Subject: have the ability to attract members of the opposite sex improve your sex appeal 1 , 000 % i ' ve experimented with a myriad of pheromones products and along the way i ' ve discovered quite a few things . one that products containing three different pheromones work the best and two that you offer is by far the most potent triple blend formula on the market . outstanding ! edward , new jersey usa cnn : study finds proof that humans react to pheromones . the power of smell is undeniable , as the multi - b i l l i o n dollar perfume industry testifies . http : / / www . . com / p / detailed information or to un - subscribe or to see our address . he ate his daily tablet , and after watching the red glow fade in the western sky and the gray shadows of night settle around him he stretched himself comfortably upon the grass and went to sleep . the events of the day must have deepened his slumber , for when he awoke the sun was shining almost directly over him , showing that the day was well advanced he stood up , rubbed the sleep from his eyes and decided he would like a drink of water