Subject: neon september 13 hey guys and girls , ? here ' s an idea for an icebreaker activity for our 2 nd week of neon . ? this is only an idea , you can use it or do something totally different . ? again , let me know along the way if you have something that has worked well for your group so we can share in the wealth . ? someone in your group should have a couple of classic books full of icebreaker - game type of activities , building community in youth groups , and youth group trust builders . ? we all at one time had a selection of icebreakers in a gray binder that you might still have somewhere in a drawer . ? spend time in the games and forced interactions , especially over the beginning of the semester . ? if you don ' t have these resources , let me know . ? even if some of these ideas may seem familiar to you , remember that you may have been doing this far longer than the oldest kids have been in your group . ? but again , if you have any ideas for resources let me know . ? in addition to the ideas to think about at the top of the 2 nd weeks topic , a couple of additional thoughts given me by leaders : ? ? ? - realize and possibly communicate in a low key manner to the freshman that their expectations of neon may not initially be met . ? they may be coming in with ideas of what neon is , only to possibly be disappointed . ? in a sense it is similar to going to a restaurant or movie after tons of people have recommended it to you , and being a little let down . ? more importantly , they need to realize that neon is not an event , it is a process . ? the teens who say they love it are most often the ones who have been in it long enough to have built relationships and to have shared a bunch of common experiences . ? with time and a commitment on their part to be at neon weekly , their expectations will ultimately be met . ? ? ? - remember that the best quality time you have with the kids is probably before or after neon , or at other non - neon times . ? have fun loving on your kids wednesday ! ? bobby - neon opening lesson . doc