Subject: fw : crosstex energy , driscoll ranch # 1 , # 3 , meter nos . 9858 and 9868 please note the following for april production regarding the crosstex contract : 96048744 at the above referenced location . thank you , melissa - - - - - original message - - - - - from : bubert , jerry sent : thursday , march 22 , 2001 2 : 19 pm to : taylor , vance l . cc : flynn , shawna ; graves , melissa ; harris , joanne ; reinhardt , donald p . ; riley , brian ; smith , susan ; sweeney , christy ; walker , robert ; weissman , george subject : crosstex energy , driscoll ranch # 1 , # 3 , meter nos . 9858 and 9868 per section 2 . 2 of the gpa , crosstex has elected to sell 4000 mmbtu / d in the aggragate at the base contract price of if hsc less $ 0 . 10 , and the excess of the available gas over 4000 mmbtu / d in the aggragate at gda hsc less $ 0 . 15 .