import logging import pathlib from django.core import signing from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied, SuspiciousFileOperation from django.utils.crypto import constant_time_compare from . import views from .storages import get_aws_location, local_dev, storage logger = logging.getLogger("s3file") class S3FileMiddleware: def __init__(self, get_response): self.get_response = get_response def __call__(self, request): file_fields = request.POST.getlist("s3file") for field_name in file_fields: paths = request.POST.getlist(field_name) if paths: try: signature = request.POST[f"{field_name}-s3f-signature"] except KeyError: raise PermissionDenied("No signature provided.") try: request.FILES.setlist( field_name, list(self.get_files_from_storage(paths, signature)) ) except SuspiciousFileOperation as e: raise PermissionDenied("Illegal file name!") from e if local_dev and request.path == "/__s3_mock__/": return views.S3MockView.as_view()(request) return self.get_response(request) @classmethod def get_files_from_storage(cls, paths, signature): """Return S3 file where the name does not include the path.""" location = get_aws_location() for path in paths: path = pathlib.PurePosixPath(path) if not constant_time_compare( cls.sign_s3_key_prefix(path.parent), signature ): raise PermissionDenied("Illegal signature!") try: relative_path = str(path.relative_to(location)) except ValueError as e: raise SuspiciousFileOperation( f"Path is outside the storage location: {path}" ) from e try: f = = yield f except (OSError, ValueError): logger.exception("File not found: %s", path) @classmethod def sign_s3_key_prefix(cls, path): """ Signature to validate the S3 keys passed the middleware before fetching files. Return a base64-encoded HMAC-SHA256 of the upload folder aka the S3 key-prefix. """ return signing.Signer(salt="s3file.middleware.S3FileMiddleware").signature(path)