Subject: cleco deals 449243 & 397957 / state tract 121 ( meter 785 ) fred or anita , i just wanted to recap our discussion to be sure that we are all on the same page . from my understanding , the allocation for meter 785 : state tract 121 is supplied from bryancy braumley . prior to 09 / 1 / 00 bryancy would calculate flow from certain wellheads , total this volume , and then send us an allocation that would show how much gas was allocated to texas general land and hpl ( sale from cleco ) at meter 785 . effective 09 / 1 / 00 a compressor was put in and the gas from 785 now flows through this compressor , as well as the gas from meter 9662 ( deal 137595 sales from dewbre ) , and is now measured at meter 3527 : tivoli station . for bryancy ' s allocation , she must take the meter statement from meter 3527 and deduct meter 9662 ' s flow . once this is done , she can take that net number and do an allocation between texas general land and hpl ( cleco ) like she has done previously . i believe meter 785 is now a check meter and meter 3527 is the actual pay meter . for 9 / 00 there were two deals in place for the sale from cleco , deal 397957 and 449243 . per discussions with daren farmer , danny conner , and jennifer martinez , i have been instructed to zero out the deal for 397957 and use 449243 as the correct deal number . therefore , fred boas and i have zeroed out the 397957 deal and placed the volume that was allocated there to deal 449243 . deal 397957 was priced at ship less . 18 which was incorrect and deal 449243 is priced at ship less . 15 . therefore , an adjustment will generate for 9 / 00 for the difference in price and the change in location . the allocated volume for cleco did not change . however , i am not sure that bryancy is allocating the volume properly between texas general land and hpl ( cleco ) . i have spoke to her , as well as jennifer martinez , and curtis funderbruk with cleco so there might be some pma ' s for volume differences . in addition , i have changed the allocation method at meter 3527 to be a callout \ swing effect 9 / 00 . for october and succeeding months , the volume should be computed by taking meter 3527 deducting out meter 9662 . then byancy should take this net number and split it between texas general land and hpl ( cleco ) . the texas general land nom is currently at meter 785 and the hpl ( cleco ) deal is at meter 3527 . fred mentioned that the texas general land nom might need to be moved to meter 3527 but nothing has been decided on that yet . please let me know if something i have stated is not your understanding or you need something more done on my end . also , let me know who is going to be doing this monthly allocation . it might be beneficial to have one person doing all the points ( meters 3527 , 9662 , 785 ) . thanks for your help ! ! !