Subject: path manager rewrite desk managers , i wanted to follow - up from the staff meeting this week on the item to get a representative from each of the desks , who will be the designated tester in addition to richard . please respond with that person name . matt , it would be helpful to all us to know when you will need these resources so we can manage the workload . regards , tammy - - - - - original message - - - - - from : pena , matt sent : monday , october 08 , 2001 4 : 26 pm to : pinion , richard ; jaquet , tammy ; superty , robert ; pena , matt cc : warner , john ; ripley , brian ; d ' souza , romeo ; rao , ramesh subject : path manager rewrite / optimization project importance : high all : we ' re currently identifying processes that are inefficient and could possibly benefit from being rewritten or not even performed . going foward , i would like bob to appoint a lead business person to whom we could ask questions and or suggest ideas to so that they could in turn validate this information with the desk managers / schedulers . we had this approach with nomlogic and having clarissa work the issues worked quite nicely . who ever you choose , we would need about 15 % of their time for now . later on , with coordination efforts and testing , it may go up to 75 % . i don ' t see that happening for a while though .