated = False if -1 not in np.unique(oracle): oracle[oracle == 0] = -1 if truncated and not full: print("Binary %s Reduced Model -- i.e. not storing full C covariance matrix" % modelname) model = BinaryGraphBasedSSLModelReduced( modelname, gamma, tau, w=w, v=v) elif truncated and full: print("Binary %s FULL Model, but Truncated eigenvalues" % modelname) model = BinaryGraphBasedSSLModel(modelname, gamma, tau, w=w, v=v) else: print("Binary %s FULL Model, with ALL eigenvalues" % modelname) model = BinaryGraphBasedSSLModel(modelname, gamma, tau, w=w, v=v) # train the initial model, record accuracy model.calculate_model(labeled=init_labeled[:], y=list(oracle[init_labeled])) acc = get_acc(model.m, oracle, unlabeled=model.unlabeled)[1] mlflow.log_metric('init_acc', acc) # instantiate ActiveLearner object print("ActiveLearner Settings:\n\tacq = \t%s\n\tcand = \t%s" % (acq, cand)) print("\tselect_method = %s, B = %d" % (select_method, B_per_al_iter)) AL = ActiveLearner(acquisition=acq, candidate=cand) iter_acc = [] iter_time = [] al_choices = [] for al_iter in range(num_al_iters): if verbose or (al_iter % 10 == 0): print("AL Iteration %d, acc=%1.6f" % (al_iter + 1, acc)) # select query points via active learning tic = time.perf_counter() Q = AL.select_query_points( model, B_per_al_iter, method=select_method, verbose=verbose) toc = time.perf_counter() # query oracle yQ = list(oracle[Q]) # update model, and calculate updated model's accuracy model.update_model(Q, yQ) acc = get_acc(model.m, oracle, unlabeled=model.unlabeled)[1] iter_acc.append(acc) iter_time.append(toc - tic) al_choices.append(Q) np.savez('tmp/iter_stats.npz', al_choices=np.array(al_choices), iter_acc=np.array(iter_acc), iter_time=np.array(iter_time)) mlflow.log_artifact('tmp/iter_stats.npz') return def run_rkhs_hf(oracle, init_labeled, num_al_iters, B_per_al_iter, modelname='rkhs', h=0.1, delta=0.1, X=None, L=None, cand='rand', select_method='top', acq='db', verbose=False): ''' Inputs: X = dataset oracle = "labels" ground truth numpy array, in {0, 1, ..., n_c} or {-1, 1} init_labeled = list of indices that are initially labeled, per ordering in oracle and rows of v num_al_iters = total number of active learning iterations to perform B_per_al_iter = batch size B that will be done on each iteration Outputs: labeled : list of indices of labeled points chosen throughout whole active learning process acc : list of length (num_al_iters + 1) corresponding to the accuracies of the current classifer at each AL iteration ''' if modelname == 'rkhs': assert X is not None model = RKHSClassifier(X, sigma=h) # bandwidth from Karzand paper else: assert L is not None model = HFGraphBasedSSLModel(delta, L) # train the initial model, record accuracy if len(np.unique(oracle)) > 2: # calculate one-hot labels for oracle enc = OneHotEncoder(), 1))) oracle_onehot = enc.transform(oracle.reshape((-1, 1))).todense() y_init = oracle_onehot[init_labeled] else: # binary case if -1 not in np.unique(oracle): oracle[oracle == 0] = -1 y_init = list(oracle[init_labeled]) model.calculate_model(labeled=init_labeled[:], y=y_init) if > 2: acc = get_acc_multi(np.argmax(model.f, axis=1), oracle, unlabeled=model.unlabeled)[1] else: acc = get_acc(model.f, oracle, unlabeled=model.unlabeled)[1] mlflow.log_metric('init_acc', acc) # instantiate ActiveLearner object print("ActiveLearner Settings:\n\t{} {}".format(modelname.upper(), acq.upper())) print("\tselect_method = %s, B = %d" % (select_method, B_per_al_iter)) AL = ActiveLearner(acquisition=acq, candidate=cand) iter_acc = [] iter_time = [] al_choices = [] for al_iter in range(num_al_iters): if verbose or (al_iter % 10 == 0): print("AL Iteration %d, acc=%1.6f" % (al_iter + 1, acc)) # select query points via active learning tic = time.perf_counter() Q = AL.select_query_points( model, B_per_al_iter, method=select_method, verbose=verbose) toc = time.perf_counter() # query oracle if > 2: yQ = oracle_onehot[Q] else: yQ = list(oracle[Q]) # update model, and calculate updated model's accuracy model.update_model(Q, yQ) if > 2: acc = get_acc_multi(np.argmax(model.f, axis=1), oracle, unlabeled=model.unlabeled)[1] else: acc = get_acc(model.f, oracle, unlabeled=model.unlabeled)[1] iter_acc.append(acc) iter_time.append(toc - tic) al_choices.append(Q) np.savez('tmp/iter_stats.npz', al_choices=np.array(al_choices), iter_acc=np.array(iter_acc), iter_time=np.array(iter_time)) mlflow.log_artifact('tmp/iter_stats.npz') return def run_multi(w, v, tau, gamma, oracle, init_labeled, num_al_iters, B_per_al_iter, modelname='mgr', acq='mc', cand='rand', select_method='top', full=False, verbose=False): ''' Inputs: w = eigenvalue numpy array v = eigenvectors numpy array (columns) oracle = "labels" ground truth numpy array, in {0, 1, ..., n_c} or {-1, 1} init_labeled = list of indices that are initially labeled, per ordering in oracle and rows of v num_al_iters = total number of active learning iterations to perform B_per_al_iter = batch size B that will be done on each iteration acq = string that refers to the acquisition function to be tried in this experiment Outputs: labeled : list of indices of labeled points chosen throughout whole active learning process acc : list of length (num_al_iters + 1) corresponding to the accuracies of the current classifer at each AL iteration ''' if modelname not in MMODELNAMES: raise ValueError("modelname %s not in list of possible modelnames : \n%s" % ( modelname, str(MMODELNAMES))) if acq not in ACQS: raise ValueError( "acq = %s is not a valid acquisition function currently implemented:\n\t%s" % (acq, str(ACQS))) N, M = v.shape if M < N: truncated = True else: truncated = False if modelname == 'mgr': # GR is implemented in the Binary model since it requires same storage structure if truncated and not full: print( "Multi %s Reduced Model -- i.e. not storing full C covariance matrix" % modelname) model = BinaryGraphBasedSSLModelReduced( modelname, gamma, tau, w=w, v=v) elif truncated and full: print("Multi %s FULL Model, but Truncated eigenvalues" % modelname) model = BinaryGraphBasedSSLModel(modelname, gamma, tau, w=w, v=v) else: print("Multi %s FULL Model, with ALL eigenvalues" % modelname) model = BinaryGraphBasedSSLModel(modelname, gamma, tau, w=w, v=v) else: print("Multi %s Reduced Model -- i.e. not storing full C covariance matrix" % modelname) model = CrossEntropyGraphBasedSSLModelReduced(gamma, tau, w=w, v=v) # calculate one-hot labels for oracle enc = OneHotEncoder(), 1))) oracle_onehot = enc.transform(oracle.reshape((-1, 1))).todense() # train the initial model, record accuracy model.calculate_model( labeled=init_labeled[:], y=oracle_onehot[init_labeled]) acc = get_acc_multi(np.argmax(model.m, axis=1), oracle, unlabeled=model.unlabeled)[1] mlflow.log_metric('init_acc', acc) # instantiate ActiveLearner object print("ActiveLearner Settings:\n\tacq = \t%s\n\tcand = \t%s" % (acq, cand)) print("\tselect_method = %s, B = %d" % (select_method, B_per_al_iter)) AL = ActiveLearner(acquisition=acq, candidate=cand) iter_acc = [] iter_time = [] al_choices = [] beta = 0. for al_iter in range(num_al_iters): if verbose or (al_iter % 1 == 0): print("AL Iteration %d, acc=%1.6f" % (al_iter + 1, acc)) if acq in ['mcavg', 'mcavgf']: #beta = 1./(1. + al_iter // 10) beta = (1. - (al_iter/float(num_al_iters))) if beta < 0: beta = 0.0 # if al_iter < 8: # beta = 1.0 # else: # beta = 0.0 print("\tbeta = {:.3f}".format(beta)) # select query points via active learning tic = time.perf_counter() Q = AL.select_query_points( model, B_per_al_iter, method=select_method, verbose=verbose, mcavg_beta=beta) toc = time.perf_counter() # query oracle yQ = oracle_onehot[Q] # update model, and calculate updated model's accuracy model.update_model(Q, yQ) acc = get_acc_multi(np.argmax(model.m, axis=1), oracle, unlabeled=model.unlabeled)[1] iter_acc.append(acc) iter_time.append(toc - tic) al_choices.append(Q) np.savez('tmp/iter_stats.npz', al_choices=np.array(al_choices), iter_acc=np.array(iter_acc), iter_time=np.array(iter_time)) mlflow.log_artifact('tmp/iter_stats.npz') return # # # def run_test(oracle, init_labeled, num_al_iters, B_per_al_iter, modelname='gr', acq='mc', # cand='rand', select_method='top', w=None, v=None, tau=0.1, gamma=0.1, # X=None, L=None, h=0.1, delta=0.1,full=False, verbose=False): # # # if modelname not in BMODELNAMES: # # raise ValueError("modelname %s not in list of possible modelnames : \n%s" % ( # # modelname, str(BMODELNAMES))) # # if acq not in ACQS: # # raise ValueError( # # "acq = %s is not a valid acquisition function currently implemented:\n\t%s" % (acq, str(ACQS))) # # if v is not None: # N, M = v.shape # if M < N: # truncated = True # else: # truncated = False # # if modelname in BMODELNAMES: # assert v is not None # assert w is not None # if -1 not in np.unique(oracle): # oracle[oracle == 0] = -1 # if truncated and not full: # print("Binary %s Reduced Model -- i.e. not storing full C covariance matrix" % modelname) # model = BinaryGraphBasedSSLModelReduced( # modelname, gamma, tau, w=w, v=v) # elif truncated and full: # print("Binary %s FULL Model, but Truncated eigenvalues" % modelname) # model = BinaryGraphBasedSSLModel(modelname, gamma, tau, w=w, v=v) # else: # print("Binary %s FULL Model, with ALL eigenvalues" % modelname) # model = BinaryGraphBasedSSLModel(modelname, gamma, tau, w=w, v=v) # # ylab = list(oracle[init_labeled]) # # elif modelname in MMODELNAMES: # assert v is not None # assert w is not None # if modelname == 'mgr': # GR is implemented in the Binary model since it requires same storage structure # if truncated and not full: # print( # "Multi %s Reduced Model -- i.e. not storing full C covariance matrix" % modelname) # model = BinaryGraphBasedSSLModelReduced( # modelname, gamma, tau, w=w, v=v) # elif truncated and full: # print("Multi %s FULL Model, but Truncated eigenvalues" % modelname) # model = BinaryGraphBasedSSLModel(modelname, gamma, tau, w=w, v=v) # else: # print("Multi %s FULL Model, with ALL eigenvalues" % modelname) # model = BinaryGraphBasedSSLModel(modelname, gamma, tau, w=w, v=v) # else: # print("Multi %s Reduced Model -- i.e. not storing full C covariance matrix" % modelname) # model = CrossEntropyGraphBasedSSLModelReduced(gamma, tau, w=w, v=v) # # enc = OneHotEncoder() #, 1))) # oracle_onehot = enc.transform(oracle.reshape((-1, 1))).todense() # ylab = oracle_onehot[init_labeled] # # elif modelname in OTHERMODELNAMES: # if modelname == 'rkhs': # assert X is not None # assert acq == 'db' # model = RKHSClassifier(X, sigma=h) # bandwidth from Karzand paper # else: # assert L is not None # assert acq in ['vopt', 'sopt'] # model = HFGraphBasedSSLModel(delta, L) # # ylab = list(oracle[init_labeled]) # else: # raise ValueError("{} is not a valid model name") # # # # # train the initial model, record accuracy # model.calculate_model(labeled=init_labeled[:], y=ylab[:]) # acc = get_acc(model.m, oracle, unlabeled=model.unlabeled)[1] # mlflow.log_metric('init_acc', acc) # # # # instantiate ActiveLearner object # print("ActiveLearner Settings:\n\tacq = \t%s\n\tcand = \t%s" % (acq, cand)) # print("\tselect_method = %s, B = %d" % (select_method, B_per_al_iter)) # AL = ActiveLearner(acquisition=acq, candidate=cand) # # # iter_acc = [] # iter_time = [] # al_choices = [] # for al_iter in range(num_al_iters): # if verbose or (al_iter % 10 == 0): # print("AL Iteration %d, acc=%1.6f" % (al_iter + 1, acc)) # # select query points via active learning # tic = time.perf_counter() # Q = AL.select_query_points( # model, B_per_al_iter, method=select_method, verbose=verbose) # toc = time.perf_counter() # # # query oracle # yQ = list(oracle[Q]) # # # # update model, and calculate updated model's accuracy # model.update_model(Q, yQ) # acc = get_acc(model.m, oracle, unlabeled=model.unlabeled)[1] # iter_acc.append(acc) # iter_time.append(toc - tic) # al_choices.append(Q) # # np.savez('tmp/iter_stats.npz', al_choices=np.array(al_choices), iter_acc=np.array(iter_acc), iter_time=np.array(iter_time)) # mlflow.log_artifact('tmp/iter_stats.npz') # # return # # # # # # def get_data_from_runs(acq, modelname, M, tau, gamma, cand, select_method, B, num_al_iters, runs=[1], root_filename='./'): # parent_filename = root_filename + "%s-%s-%d-%s-%s/" % (acq, modelname, M, str(tau), str(gamma)) # if not os.path.exists(parent_filename): # raise ValueError("data at %s does not exist..." % parent_filename) # RUNS = {} # for run in runs: # experiment_name = "%s-%s-%d-%d-%d.txt" % (cand, select_method, B, num_al_iters, run) # if not os.path.exists(parent_filename + experiment_name): # print('Run #%d that you requested does not exist at %s, skipping' % (run, parent_filename + experiment_name)) # else: # with open(parent_filename + experiment_name, 'r') as f: # for i, line in enumerate(f.readlines()): # # read in init_labeled, and initial accuracy # if i == 0: # line = line.split(',') # RUNS[run] = {'init_labeled': [int(x) for x in line[:-2]], 'acc':[float(line[-1])], 'times':[], 'choices':[]} # else: # line = line.split(',') # RUNS[run]['acc'].append(float(line[-1])) # RUNS[run]['choices'].extend(int(x) for x in line[:-2]) # RUNS[run]['times'].append(float(line[-2])) # # return RUNS # # def get_avg_acc_from_runs_dict(RUNS, runs=[1]): # count = len(runs) # accs = [] # for run in runs: # if run not in RUNS: # print("Run #%d not in RUNS dictionary given, skipping..." % run) # else: # accs.append(RUNS[run]['acc']) # if len(accs) == 0: # print("No valid runs found, returning None") # return # accs = np.array(accs) # return np.average(accs, axis=0), np.std(accs, axis=0)