import numpy as np import csv # Read data containing de coëfficients of the numerator and denominator of a transfer function. def ReadData(filepath): with open(filepath, 'r') as file: AllData = list(csv.reader(file, delimiter=';')) num = [float(i) for i in AllData[0]] denom = [float(i) for i in AllData[1]] # We fill coëfficients for the highest powers with zeros # if one of the list contains less elements than the other. if len(num) > len(denom): for i in range(len(denom), len(num)): denom.append(0) else: for i in range(len(num), len(denom)): num.append(0) return num, denom #[1] These methods convert a transfer function to a state-space model in controller canonical form # using the method described by Smith, J.O., Introduction to Digital Filters. # [Online], Sept. 2005, online book. Accessed in April 2020. # We extract a delay-free path to find the feedthrough gain # used as the direct-path coëfficient in the state-space model def ExtractDelayFreePath(num, denom): if num[0] == 0: return num, denom else: for i in range(len(num) - 1): num[i] = num[i] - num[-1] * denom[i] return num, denom # We construct the state-space matrices from the transfer function. def FillMatrices(num, denom): order = len(num) - 1 A = np.zeros((order, order)) B = np.zeros(order) C = np.zeros(order) D = num[0] # We construct a model in the controller canonical form defined in [1]. for i in range(order): A[0][i] = -denom[order - i - 1] if i > 0: A[i][i-1] = 1 C[i] = num[order - i - 1] B[0] = 1 return A, B, C, D # Converts a transfer function to state-space model. def ConvertToStateSpace(num=None, denom=None, filepath=None): if filepath != None: num, denom = ReadData(filepath) if num.all() == None or denom.all() == None: print("Numerator or denominator not assigned.") num, denom = ExtractDelayFreePath(num, denom) return FillMatrices(num, denom)