# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # pylint: disable=too-many-statements import json from superset import db from superset.models.dashboard import Dashboard from superset.models.slice import Slice from .helpers import get_slice_json, merge_slice, TBL, update_slice_ids COLOR_RED = {"r": 205, "g": 0, "b": 3, "a": 0.82} POSITION_JSON = """\ { "CHART-3afd9d70": { "meta": { "chartId": 66, "width": 6, "height": 50 }, "type": "CHART", "id": "CHART-3afd9d70", "children": [] }, "CHART-2ee7fa5e": { "meta": { "chartId": 67, "width": 6, "height": 50 }, "type": "CHART", "id": "CHART-2ee7fa5e", "children": [] }, "CHART-201f7715": { "meta": { "chartId": 68, "width": 6, "height": 50 }, "type": "CHART", "id": "CHART-201f7715", "children": [] }, "CHART-d02f6c40": { "meta": { "chartId": 69, "width": 6, "height": 50 }, "type": "CHART", "id": "CHART-d02f6c40", "children": [] }, "CHART-2673431d": { "meta": { "chartId": 70, "width": 6, "height": 50 }, "type": "CHART", "id": "CHART-2673431d", "children": [] }, "CHART-85265a60": { "meta": { "chartId": 71, "width": 6, "height": 50 }, "type": "CHART", "id": "CHART-85265a60", "children": [] }, "CHART-2b87513c": { "meta": { "chartId": 72, "width": 6, "height": 50 }, "type": "CHART", "id": "CHART-2b87513c", "children": [] }, "GRID_ID": { "type": "GRID", "id": "GRID_ID", "children": [ "ROW-a7b16cb5", "ROW-72c218a5", "ROW-957ba55b", "ROW-af041bdd" ] }, "HEADER_ID": { "meta": { "text": "deck.gl Demo" }, "type": "HEADER", "id": "HEADER_ID" }, "ROOT_ID": { "type": "ROOT", "id": "ROOT_ID", "children": [ "GRID_ID" ] }, "ROW-72c218a5": { "meta": { "background": "BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT" }, "type": "ROW", "id": "ROW-72c218a5", "children": [ "CHART-d02f6c40", "CHART-201f7715" ] }, "ROW-957ba55b": { "meta": { "background": "BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT" }, "type": "ROW", "id": "ROW-957ba55b", "children": [ "CHART-2673431d", "CHART-85265a60" ] }, "ROW-a7b16cb5": { "meta": { "background": "BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT" }, "type": "ROW", "id": "ROW-a7b16cb5", "children": [ "CHART-3afd9d70", "CHART-2ee7fa5e" ] }, "ROW-af041bdd": { "meta": { "background": "BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT" }, "type": "ROW", "id": "ROW-af041bdd", "children": [ "CHART-2b87513c" ] }, "DASHBOARD_VERSION_KEY": "v2" }""" def load_deck_dash() -> None: print("Loading deck.gl dashboard") slices = [] tbl = db.session.query(TBL).filter_by(table_name="long_lat").first() slice_data = { "spatial": {"type": "latlong", "lonCol": "LON", "latCol": "LAT"}, "color_picker": COLOR_RED, "datasource": "5__table", "granularity_sqla": None, "groupby": [], "mapbox_style": "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", "multiplier": 10, "point_radius_fixed": {"type": "metric", "value": "count"}, "point_unit": "square_m", "min_radius": 1, "max_radius": 250, "row_limit": 5000, "time_range": " : ", "size": "count", "time_grain_sqla": None, "viewport": { "bearing": -4.952916738791771, "latitude": 37.78926922909199, "longitude": -122.42613341901688, "pitch": 4.750411100577438, "zoom": 12.729132798697304, }, "viz_type": "deck_scatter", } print("Creating Scatterplot slice") slc = Slice( slice_name="Scatterplot", viz_type="deck_scatter", datasource_type="table", datasource_id=tbl.id, params=get_slice_json(slice_data), ) merge_slice(slc) slices.append(slc) slice_data = { "point_unit": "square_m", "row_limit": 5000, "spatial": {"type": "latlong", "lonCol": "LON", "latCol": "LAT"}, "mapbox_style": "mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9", "granularity_sqla": None, "size": "count", "viz_type": "deck_screengrid", "time_range": "No filter", "point_radius": "Auto", "color_picker": {"a": 1, "r": 14, "b": 0, "g": 255}, "grid_size": 20, "viewport": { "zoom": 14.161641703941438, "longitude": -122.41827069521386, "bearing": -4.952916738791771, "latitude": 37.76024135844065, "pitch": 4.750411100577438, }, "point_radius_fixed": {"type": "fix", "value": 2000}, "datasource": "5__table", "time_grain_sqla": None, "groupby": [], } print("Creating Screen Grid slice") slc = Slice( slice_name="Screen grid", viz_type="deck_screengrid", datasource_type="table", datasource_id=tbl.id, params=get_slice_json(slice_data), ) merge_slice(slc) slices.append(slc) slice_data = { "spatial": {"type": "latlong", "lonCol": "LON", "latCol": "LAT"}, "row_limit": 5000, "mapbox_style": "mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9", "granularity_sqla": None, "size": "count", "viz_type": "deck_hex", "time_range": "No filter", "point_radius_unit": "Pixels", "point_radius": "Auto", "color_picker": {"a": 1, "r": 14, "b": 0, "g": 255}, "grid_size": 40, "extruded": True, "viewport": { "latitude": 37.789795085160335, "pitch": 54.08961642447763, "zoom": 13.835465702403654, "longitude": -122.40632230075536, "bearing": -2.3984797349335167, }, "point_radius_fixed": {"type": "fix", "value": 2000}, "datasource": "5__table", "time_grain_sqla": None, "groupby": [], } print("Creating Hex slice") slc = Slice( slice_name="Hexagons", viz_type="deck_hex", datasource_type="table", datasource_id=tbl.id, params=get_slice_json(slice_data), ) merge_slice(slc) slices.append(slc) slice_data = { "spatial": {"type": "latlong", "lonCol": "LON", "latCol": "LAT"}, "row_limit": 5000, "mapbox_style": "mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-streets-v9", "granularity_sqla": None, "size": "count", "viz_type": "deck_grid", "point_radius_unit": "Pixels", "point_radius": "Auto", "time_range": "No filter", "color_picker": {"a": 1, "r": 14, "b": 0, "g": 255}, "grid_size": 120, "extruded": True, "viewport": { "longitude": -122.42066918995666, "bearing": 155.80099696026355, "zoom": 12.699690845482069, "latitude": 37.7942314882596, "pitch": 53.470800300695146, }, "point_radius_fixed": {"type": "fix", "value": 2000}, "datasource": "5__table", "time_grain_sqla": None, "groupby": [], } print("Creating Grid slice") slc = Slice( slice_name="Grid", viz_type="deck_grid", datasource_type="table", datasource_id=tbl.id, params=get_slice_json(slice_data), ) merge_slice(slc) slices.append(slc) polygon_tbl = ( db.session.query(TBL).filter_by(table_name="sf_population_polygons").first() ) slice_data = { "datasource": "11__table", "viz_type": "deck_polygon", "slice_id": 41, "granularity_sqla": None, "time_grain_sqla": None, "time_range": " : ", "line_column": "contour", "metric": { "aggregate": "SUM", "column": { "column_name": "population", "description": None, "expression": None, "filterable": True, "groupby": True, "id": 1332, "is_dttm": False, "optionName": "_col_population", "python_date_format": None, "type": "BIGINT", "verbose_name": None, }, "expressionType": "SIMPLE", "hasCustomLabel": True, "label": "Population", "optionName": "metric_t2v4qbfiz1_w6qgpx4h2p", "sqlExpression": None, }, "line_type": "json", "linear_color_scheme": "oranges", "mapbox_style": "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", "viewport": { "longitude": -122.43388541747726, "latitude": 37.752020331384834, "zoom": 11.133995608594631, "bearing": 37.89506450385642, "pitch": 60, "width": 667, "height": 906, "altitude": 1.5, "maxZoom": 20, "minZoom": 0, "maxPitch": 60, "minPitch": 0, "maxLatitude": 85.05113, "minLatitude": -85.05113, }, "reverse_long_lat": False, "fill_color_picker": {"r": 3, "g": 65, "b": 73, "a": 1}, "stroke_color_picker": {"r": 0, "g": 122, "b": 135, "a": 1}, "filled": True, "stroked": False, "extruded": True, "multiplier": 0.1, "point_radius_fixed": { "type": "metric", "value": { "aggregate": None, "column": None, "expressionType": "SQL", "hasCustomLabel": None, "label": "Density", "optionName": "metric_c5rvwrzoo86_293h6yrv2ic", "sqlExpression": "SUM(population)/SUM(area)", }, }, "js_columns": [], "js_data_mutator": "", "js_tooltip": "", "js_onclick_href": "", "legend_format": ".1s", "legend_position": "tr", } print("Creating Polygon slice") slc = Slice( slice_name="Polygons", viz_type="deck_polygon", datasource_type="table", datasource_id=polygon_tbl.id, params=get_slice_json(slice_data), ) merge_slice(slc) slices.append(slc) slice_data = { "datasource": "10__table", "viz_type": "deck_arc", "slice_id": 42, "granularity_sqla": None, "time_grain_sqla": None, "time_range": " : ", "start_spatial": { "type": "latlong", "latCol": "LATITUDE", "lonCol": "LONGITUDE", }, "end_spatial": { "type": "latlong", "latCol": "LATITUDE_DEST", "lonCol": "LONGITUDE_DEST", }, "row_limit": 5000, "mapbox_style": "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", "viewport": { "altitude": 1.5, "bearing": 8.546256357301871, "height": 642, "latitude": 44.596651438714254, "longitude": -91.84340711201104, "maxLatitude": 85.05113, "maxPitch": 60, "maxZoom": 20, "minLatitude": -85.05113, "minPitch": 0, "minZoom": 0, "pitch": 60, "width": 997, "zoom": 2.929837070560775, }, "color_picker": {"r": 0, "g": 122, "b": 135, "a": 1}, "stroke_width": 1, } print("Creating Arc slice") slc = Slice( slice_name="Arcs", viz_type="deck_arc", datasource_type="table", datasource_id=db.session.query(TBL).filter_by(table_name="flights").first().id, params=get_slice_json(slice_data), ) merge_slice(slc) slices.append(slc) slice_data = { "datasource": "12__table", "slice_id": 43, "viz_type": "deck_path", "time_grain_sqla": None, "time_range": " : ", "line_column": "path_json", "line_type": "json", "row_limit": 5000, "mapbox_style": "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", "viewport": { "longitude": -122.18885402582598, "latitude": 37.73671752604488, "zoom": 9.51847667620428, "bearing": 0, "pitch": 0, "width": 669, "height": 1094, "altitude": 1.5, "maxZoom": 20, "minZoom": 0, "maxPitch": 60, "minPitch": 0, "maxLatitude": 85.05113, "minLatitude": -85.05113, }, "color_picker": {"r": 0, "g": 122, "b": 135, "a": 1}, "line_width": 150, "reverse_long_lat": False, "js_columns": ["color"], "js_data_mutator": "data => data.map(d => ({\n" " ...d,\n" " color: colors.hexToRGB(d.extraProps.color)\n" "}));", "js_tooltip": "", "js_onclick_href": "", } print("Creating Path slice") slc = Slice( slice_name="Path", viz_type="deck_path", datasource_type="table", datasource_id=db.session.query(TBL) .filter_by(table_name="bart_lines") .first() .id, params=get_slice_json(slice_data), ) merge_slice(slc) slices.append(slc) slug = "deck" print("Creating a dashboard") title = "deck.gl Demo" dash = db.session.query(Dashboard).filter_by(slug=slug).first() if not dash: dash = Dashboard() dash.published = True js = POSITION_JSON pos = json.loads(js) update_slice_ids(pos, slices) dash.position_json = json.dumps(pos, indent=4) dash.dashboard_title = title dash.slug = slug dash.slices = slices db.session.merge(dash) db.session.commit() if __name__ == "__main__": load_deck_dash()