Subject: enrononline internal launch for phase 2 on wednesday , sept . 13 , we will be using the new version of enrononline ( website and stack manager ) for all north american internal users . please log into the temporary website : http : / / prod . enrononline . com ( no www . ) this is a live website and all trades are real . content of this email 1 . introduction 2 . version 2 . 0 launch date 3 . new website features 4 . new stack manager features 5 . your participation 6 . contacts 1 . introduction we are planning to launch version 2 . 0 of enrononline to customers within the next few days . in preparation for this launch , the new web site will be released to internal users in north america on wednesday , september 13 th . european internal users will be launched shortly after north america . external customers will follow a few days later . one of the purposes of the internal launch is to simulate the system load which will be caused by the full customer launch . accordingly , we appreciate your cooperation in helping us to simulate this load by logging into http : / / prod . enrononline . com ( no www . ) this is a live web site and all trades are real . new features ( as per recent presentations and training sessions ) include : ? price limit orders ? enhanced customization ? floating windows ? market news and quotes ? weather maps and tables ? industry - specific publications ? market - specific homepages 2 . version 2 . 0 launch date enrononline version 2 . 0 will be launched to the public a few days after our internal launch . we will be using the new version internally from wednesday , sept . 13 . this will provide an opportunity for you to become familiar with using the new application in the production environment before our customers start to use it . 3 . new website feature details price limit orders : customers have the ability to set up orders that automatically execute as soon as the price and volume requested become available . the limit orders remain open in the system until they are executed , cancelled by the user , or when they expire . all pending orders will expire no later than 12 hours after being placed . pending price limit orders will appear in a new window below the quotes screen in the website . product tabs : enrononline users can use enhanced filtering capabilities to create separate page tabs for the products that interest them . users can instantly access each page tab with a click of their mouse . sort ordering can be changed by clicking on a column heading , with multiple sorts possible by holding down the shift key while clicking . floating windows : users have the ability to create multiple windows with different products by right - clicking on the products in the main quotes screen . market news : website users can now access the latest headlines , sports and industry news from reuters . furthermore , the information categories can be customized according to personal interests . to customize a particular category , users need to click the edit button in the category heading . all information categories can be collapsed to save space . to expand or collapse a category , users need to click the arrow to the left of the category heading . stock quotes : enrononline now offers stock quotes ( 20 min . delay ) from major exchanges around the world . weather insights : customers can now access weather maps and temperature data for specific cities and regions . weather forecasts , up to six days ahead , and temperature differentials from periodic averages are now available . industry publications : website users can read a wide range of industry - specific publications including argus european natural gas , argus european electricity , the news from ngi  , s daily gas price index , bandwidth desk , coal daily and more . 4 . new stack manager features the stack manager has been updated to facilitate price limit orders . you will notice that there is a new button at the top of the stack manager , which will open a window showing a summary of the best price limit order bids and offers against your managed products . you can click the " + " sign to the left of a summary to show a list of all the price limit orders which have been placed against that product . under normal circumstances , the price shown on the website will be the same as the price on your stack manager . however , the system will not allow you to show a price which is better than an existing price limit order . instead , the system will show a price on the website equivalent to the prevailing price limit order while it is being filled . once the appropriate price limit orders are filled , then the website will again show your stack manager prices . it is important that you complete the  & maximum volume  8 field in the product properties window and that you select " allow price limit orders " . also , make sure that the price tick window in the stack manager  , s  & product properties  8 field is appropriate for the product . if you do not do this , your customers will not be able to use price limit orders for your products . 5 . your participation please log in to http : / / prod . enrononline . com ( no www . ) on wednesday . to ensure enrononline version 2 . 0 is a success , it is important that you have a full understanding of the new features and help promote the system to your customers . 6 . contacts if you have any further questions that are not answered above please feel free to contact us at : the americas : + 1 ( 713 ) 853 - 4357 ( help ) asia and australia + 61 2 9229 2300 all other regions + 44 ( 0 ) 20 7783 7783