name: Test on: [push, pull_request] jobs: tests: name: ${{ matrix.version }} runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - {version: '13', os: ubuntu-latest} - {version: '12', os: ubuntu-latest} - {version: '11', os: ubuntu-latest} - {version: '10', os: ubuntu-latest} services: postgres: image: postgres:${{ matrix.version }} env: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: test POSTGRES_USER: test POSTGRES_DB: test_${{ matrix.version }} ports: - 5432:5432 options: --health-cmd pg_isready --health-interval 5s --health-timeout 5s --health-retries 10 s3: image: zenko/cloudserver env: ENDPOINT: s3 S3BACKEND: mem REMOTE_MANAGEMENT_DISABLE: 1 SCALITY_ACCESS_KEY_ID: access_key SCALITY_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: secret steps: - name: Create Test Data uses: addnab/docker-run-action@v3 with: image: postgres:${{ matrix.version }} run: > psql -d test_${{ matrix.version }} -U test -h postgres -p ${{[5432] }} -c ' CREATE TABLE books ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR ( 128 ) UNIQUE NOT NULL, author VARCHAR (128 ) NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO books (name, author) VALUES ($$Fittstim$$, $$Linda Skugge$$), ($$DSM-5$$, $$American Psychiatric Association$$); ' options: > -e PGPASSWORD=test - name: Create S3 bucket uses: addnab/docker-run-action@v3 with: image: amazon/aws-cli run: aws --endpoint-url=http://s3:8000 s3api create-bucket --bucket test-postgresql-backup; aws --endpoint-url=http://s3:8000 s3 ls options: > -e AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED=true -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=access_key -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Build Docker Image uses: docker/build-push-action@v2 with: tags: heyman/postgresql-backup:latest push: false context: ${{ matrix.version }} - name: Take Backup uses: addnab/docker-run-action@v3 with: image: heyman/postgresql-backup:latest run: python -u /backup/ options: > -e S3_EXTRA_OPTIONS='--endpoint-url=http://s3:8000' -e DB_HOST=postgres -e DB_PASS=test -e DB_USER=test -e DB_NAME=test_${{ matrix.version }} -e S3_PATH=s3://test-postgresql-backup/backups -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=access_key -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 -e FILENAME=test_${{ matrix.version }} - name: Take Backup (using DB_USE_ENV) uses: addnab/docker-run-action@main with: image: heyman/postgresql-backup:latest run: python -u /backup/ options: > -e S3_EXTRA_OPTIONS='--endpoint-url=http://s3:8000' -e DB_USE_ENV=True -e PGHOST=postgres -e PGPASSWORD=test -e PGUSER=test -e PGDATABASE=test_${{ matrix.version }} -e S3_PATH=s3://test-postgresql-backup/backups -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=access_key -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 -e FILENAME=test_${{ matrix.version }}_env - name: Check equality uses: addnab/docker-run-action@main with: image: amazon/aws-cli entryPoint: /bin/bash run: | aws s3 --endpoint-url=http://s3:8000 cp s3://test-postgresql-backup/backups/test_${{ matrix.version }} . aws s3 --endpoint-url=http://s3:8000 cp s3://test-postgresql-backup/backups/test_${{ matrix.version }}_env . diff test_${{ matrix.version }} test_${{ matrix.version }}_env echo "$( md5sum test_${{ matrix.version }} |awk '{print $1}') test_${{ matrix.version }}_env"|md5sum -c options: > -e AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED=true -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=access_key -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret - name: Clear DB table uses: addnab/docker-run-action@v3 with: image: postgres:${{ matrix.version }} run: > psql -d test_${{ matrix.version }} -U test -h postgres -p ${{[5432] }} -c ' DROP TABLE books; ' options: > -e PGPASSWORD=test - name: Check that table was actually removed uses: addnab/docker-run-action@v3 with: image: postgres:${{ matrix.version }} shell: bash run: > [[ "0" == `psql -d test_${{ matrix.version }} -U test -h postgres -p ${{[5432] }} -A -t -c ' SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE tablename=$$books$$; '` ]] options: > -e PGPASSWORD=test - name: Restore Backup uses: addnab/docker-run-action@v3 with: image: heyman/postgresql-backup:latest run: python -u /backup/ test_${{ matrix.version }} options: > -e S3_EXTRA_OPTIONS='--endpoint-url=http://s3:8000' -e DB_HOST=postgres -e DB_PASS=test -e DB_USER=test -e DB_NAME=test_${{ matrix.version }} -e S3_PATH=s3://test-postgresql-backup/backups -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=access_key -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 - name: Check that table got imported uses: addnab/docker-run-action@v3 with: image: postgres:${{ matrix.version }} shell: bash run: > [[ "1" == `psql -d test_${{ matrix.version }} -U test -h postgres -p ${{[5432] }} -A -t -c ' SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE tablename=$$books$$; '` ]] && [[ "Fittstim" == `psql -d test_${{ matrix.version }} -U test -h postgres -p ${{[5432] }} -A -t -c ' SELECT name FROM books WHERE author=$$Linda Skugge$$; '` ]] options: > -e PGPASSWORD=test - name: Clear DB table uses: addnab/docker-run-action@main with: image: postgres:${{ matrix.version }} shell: bash run: > psql -d test_${{ matrix.version }} -U test -h postgres -p ${{[5432] }} -c ' DROP TABLE books; ' && [[ "0" == `psql -d test_${{ matrix.version }} -U test -h postgres -p ${{[5432] }} -A -t -c ' SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE tablename=$$books$$; '` ]] options: > -e PGPASSWORD=test - name: Restore Backup (DB_USE_ENV) uses: addnab/docker-run-action@main with: image: heyman/postgresql-backup:latest run: python -u /backup/ test_${{ matrix.version }} options: > -e S3_EXTRA_OPTIONS='--endpoint-url=http://s3:8000' -e DB_USE_ENV=True -e PGHOST=postgres -e PGPASSWORD=test -e PGUSER=test -e PGDATABASE=test_${{ matrix.version }} -e S3_PATH=s3://test-postgresql-backup/backups -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=access_key -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 - name: Check that table got imported uses: addnab/docker-run-action@main with: image: postgres:${{ matrix.version }} shell: bash run: > [[ "1" == `psql -d test_${{ matrix.version }} -U test -h postgres -p ${{[5432] }} -A -t -c ' SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE tablename=$$books$$; '` ]] && [[ "Fittstim" == `psql -d test_${{ matrix.version }} -U test -h postgres -p ${{[5432] }} -A -t -c ' SELECT name FROM books WHERE author=$$Linda Skugge$$; '` ]] options: > -e PGPASSWORD=test