import os from flask import Flask, request, make_response def create_app(): app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/', defaults={"path": ""}) @app.route('/') def echo(path): status = int(request.args.get('status', 200)) content = request.args.get('content', '') if 'content_long' in request.args: content = '*' * 1000001 response = make_response(content, status) headers = [ item for item in list(request.args.items()) if item[0] not in ('content', 'status') ] if 'length' in request.args: cl = request.args.get('length') headers += [('Content-Length', cl)] elif content and 'no-content-length' not in request.args: headers += [('Content-Length', bytes(len(content)))] for k, v in headers: response.headers[k] = v return response @app.route('/WMS_1_3/', defaults={"path": ""}) @app.route('/WMS_1_3/') def WMS_1_3(path): status = int(request.args.get('status', 200)) content = request.args.get('content', '') if request.args.get('service') == 'WMS': if request.args.get('request') == 'GetCapabilities': if request.args.get('version') == "1.3": content = get_file_content('wms_getcap_1.3.xml') response = make_response(content, status) headers = [ item for item in list(request.args.items()) if item[0] not in ('content', 'status') ] for k, v in headers: response.headers[k] = v return response @app.route('/WMS_1_1_1/', defaults={"path": ""}) @app.route('/WMS_1_1_1/') def WMS_1_1_1(path): status = int(request.args.get('status', 200)) content = request.args.get('content', '') if request.args.get('service') == 'WMS': if request.args.get('request') == 'GetCapabilities': if request.args.get('version') == "1.1.1": content = get_file_content('wms_getcap_1.1.1.xml') response = make_response(content, status) headers = [ item for item in list(request.args.items()) if item[0] not in ('content', 'status') ] for k, v in headers: response.headers[k] = v return response @app.route('/WFS/', defaults={"path": ""}) @app.route('/WFS/') def WFS(path): status = int(request.args.get('status', 200)) content = request.args.get('content', '') if request.args.get('service') == 'WFS': if request.args.get('request') == 'GetCapabilities': content = get_file_content('wfs_getcap.xml') response = make_response(content, status) headers = [ item for item in list(request.args.items()) if item[0] not in ('content', 'status') ] for k, v in headers: response.headers[k] = v return response return app def get_file_content(data_filename): filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', data_filename) assert os.path.exists(filepath), filepath with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: return