import numpy as np import scipy as sp from scipy.optimize import root import scipy.linalg as sla from scipy.stats import norm def get_acc(u, labels, unlabeled = None): u_ = np.sign(u) u_[u_ == 0] = 1 if unlabeled is None: corr = sum(1.*(u_ == labels)) return corr, corr/u.shape[0] else: corr = sum(1.*(u_[unlabeled] == labels[unlabeled])) return corr, corr/len(unlabeled) def get_acc_multi(u, labels, unlabeled=None): """ Assuming that u and labels are NOT in one-hot encoding. i.e. ith entry of u and labels is the integer class in {0,1,2,...num_classes}. """ if unlabeled is None: corr = sum(1.*(u == labels)) return corr, corr/u.shape[0] else: corr = sum(1.*(u[unlabeled] == labels[unlabeled])) return corr, corr/len(unlabeled) ############# Gaussian Regression functions (Full Storage Model)############## def gr_C(Z, gamma, d, v): H_d = len(Z) *[1./gamma**2.] vZ = v[Z,:] post = sp.sparse.diags(d, format='csr') \ + vZ.T @ sp.sparse.diags(H_d, format='csr') @ vZ return v @ sp.linalg.inv(post) @ v.T def gr_map(Z, y, gamma, d, v): C = gr_C(Z, gamma, d, v) return (C[:,Z] @ y)/(gamma * gamma) ########### ProbitNorm Jacobian and Hessian entry Calculations ########## def jac_calc(uj_, yj_, gamma): return -yj_*(norm.pdf(uj_*yj_, scale=gamma)/norm.cdf(uj_*yj_, scale=gamma)) def hess_calc(uj_, yj_, gamma): return (norm.pdf(uj_*yj_,scale=gamma)**2 - pdf_deriv(uj_*yj_, gamma)*norm.cdf(uj_*yj_,scale=gamma))/(norm.cdf(uj_*yj_,scale=gamma)**2) ########### (Full Storage Model) Functions ############# def probit_map_dr(Z_, yvals, gamma, Ct): """ Probit MAP estimator, using dimensionality reduction via Representer Theorem. *** This uses cdf of normal distribution *** """ Ctp = Ct[np.ix_(Z_,Z_)] Jj = len(yvals) def f(x): vec = [jac_calc(x[j], yj, gamma) for j,yj in enumerate(yvals)] if np.any(vec == np.inf): print('smally in f') return x + Ctp @ vec def fprime(x): H = Ctp * np.array([hess_calc(x[j],yj, gamma) for j, yj in enumerate(yvals)]) if np.any(H == np.inf): print('smally') H[np.diag_indices(Jj)] += 1.0 return H x0 = np.random.rand(Jj) x0[np.array(yvals) < 0] *= -1 res = root(f, x0, jac=fprime) #print(np.allclose(0., f(res.x))) tmp = sla.inv(Ctp) @ res.x return Ct[:, Z_] @ tmp def Hess_inv(u, Z, y, gamma, Ct): Ctp = Ct[np.ix_(Z, Z)] H_d = np.zeros(len(y)) for i, (j, yj) in enumerate(zip(Z, y)): H_d[i] = 1./hess_calc(u[j], yj, gamma) temp = sp.linalg.inv(sp.sparse.diags(H_d, format='csr') + Ctp) return Ct - Ct[:, Z] @ temp @ Ct[Z, :] def Hess_inv_st(u, Z, y, w, v, gamma, debug=False): H_d = np.zeros(len(Z)) vZ = v[Z,:] for i, (j, yj) in enumerate(zip(Z, y)): H_d[i] = hess_calc2(u[j], yj, gamma) post = sp.sparse.diags(w, format='csr') \ + vZ.T @ sp.sparse.diags(H_d, format='csr') @ vZ return v @ sp.linalg.inv(post) @ v.T ################ Logistic and Hessian entry Calculations################## def jac_calc2(uj_, yj_, gamma): return -yj_*(np.exp(-uj_*yj_/gamma))/(gamma*(1.0 + np.exp(-uj_*yj_/gamma))) def hess_calc2(uj_, yj_, gamma): return np.exp(-uj_*yj_/gamma)/(gamma**2. * (1. + np.exp(-uj_*yj_/gamma))**2.) ########### (Full Storage Model) Functions ############# def probit_map_dr2(Z_, yvals, gamma, Ct): """ Probit MAP estimator, using dimensionality reduction via Representer Theorem. *** This uses logistic cdf *** """ Ctp = Ct[np.ix_(Z_,Z_)] Jj = len(yvals) def f(x): vec = [jac_calc2(x[j], yj, gamma) for j,yj in enumerate(yvals)] return x + Ctp @ vec def fprime(x): H = Ctp * np.array([hess_calc2(x[j], yj, gamma) for j, yj in enumerate(yvals)]) if np.any(H == np.inf): print('smally') H[np.diag_indices(Jj)] += 1.0 return H x0 = np.random.rand(Jj) x0[np.array(yvals) < 0] *= -1 res = root(f, x0, jac=fprime) tmp = sla.inv(Ctp) @ res.x return Ct[:, Z_] @ tmp def Hess2_inv(u, Z, y, gamma, Ct): Ctp = Ct[np.ix_(Z, Z)] H_d = np.zeros(len(y)) for i, (j, yj) in enumerate(zip(Z, y)): H_d[i] = 1./hess_calc2(u[j], yj, gamma) temp = sp.linalg.inv(sp.sparse.diags(H_d, format='csr') + Ctp) return Ct - Ct[:, Z] @ temp @ Ct[Z, :] def Hess_inv_st2(u, Z, y, w, v, gamma, debug=False): H_d = np.zeros(len(Z)) vZ = v[Z,:] for i, (j, yj) in enumerate(zip(Z, y)): H_d[i] = hess_calc2(u[j], yj, gamma) post = sp.sparse.diags(w, format='csr') \ + vZ.T @ sp.sparse.diags(H_d, format='csr') @ vZ return v @ sp.linalg.inv(post) @ v.T ################################################################################## ################### Helper Functions for Reduced Model ########################### ################################################################################## def Hess_inv_st_alpha(alpha, y, d, v_Z, gamma): ''' This method keeps everything in the "alpha"-space, of dimension num_eig x num_eig ''' Dprime = sp.sparse.diags([1./hess_calc(np.inner(v_Z[i,:],alpha), yi, gamma) for i, yi in enumerate(y)], format='csr') A = d[:, np.newaxis] * ((v_Z.T @ sp.linalg.inv(Dprime + v_Z @ (d[:, np.newaxis] * (v_Z.T))) @ v_Z) * d) return np.diag(d) - A def Hess_inv_st2_alpha(alpha, y, d, v_Z, gamma): ''' This method keeps everything in the "alpha"-space, of dimension num_eig x num_eig ''' Dprime = sp.sparse.diags([1./hess_calc2(np.inner(v_Z[i,:],alpha), yi, gamma) for i, yi in enumerate(y)], format='csr') A = d[:, np.newaxis] * ((v_Z.T @ sp.linalg.inv(Dprime + v_Z @ (d[:, np.newaxis] * (v_Z.T))) @ v_Z) * d) return np.diag(d) - A def probit_map_st_alpha(Z, y, gamma, w, v): n,l = v.shape[1], len(y) def f(x): vec = np.zeros(l) for j, (i,yi) in enumerate(zip(Z,y)): vec[j] = - jac_calc(np.inner(v[i,:], x), yi, gamma) return w * x - v[Z,:].T @ vec def fprime(x): vec = np.zeros(l) for j, (i,yi) in enumerate(zip(Z, y)): vec[j] = -hess_calc(np.inner(v[i,:], x), yi, gamma) H = (-v[Z,:].T * vec) @ v[Z,:] H[np.diag_indices(n)] += w return H x0 = np.random.rand(len(w)) res = root(f, x0, jac=fprime) #print(f"Root Finding is successful: {res.success}") return res.x def probit_map_st2_alpha(Z, y, gamma, w, v): n,l = v.shape[1], len(y) def f(x): vec = np.zeros(l) for j, (i,yi) in enumerate(zip(Z,y)): vec[j] = - jac_calc2(np.inner(v[i,:], x), yi, gamma) return w * x - v[Z,:].T @ vec def fprime(x): vec = np.zeros(l) for j, (i,yi) in enumerate(zip(Z, y)): vec[j] = -hess_calc2(np.inner(v[i,:], x), yi, gamma) H = (-v[Z,:].T * vec) @ v[Z,:] H[np.diag_indices(n)] += w return H x0 = np.random.rand(len(w)) res = root(f, x0, jac=fprime) #print(f"Root Finding is successful: {res.success}") return res.x # class Classifier(object): # def __init__(self, name, gamma, tau, v=None, w=None, Ct=None): # self.gamma = gamma # self.tau = tau # self.v = v # self.w = w # if Ct is not None: # self.Ct = Ct # else: # self.d = (self.tau ** (2.)) * ((self.w + self.tau**2.) ** (-1.)) # self.Ct = (self.v * self.d) @ self.v.T # = name # return # # def get_m(self, Z, y): # if == "probit": # if len(y) <= len(self.w): # return probit_map_dr(Z, y, self.gamma, self.Ct) # else: # return probit_map_st(Z, y, self.gamma, 1./self.d, self.v) # elif == "probit2": # if len(y) <= len(self.w): # return probit_map_dr2(Z, y, self.gamma, self.Ct) # else: # return probit_map_st2(Z, y, self.gamma, 1./self.d, self.v) # elif == "gr": # #return gr_map(Z, y, self.gamma, self.Ct) # return gr_map(Z, y, self.gamma, 1./self.d, self.v) # else: # pass # # def get_C(self, Z, y, m): # if in ["probit", "probit-st"]: # if len(y) > len(self.w): # return Hess_inv_st(m, Z, y, 1./self.d, self.v, self.gamma) # else: # return Hess_inv(m, Z, y, self.gamma, self.Ct) # elif in ["probit2", "probit2-st"]: # if len(y) > len(self.w): # return Hess_inv_st2(m, Z, y, 1./self.d, self.v, self.gamma) # else: # return Hess2_inv(m, Z, y, self.gamma, self.Ct) # elif in ["gr"]: # #return gr_C(Z, self.gamma, self.Ct) # return gr_C(Z, self.gamma, 1./self.d, self.v) # else: # pass # # # class Classifier_HF(object): # def __init__(self, tau, L): # self.tau = tau # if sps.issparse(L): # self.sparse = True # self.L = L + self.tau**2. * sps.eye(L.shape[0]) # else: # self.sparse = False # self.L = L + self.tau**2. * np.eye(L.shape[0]) # return # # def get_m(self, Z, y): # Zbar = list(filter(lambda x: x not in Z, range(self.L.shape[0]))) # self.m = -self.get_C(Z, Zbar=Zbar) @ self.L[np.ix_(Zbar, Z)] @ y # return self.m # # def get_C(self, Z, Zbar=None): # if Zbar is None: # Zbar = list(filter(lambda x: x not in Z, range(self.L.shape[0]))) # if self.sparse: # self.C = scipy.sparse.linalg.inv(self.L[np.ix_(Zbar, Zbar)]).toarray() # inverse will be dense anyway # return self.C # else: # self.C = sla.inv(self.L[np.ix_(Zbar, Zbar)]) # return self.C # # # ############################################################################### # ############### Gaussian Regression Helper Functions ########################## # # # def get_init_post(C_inv, labeled, gamma2): # """ # calculate the risk of each unlabeled point # C_inv: prior inverse (i.e. graph Laplacian L) # """ # N = C_inv.shape[0] # #unlabeled = list(filter(lambda x: x not in labeled, range(N))) # B_diag = [1 if i in labeled else 0 for i in range(N)] # B = sp.sparse.diags(B_diag, format='csr') # return sp.linalg.inv(C_inv + B/gamma2) # # # def calc_next_m(m, C, y, lab, k, y_k, gamma2): # ck = C[k,:] # ckk = ck[k] # ip =[lab], y[lab]) # val = ((gamma2)*y_k -ip )/(gamma2*(gamma2 + ckk)) # m_k = m + val*ck # return m_k # # # def get_probs(m, sigmoid=False): # if sigmoid: # return 1./(1. + np.exp(-3.*m)) # m_probs = m.copy() # # simple fix to get probabilities that respect the 0 threshold # m_probs[np.where(m_probs >0)] /= 2.*np.max(m_probs) # m_probs[np.where(m_probs <0)] /= -2.*np.min(m_probs) # m_probs += 0.5 # return m_probs # # # def EEM_full(k, m, C, y, lab, unlab, m_probs, gamma2): # N = C.shape[0] # m_at_k = m_probs[k] # m_k_p1 = calc_next_m(m, C, y, lab, k, 1., gamma2) # m_k_p1 = get_probs(m_k_p1) # risk = m_at_k*np.sum([min(m_k_p1[i], 1.- m_k_p1[i]) for i in range(N)]) # m_k_m1 = calc_next_m(m, C, y, lab, k, -1., gamma2) # m_k_m1 = get_probs(m_k_m1) # risk += (1.-m_at_k)*np.sum([min(m_k_m1[i], 1.- m_k_m1[i]) for i in range(N)]) # return risk # # # def EEM_opt_record(m, C, y, labeled, unlabeled, gamma2): # m_probs = get_probs(m) # N = C.shape[0] # risks = [EEM_full(j, m, C, y, labeled, unlabeled, m_probs, gamma2) for j in range(N)] # k = np.argmin(risks) # return k, risks # # # def Sigma_opt(C, unlabeled, gamma2): # sums = np.sum(C[np.ix_(unlabeled,unlabeled)], axis=1) # sums = np.asarray(sums).flatten()**2. # s_opt = sums/(gamma2 + np.diag(C)[unlabeled]) # k_max = unlabeled[np.argmax(s_opt)] # return k_max # # # def V_opt_record(C, unlabeled, gamma2): # ips = np.array([np.inner(C[k,:], C[k,:]) for k in unlabeled]).flatten() # v_opt = ips/(gamma2 + np.diag(C)[unlabeled]) # k_max = unlabeled[np.argmax(v_opt)] # return k_max, v_opt # # # def V_opt_record2(u, C, unlabeled, gamma2, lam): # ips = np.array([np.inner(C[k,:], C[k,:]) for k in unlabeled]).flatten() # v_opt = ips/(gamma2 + np.diag(C)[unlabeled]) # print(np.max(v_opt), np.min(v_opt)) # v_opt += lam*(np.max(v_opt) + np.min(v_opt))*0.5*(1./np.absolute(u[unlabeled])) # add term that bias toward decision boundary # k_max = unlabeled[np.argmax(v_opt)] # return k_max, v_opt # # # def Sigma_opt_record(C, unlabeled, gamma2): # sums = np.sum(C[np.ix_(unlabeled,unlabeled)], axis=1) # sums = np.asarray(sums).flatten()**2. # s_opt = sums/(gamma2 + np.diag(C)[unlabeled]) # k_max = unlabeled[np.argmax(s_opt)] # return k_max, s_opt # # # # # ################################################################################ # ################## Plotting Helper Functions ################################### # # # def plot_iter(m, X, labels, labeled, k_next=-1, title=None, subplot=False): # ''' # Assuming labels are +1, -1 # ''' # m1 = np.where(m >= 0)[0] # m2 = np.where(m < 0)[0] # # #sup1 = list(set(labeled).intersection(set(np.where(labels == 1)[0]))) # #sup2 = list(set(labeled).intersection(set(np.where(labels == -1)[0]))) # # corr1 = list(set(m1).intersection(set(np.where(labels == 1)[0]))) # incorr1 = list(set(m2).intersection(set(np.where(labels == 1)[0]))) # corr2 = list(set(m2).intersection(set(np.where(labels == -1)[0]))) # incorr2 = list(set(m1).intersection(set(np.where(labels == -1)[0]))) # # print("\tnum incorrect = %d" % (len(incorr1) + len(incorr2))) # # if k_next >= 0: # plt.scatter(X[k_next,0], X[k_next,1], marker= 's', c='y', alpha= 0.7, s=200) # plot the new points to be included # plt.title(r'Dataset with Label for %s added' % str(k_next)) # elif k_next == -1: # if not title: # plt.title(r'Dataset with Initial Labeling') # else: # plt.title(title) # # plt.scatter(X[corr1,0], X[corr1,1], marker='x', c='b', alpha=0.2) # plt.scatter(X[incorr1,0], X[incorr1,1], marker='x', c='r', alpha=0.2) # plt.scatter(X[corr2,0], X[corr2,1], marker='o', c='r',alpha=0.15) # plt.scatter(X[incorr2,0], X[incorr2,1], marker='o', c='b',alpha=0.15) # # plt.scatter(X[corr1,0], X[corr1,1], marker='x', c='b', alpha=0.8) # # plt.scatter(X[incorr1,0], X[incorr1,1], marker='x', c='r', alpha=0.8) # # plt.scatter(X[corr2,0], X[corr2,1], marker='o', c='r',alpha=0.8) # # plt.scatter(X[incorr2,0], X[incorr2,1], marker='o', c='b',alpha=0.8) # # sup1 = list(set(labeled).intersection(set(np.where(labels == 1)[0]))) # sup2 = list(set(labeled).intersection(set(np.where(labels == -1)[0]))) # plt.scatter(X[sup1,0], X[sup1,1], marker='x', c='k', alpha=1.0) # plt.scatter(X[sup2,0], X[sup2,1], marker='o', c='k', alpha=1.0) # plt.axis('equal') # if subplot: # return # # return # # ################################################################################ # ########## MAP estimators of Probit model (with normal distribution's pdf ) # ################################################################################ # # def pdf_deriv(t, gamma): return -t*norm.pdf(t, scale = gamma)/(gamma**2) # # def jac_calc(uj_, yj_, gamma): # return -yj_*(norm.pdf(uj_*yj_, scale=gamma)/norm.cdf(uj_*yj_, scale=gamma)) # # # def hess_calc(uj_, yj_, gamma): # return (norm.pdf(uj_*yj_,scale=gamma)**2 - pdf_deriv(uj_*yj_, gamma)*norm.cdf(uj_*yj_,scale=gamma))/(norm.cdf(uj_*yj_,scale=gamma)**2) # # def Hess(u, y, labeled, Lt, gamma, debug=False): # """ # Assuming matrices are sparse, since L_tau should be relatively sparse, # and we are perturbing with diagonal matrix. # """ # H_d = np.zeros(u.shape[0]) # for j, yj in zip(labeled, y): # H_d[j] = hess_calc(u[j], yj, gamma) # if debug: # print(H_d[np.nonzero(H_d)]) # # if np.any(H_d == np.inf): # # print('smally') # return Lt + sp.sparse.diags(H_d, format='csr') # # # def J(u, y, labeled, Lt, gamma, debug=False): # vec = np.zeros(u.shape[0]) # for j, yj in zip(labeled,y): # vec[j] = -yj*norm.pdf(u[j]*yj, gamma)/norm.cdf(u[j]*yj, gamma) # if debug: # print(vec[np.nonzero(vec)]) # return Lt @ u + vec # # # def probit_map_dr(Z_, yvals, gamma, Ct): # """ # Probit MAP estimator, using dimensionality reduction via Representer Theorem. # *** This uses cdf of normal distribution *** # """ # Ctp = Ct[np.ix_(Z_,Z_)] # Jj = len(yvals) # # def f(x): # vec = [jac_calc(x[j], yj, gamma) for j,yj in enumerate(yvals)] # if np.any(vec == np.inf): # print('smally in f') # return x + Ctp @ vec # # def fprime(x): # H = Ctp * np.array([hess_calc(x[j],yj, gamma) # for j, yj in enumerate(yvals)]) # if np.any(H == np.inf): # print('smally') # H[np.diag_indices(Jj)] += 1.0 # return H # # x0 = np.random.rand(Jj) # x0[np.array(yvals) < 0] *= -1 # res = root(f, x0, jac=fprime) # #print(np.allclose(0., f(res.x))) # tmp = sla.inv(Ctp) @ res.x # return Ct[:, Z_] @ tmp # # # # ################################################################################ # ################### Probit with logit likelihood # ################################################################################ # # ###################### Psi = cdf of logistic ####################### # def log_pdf(t, g): # return np.exp(-t/g)/(g*(1. + np.exp(-t/g)**2.)) # # # def log_cdf(t, g): # return 1.0/(1.0 + np.exp(-t/g)) # # # def log_pdf_deriv(t, g): # return -np.exp(-t/g)/((g*(1. + np.exp(-t/g)))**2.) # # def jac_calc2(uj_, yj_, gamma): # return -yj_*(np.exp(-uj_*yj_/gamma))/(gamma*(1.0 + np.exp(-uj_*yj_/gamma))) # # def hess_calc2(uj_, yj_, gamma): # return np.exp(-uj_*yj_/gamma)/(gamma**2. * (1. + np.exp(-uj_*yj_/gamma))**2.) # # # def Hess2(u, y, labeled, Lt, gamma, debug=False): # """ # Assuming matrices are sparse, since L_tau should be relatively sparse, # and we are perturbing with diagonal matrix. # """ # H_d = np.zeros(u.shape[0]) # for j, yj in zip(labeled, y): # H_d[j] = hess_calc2(u[j], yj, gamma) # if debug: # print(H_d[np.nonzero(H_d)]) # if np.any(H_d == np.inf): # print('smally') # return Lt + sp.sparse.diags(H_d, format='csr') # # # def J2(u, y, labeled, Lt, gamma, debug=False): # vec = np.zeros(u.shape[0]) # for j, yj in zip(labeled,y): # vec[j] = jac_calc2(u[j], yj, gamma) # if debug: # print(vec[np.nonzero(vec)]) # return Lt @ u + vec # # # def probit_map_dr2(Z_, yvals, gamma, Ct): # """ # Probit MAP estimator, using dimensionality reduction via Representer Theorem. # *** This uses logistic cdf *** # """ # Ctp = Ct[np.ix_(Z_,Z_)] # Jj = len(yvals) # # def f(x): # vec = [jac_calc2(x[j], yj, gamma) # for j,yj in enumerate(yvals)] # return x + Ctp @ vec # # def fprime(x): # H = Ctp * np.array([hess_calc2(x[j], yj, gamma) # for j, yj in enumerate(yvals)]) # if np.any(H == np.inf): # print('smally') # H[np.diag_indices(Jj)] += 1.0 # return H # # x0 = np.random.rand(Jj) # x0[np.array(yvals) < 0] *= -1 # res = root(f, x0, jac=fprime) # tmp = sla.inv(Ctp) @ res.x # return Ct[:, Z_] @ tmp # # # # ################################################################################ # # Spectral truncation # ################################################################################ # """ # # def pdf_deriv(t, gamma): # return -t*norm.pdf(t, scale = gamma)/(gamma**2) # # def jac_calc(uj_, yj_, gamma): # return -yj_*(norm.pdf(uj_*yj_, scale=gamma)/norm.cdf(uj_*yj_, scale=gamma)) # # # def hess_calc(uj_, yj_, gamma): # return (norm.pdf(uj_*yj_,scale=gamma)**2 - pdf_deriv(uj_*yj_, gamma)*norm.cdf(uj_*yj_,scale=gamma))/(norm.cdf(uj_*yj_,scale=gamma)**2) # # """ # def probit_map_st(Z, y, gamma, w, v): # N = v.shape[0] # n = v.shape[1] # def f(x): # vec = np.zeros(N) # tmp = v @ x # for i, yi in zip(Z, y): # vec[i] = - jac_calc(tmp[i], yi, gamma) # #vec[i] = yi*norm.pdf(tmp[i]*yi, scale=gamma)/norm.cdf(tmp[i]*yi, scale=gamma) # return w * x - v.T @ vec # def fprime(x): # tmp = v @ x # vec = np.zeros(N) # for i, yi in zip(Z, y): # vec[i] = -hess_calc(tmp[i], yi, gamma) # #vec[i] = (pdf_deriv(tmp[i]*yi,gamma)*norm.cdf(tmp[i]*yi,scale=gamma) # # - norm.pdf(tmp[i]*yi,scale=gamma)**2)/ (norm.cdf(tmp[i]*yi,scale=gamma)**2) # H = (-v.T * vec) @ v # H[np.diag_indices(n)] += w # return H # x0 = np.random.rand(len(w)) # res = root(f, x0, jac=fprime) # #print(f"Root Finding is successful: {res.success}") # return v @ res.x # # # OLD Code # # def Hess_inv_st(u, Z, y, w, v, gamma, debug=False): # # """ # # Assuming matrices are sparse, since L_tau should be relatively sparse, # # and we are perturbing with diagonal matrix. # # """ # # H_d = np.zeros(u.shape[0]) # # for j, yj in zip(Z, y): # # H_d[j] = hess_calc(u[j], yj, gamma) # # post = sp.sparse.diags(w, format='csr') \ # # + v.T @ sp.sparse.diags(H_d, format='csr') @ v # # return v @ sp.linalg.inv(post) @ v.T # # def Hess_inv_st(u, Z, y, w, v, gamma, debug=False): # H_d = np.zeros(len(Z)) # vZ = v[Z,:] # for i, (j, yj) in enumerate(zip(Z, y)): # H_d[i] = hess_calc2(u[j], yj, gamma) # post = sp.sparse.diags(w, format='csr') \ # + vZ.T @ sp.sparse.diags(H_d, format='csr') @ vZ # return v @ sp.linalg.inv(post) @ v.T # # # # def probit_map_st2(Z, y, gamma, w, v): # N = v.shape[0] # n = v.shape[1] # def f(x): # vec = np.zeros(N) # tmp = v @ x # for i, yi in zip(Z, y): # vec[i] = - jac_calc2(tmp[i], yi, gamma) # #vec[i] = yi*norm.pdf(tmp[i]*yi, scale=gamma)/norm.cdf(tmp[i]*yi, scale=gamma) # return w * x - v.T @ vec # def fprime(x): # tmp = v @ x # vec = np.zeros(N) # for i, yi in zip(Z, y): # vec[i] = -hess_calc2(tmp[i], yi, gamma) # #vec[i] = (pdf_deriv(tmp[i]*yi,gamma)*norm.cdf(tmp[i]*yi,scale=gamma) # # - norm.pdf(tmp[i]*yi,scale=gamma)**2)/ (norm.cdf(tmp[i]*yi,scale=gamma)**2) # H = (-v.T * vec) @ v # H[np.diag_indices(n)] += w # return H # x0 = np.random.rand(len(w)) # res = root(f, x0, jac=fprime) # #print(f"Root Finding is successful: {res.success}") # return v @ res.x # # # OLD code # # def Hess_inv_st2(u, Z, y, w, v, gamma, debug=False): # # """ # # Assuming matrices are sparse, since L_tau should be relatively sparse, # # and we are perturbing with diagonal matrix. # # """ # # H_d = np.zeros(u.shape[0]) # # for j, yj in zip(Z, y): # # H_d[j] = hess_calc2(u[j], yj, gamma) # # post = sp.sparse.diags(w, format='csr') \ # # + v.T @ sp.sparse.diags(H_d, format='csr') @ v # # return v @ sp.linalg.inv(post) @ v.T # # def Hess_inv_st2(u, Z, y, w, v, gamma, debug=False): # H_d = np.zeros(len(Z)) # vZ = v[Z,:] # for i, (j, yj) in enumerate(zip(Z, y)): # H_d[i] = hess_calc2(u[j], yj, gamma) # post = sp.sparse.diags(w, format='csr') \ # + vZ.T @ sp.sparse.diags(H_d, format='csr') @ vZ # return v @ sp.linalg.inv(post) @ v.T # # # def Hess_inv(u, Z, y, gamma, Ct): # Ctp = Ct[np.ix_(Z, Z)] # H_d = np.zeros(len(y)) # for i, (j, yj) in enumerate(zip(Z, y)): # H_d[i] = 1./hess_calc(u[j], yj, gamma) # temp = sp.linalg.inv(sp.sparse.diags(H_d, format='csr') + Ctp) # return Ct - Ct[:, Z] @ temp @ Ct[Z, :] # # def Hess2_inv(u, Z, y, gamma, Ct): # Ctp = Ct[np.ix_(Z, Z)] # H_d = np.zeros(len(y)) # for i, (j, yj) in enumerate(zip(Z, y)): # H_d[i] = 1./hess_calc2(u[j], yj, gamma) # temp = sp.linalg.inv(sp.sparse.diags(H_d, format='csr') + Ctp) # return Ct - Ct[:, Z] @ temp @ Ct[Z, :] # # # OLD inefficient # # def gr_C(Z, gamma, Ct): # # Ctp = Ct[np.ix_(Z, Z)] # # H_d = np.ones(len(Z)) * (gamma * gamma) # # temp = sp.linalg.inv(sp.sparse.diags(H_d, format='csr') + Ctp) # # return Ct - Ct[:, Z] @ temp @ Ct[Z, :] # # def gr_C(Z, gamma, d, v): # H_d = len(Z) *[1./gamma**2.] # vZ = v[Z,:] # post = sp.sparse.diags(d, format='csr') \ # + vZ.T @ sp.sparse.diags(H_d, format='csr') @ vZ # return v @ sp.linalg.inv(post) @ v.T # # def gr_map(Z, y, gamma, d, v): # C = gr_C(Z, gamma, d, v) # return (C[:,Z] @ y)/(gamma * gamma)