Subject: received : from 182 . 152 . 35 . 180 by 220 . 91 . 41 . 100 tue , 28 sep 2004 15 : 59 : 39 + 0200 message - id : ilbnhtgbuxpdyk ] @ hushmail . com from : hector guevara zipusx @ forsuccessnow . net reply - to : hector guevara zipusx @ forsuccessnow . net to : paliourg @ iit . demokritos . gr subject : are you tired of being broke ? e date : tue , 28 sep 2004 10 : 03 : 39 - 0400 mime - version : 1 . 0 content - type : multipart / alternative ; boundary = - - 86379931627997882 % rnd _ space [ priority : high ] - - - - 86379931627997882 content - type : text / html ; content - encoding : % bit % bitnum ! doctype html public - / / w 3 c / / dtd html 4 . 0 transitional / / en htmlhead meta http - equiv = 3 dcontent - type content = 3 dtext / html ; charset = 3 dwindows - 12 = 52 meta content = 3 dmshtml 6 . 00 . 2800 . 1458 name = 3 dgenerator style / style / head body bgcolor = 3 d # ffffff divnbsp ; / div center table style = 3 dwidth : 586 px height = 3 d 544 cellspacing = 3 do cellpadding = 3 d 3 = width = 3 d 610 background = 3 dhttp : / / www . mynetmarketer . com / images / clrwaterl . jpg border = 3 dl = tbody tr td valign = 3 dtop width = 3 dl 00 % height = 3 d 534 nbsp ; div align = 3 dcenter table style = 3 dwidth : 555 px height = 3 d 297 cellspacing = 3 do cellpaddi = ng = 3 do width = 3 d 60 % bgcolor = 3 d # ffffff border = 3 dl tbody tr td valign = 3 dtop width = 3 dl 00 % bgcolor = 3 d # 000000 height = 3 d 322 = font color = 3 d # fffbf 4 strongfont size = 3 d 6 font size = 3 d 2 p align = 3 dcenterbr / fontfont face = 3 darialnbsp ; are your = current marketing efforts in vain ? / font / p p align = 3 dcenternbsp ; font size = 3 dlimg height = 3 d 84 an _ worried _ sm _ wht . gif width = 3 dl 26 border = 3 do / p div align = 3 dcenter div align = 3 dcenter div align = 3 dcenter / div / div / font / div p align = 3 dcenterfont size = 3 d 5 font face = 3 darialtired of c = old calling , zero results ? / font / p div align = 3 dcenterfont size = 3 dl p align = 3 dcenterimg height = 3 d 55 if width = 3 d 55 border = 3 do / p / font / div / font p align = 3 dcenterfont face = 3 darialtired of wasting time sub = mitting to safe lists , ezines , and classifieds ? / fontbrimg height = 3 d 7 = 5 width = 3 d 75 border = 3 dobrfont face = 3 darialnbsp ; nbsp ; nbsp = ; every business is / font / font / strongfont / font / p p align = 3 dcenterfont face = 3 darial color = 3 d # fffbf 4 size = 3 d 5 emstrongfont color = 3 d # ffffo 02 % top quality product / fontnbsp ; nbsp ; font color = 3 d # 0000 ff 98 = % mass exposurenbsp ; / font / strong / em / font / p p align = 3 face = 3 darial color = 3 d # 00 ff = 00 size = 3 d 5 this information is not available / font / em / stron = g / p p align = 3 dcenterstrongfont face = 3 darial color = 3 d # 00 ffo 0 size = 3 d 5 emanywhere else but / ema ! 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