import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys inf = float('inf') #function that performs Bellman-Ford algorithm on the graph G,with source vertex as source def bellmanFord(G, source, pos): V = len(G.nodes()) # V denotes the number of vertices in G dist = [] # dist[i] will hold the shortest distance from source to i parent = [None]*V # parent[i] will hold the node from which i is reached to, in the shortest path from source for i in range(V): dist.append(inf) parent[source] = -1; #source is itself the root, and hence has no parent dist[source] = 0; for i in range(V-1): for u, v, d in G.edges(data = True): # Relaxation is the most important step in Bellman-Ford. It is what increases the accuracy of the distance to any given vertex. Relaxation works by continuously shortening the calculated distance between vertices comparing that distance with other known distances. if dist[u] + d['length'] < dist[v]: #Relaxation Equation dist[v] = d['length'] + dist[u] parent[v] = u #marking the shortest path from source to each of the vertex with red, using parent[] for v in range(V): if parent[v] != -1: #ignore the parent of root node if (parent[v], v) in G.edges(): nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist = [(parent[v], v)], width = 2.5, alpha = 0.6, edge_color = 'r') return #takes input from the file and creates a weighted graph def createGraph(): G = nx.DiGraph() f = open('input.txt') n = int(f.readline()) wtMatrix = [] for i in range(n): list1 = map(int, (f.readline()).split()) wtMatrix.append(list1) source = int(f.readline()) #source vertex for BellmanFord algo #Adds egdes along with their weights to the graph for i in range(n) : for j in range(n) : if wtMatrix[i][j] > 0 : G.add_edge(i, j, length = wtMatrix[i][j]) return G, source #draws the graph and displays the weights on the edges def DrawGraph(G): pos = nx.spring_layout(G) nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels = True) #with_labels=true is to show the node number in the output graph edge_labels = dict([((u, v), d['length']) for u, v, d in G.edges(data = True)]) nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels = edge_labels, label_pos = 0.3, font_size = 11) #prints weight on all the edges return pos #main function if __name__ == "__main__": G, source = createGraph() pos = DrawGraph(G) bellmanFord(G, source, pos)