import numpy as np import csv import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # [1] This method constructs a transfer function numerator and denominator based on the method # presented by Abel, J.S. and Smith, J.O., "ROBUST DESIGN OF VERY HIGH-ORDER ALLPASS DISPERSION FILTERS", # in Proc. of the 9th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-06), Montreal, Canada, September 18-20, 2006. def ConstructTransferFunction(filepath): # Read the given bounds of the area bands of the group delay. with open(filepath, 'r') as file: AllData = list(csv.reader(file, delimiter=';')) bounds = [float(i) for i in AllData[0]] # This variable determines the overlap of successive band group delays, # used to determine the smoothness of the approximation OverlapBeta = 0.9 SamplesPerSecond = bounds[-1] * 2 SamplingInterval = 1 / SamplesPerSecond order = len(bounds) - 1 # We calculate a normalized angular frequency for each bound using double the Nyquist limit. NormAngFreq = [2*np.pi*i / SamplesPerSecond for i in bounds] BandMidpoints = np.zeros(order) # Intermediate variables Deltas = np.zeros(order) Etas = np.zeros(order) BetaPrime = np.sqrt(OverlapBeta / (1 - OverlapBeta)) # The pole radius is used to define all-pass factored biquad sections of the transfer function. PoleRadius = np.zeros(order) # This radius is assigned using an approximation, that can be used for large filters. PoleRadius2 = np.zeros(order) # Following the calculations done in [1]. for i in range(order): BandMidpoints[i] = (NormAngFreq[i] + NormAngFreq[i+1]) / 2 Deltas[i] = (NormAngFreq[i+1] - NormAngFreq[i]) / 2 Etas[i] = (1 - OverlapBeta * np.cos(Deltas[i])) / (1 - OverlapBeta) PoleRadius[i] = Etas[i] - np.sqrt(Etas[i]**2 - 1) PoleRadius2[i] = 1 - BetaPrime * Deltas[i] PoleFrequency = BandMidpoints TransferNumerator = np.poly1d(1) TransferDenominator = np.poly1d(1) # We calculate the numerator and denominator of the final transfer function separately using polynomial multiplication. for i in range(order): # We add only components to the transfer function that will yield a stable system. if PoleFrequency[i] >= 0.5 * np.pi or PoleFrequency[i] <= -0.5 * np.pi: a = PoleRadius[i]**2 b = -2 * PoleRadius[i] * np.cos(PoleFrequency[i]) TransferNumerator = TransferNumerator * np.poly1d([1, b, a]) TransferDenominator = TransferDenominator * np.poly1d([a, b, 1]) # We return only the coƫfficients in reverse order in a two dimensional array. result = [] result.append(np.asarray(TransferNumerator)) result.append(np.asarray(TransferDenominator)) PlotGroupDelay(PoleRadius, PoleFrequency, order) return result, SamplingInterval # This method plots the group delay that is imposed by a filter with # the given pole radii and pole frequencies and also plots the group delay imposed # by each individual all-pass section of the filter transfer function. def PlotGroupDelay(PoleRadius, PoleFrequency, order): ydata = [] xdata = [] allydata = [] for j in range(order): subydata = [] for i in range(1000): subydata.append((1-PoleRadius[j]**2)/(1+PoleRadius[j]**2-2*PoleRadius[j]*np.cos(i*0.001*np.pi-PoleFrequency[j]))) allydata.append(subydata) for i in range(1000): xdata.append(i*0.001*np.pi) sum = 0 for j in range(len(allydata)): sum += allydata[j][i] ydata.append(sum) plt.plot(xdata, ydata) for i in range(order): plt.plot(xdata, allydata[i], 'g') plt.xlim([0, np.pi]) plt.xlabel('Frequency, $\omega$') plt.ylabel('Group delay, $\delta(\omega)$')