Subject: re : duke exchange deal feb . 2000 prod . daren , i believe the best way to enter the fee into sitara would be as a demand fee in your example # 1 . if we do the fee this way , we will not double up the volumes . i have attached my spreadsheet for support : the most current worksheet is tab # 2 marked final column g is the over - delivery quantity total is 17 , 278 mmbtus column s is the daily dollar amount for the over - delivery quantity due hplc $ 1 , 008 . 87 column t is the daily dollar amount for the over - delivery quantity due the customer $ 519 . 73 . thanks - katherine 5 - 8643 daren j farmer @ ect 08 / 31 / 2000 05 : 49 pm to : katherine herrera / corp / enron @ enron cc : subject : re : duke exchange deal feb . 2000 prod . katherine , there are 2 ways that i can enter this fee into sitara : 1 ) i can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee . 2 ) i need you to give me volume ( s ) and a price to input into the deal . i can ' t just input a dollar amount in sitara . let me know how you want to handle it . d katherine herrera @ enron 08 / 31 / 2000 05 : 28 pm to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect cc : kristen j hanson / hou / ect @ ect subject : duke exchange deal feb . 2000 prod . cashout please add the following fees for feb . 2000 : fee type : natural gas physical forward penalty for over / under take sales ticket # 157278 $ 1 , 008 . 87 dollars due hplc purchase ticket # 157288 $ 519 . 73 dollars due duke thanks - katherine