import json import os from .utils.appdirs import AppDirs try: from yaml import load as yaml_load, dump as yaml_dump, YAMLError except ImportError: useYAML = False else: useYAML = True try: from yaml import CLoader as YAMLLoader, CDumper as YAMLDumper except ImportError: from yaml import Loader as YAMLLoader, Dumper as YAMLDumper __all__ = ['ShowroomSettings', 'settings'] ARGS_TO_SETTINGS = { "record_all": "filter.all", "output_dir": "directory.output", "data_dir": "", "index_dir": "directory.index", "config": "file.config", "max_priority": "throttle.max.priority", "max_watches": "", "max_downloads": "throttle.max.downloads", "live_rate": "", "schedule_rate": "throttle.rate.schedule", "names": "filter.wanted", "logging": "ffmpeg.logging", "noisy": "feedback.console", # "comments": "comments.record" # this was screwing up comment recording (setting it to always on) } _dirs = AppDirs('Showroom', appauthor=False) # TODO: refactor this into data.path, index.path, config.path, etc. ? # TODO: paths should automatically call expanduser, but they need to be marked as such DEFAULTS = { "directory": { "data": os.path.expanduser('~/Downloads/Showroom'), "output": '{data}', "index": None, "log": _dirs.user_log_dir, "config": _dirs.user_config_dir, # This setting is NOT respected by Downloader (it uses {output}/active always) "temp": '{data}/active' }, "file": { "config": '{directory.config}/showroom.conf', "schedule": '{}/schedule.json', "completed": '{}/completed.json' }, "throttle": { "max": { "downloads": 80, "watches": 50, "priority": 80 }, "rate": { "upcoming": 180.0, "onlives": 7.0, "watch": 2.0, "live": 60.0 }, "timeout": { "download": 23.0 } }, "ffmpeg": { "logging": False, "path": "ffmpeg", "container": "mp4" # mp4 or ts/TS }, "filter": { "all": False, "wanted": [], "unwanted": [] }, "feedback": { "console": False, # this actually should be a loglevel "write_schedules_to_file": True }, "system": { "make_symlinks": True, "symlink_dirs": ('log', 'config') }, "comments": { "record": False, "default_update_interval": 7.0, "max_update_interval": 30.0, "min_update_interval": 2.0, "max_priority": 100 }, "environment": {} } _default_args = { "record_all": False, # "comments": False, "noisy": False, "logging": False, "names": [] } DEFAULTS_NEW = { "data": { "path": os.path.expanduser('~/Downloads/Showroom'), }, "output": { # TODO: remove this? "path": '{data.path}', }, "index": { "path": '{data.path}/index', }, "log": { "path": _dirs.user_log_dir, }, "config": { # Is there a point to including this? "path": _dirs.user_config_dir + '/showroom.conf', }, "temp": { # TODO: Fix downloader so it respects this "path": '{data}/active' }, "file": { "config": '{config.path}/showroom.conf', "schedule": '{data.path}/schedule.json', "completed": '{data.path}/completed.json' }, "throttle": { "max": { "downloads": 80, "watches": 50, "priority": 80 }, "rate": { "upcoming": 180.0, "onlives": 7.0, "watch": 2.0, "live": 60.0 }, "timeout": { "download": 23.0 } }, "ffmpeg": { "logging": False, "path": "ffmpeg", "container": "mp4" }, "filter": { "all": False, "wanted": [], "unwanted": [] }, "feedback": { "console": False, # this actually should be a loglevel "write_schedules_to_file": True }, "system": { # TODO: Fix this to work with the new paths "make_symlinks": True, "symlink_dirs": ('log', 'config') }, "comments": { "record": False, "default_update_interval": 7.0, "max_update_interval": 30.0, "min_update_interval": 2.0, "max_priority": 100 }, "environment": {} } def _clean_args(args): new_args = {} for k, v in vars(args).items(): if _default_args.get(k) != v: new_args[k] = v return new_args def load_config(path): # TODO: support old-style setting names? i.e. pass them through ARGS_TO_SETTINGS ? data = {} yaml_err = "" if useYAML: try: # this assumes only one document with open(path, encoding='utf8') as infp: data = yaml_load(infp, Loader=YAMLLoader) except FileNotFoundError: return {} except YAMLError as e: yaml_err = 'YAML parsing error in file {}'.format(path) if hasattr(e, 'problem_mark'): mark = e.problem_mark yaml_err + '\nError on Line:{} Column:{}'.format(mark.line + 1, mark.column + 1) else: return _convert_old_config(data) try: with open(path, encoding='utf8') as infp: data = json.load(infp) except FileNotFoundError: return {} except json.JSONDecodeError as e: if useYAML and yaml_err: print(yaml_err) else: print('JSON parsing error in file {}'.format(path), 'Error on Line: {} Column: {}'.format(e.lineno, e.colno), sep='\n') data = _convert_old_config(data) # if 'directory' in data: # for k, v in data['directory'].items(): # data['directory'][k] = os.path.expanduser(v) return data def _convert_old_config(config_data): new_data = config_data.copy() for key in config_data.keys(): if key in ARGS_TO_SETTINGS: # what will SettingsDict do with stuff like: # {"directory": {"data": "data"}, # "": "data"} new_key = ARGS_TO_SETTINGS[key] new_data[new_key] = config_data[key] else: new_data[key] = config_data[key] return new_data # inherit from mapping or dict? class SettingsDict(dict): """ Holds a mutable collection of items, all addressable either by .name or by [key]. Each key must be either a string or an int, in the case of ints, the key will be converted to a string. i.e. sd[0] is the same as sd['0'] Actually though do I basically just want a SimpleNamespace? """ def __init__(self, sub_dict: dict, top=None): super().__init__() sub_dict = sub_dict.copy() self._dict = {} self._formatting = False if top is None: self._top = self else: self._top = top self._dict.update(self.__wrap_dicts(sub_dict)) def __repr__(self): r = [] for key in self.keys(): r.append('{k}: {v}'.format(k=repr(key), v=repr(self[key]))) return '{' + ', '.join(r) + '}' def __wrap_dicts(self, dct): for key in dct: dct[key] = self.__wrap(dct[key]) return dct def __wrap_lists(self, lst): for i in range(len(lst)): lst[i] = self.__wrap(lst[i]) return lst def __wrap(self, item): if type(item) is not type(self): # too much redundancy if isinstance(item, dict): item = SettingsDict(item, self._top) elif isinstance(item, list): # tuples can't be changed, sets can't hold unhashable types item = self.__wrap_lists(item) return item def __getattr__(self, name): return self[name] def __setattr__(self, name, value): self[name] = value def __getitem__(self, key): if super().__contains__(key) or key.startswith('_'): return super().__getitem__(key) elif '.' in key: key, subkeys = key.split('.', 1) val = self._dict[key][subkeys] else: val = self._dict.get(key) if val and key == 'path': # atm this only works for ffmpeg.path, where it isn't usually needed # in the future I will fix this so -> data.path etc. # and home-relative paths can finally be used val = os.path.expanduser(val) if self._top._formatting and isinstance(val, str) and '{' in val: try: return val.format(**self._dict) except KeyError: return val.format(**self._top._dict) return val def __setitem__(self, key, value): if super().__contains__(key) or key.startswith('_'): super().__setitem__(key, value) elif '.' in key: key, subkeys = key.split('.', 1) self._dict[key][subkeys] = self.__wrap(value) else: self._dict[key] = self.__wrap(value) def __delitem__(self, key): if super().__contains__(key) or key.startswith('_'): super().__delitem__(key) elif '.' in key: key, subkeys = key.split('.', 1) del self._dict[key][subkeys] else: del self._dict[key] def __iter__(self): return (k for k in self._dict) def __len__(self): return len(self._dict) def __contains__(self, item): # TODO: work with dot notation too return item in self._dict def keys(self): return self._dict.keys() def items(self): for key in self._dict.keys(): yield key, self[key] def update(self, other=None, **kwargs): if other is not None: for key, o_val in other.items(): s_val = self[key] if key in self else None if isinstance(o_val, dict) and isinstance(s_val, SettingsDict): s_val.update(o_val) elif o_val is not None: self[key] = o_val for key in kwargs: s_val = self.get(key) o_val = kwargs[key] if isinstance(o_val, SettingsDict) and isinstance(s_val, SettingsDict): s_val.update(o_val) elif o_val is not None: self[key] = o_val class ShowroomSettings(SettingsDict): def __init__(self, settings_dict: dict=DEFAULTS): self._formatting = False super().__init__(settings_dict, top=self) self._formatting = True # TODO: add some properties like e.g. curr_time, curr_date that can be including in formatting specifiers @classmethod def from_file(cls, path=None): new = cls(DEFAULTS) if not path: path = new.file.config config_data = load_config(path) new.update(config_data) new.makedirs(new) return new @classmethod def from_args(cls, args): args = _clean_args(args) new = cls.from_file(path=args.get('config', None)) args_data = {} for key in args: if args[key] is not None and key in ARGS_TO_SETTINGS: new_key = ARGS_TO_SETTINGS[key] args_data[new_key] = args[key] # for k, v in args_data.items(): # if k.startswith('directory'): # args_data[k] = os.path.expanduser(v) new.update(args_data) new.makedirs(new) return new @staticmethod def makedirs(settings): links = [] for dir_key, dir_path in if dir_path is None: continue os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True) if dir_key in settings.system.symlink_dirs: links.append((dir_key, dir_path)) if settings.system.make_symlinks: for item in links: # symlinks the log, index, and config folders to the data directory # TODO: whenever these three directories are changed, remove the old symlinks # and create new ones dest_path = os.path.join(, item[0]) if os.path.exists(dest_path): continue else: os.symlink(os.path.abspath(item[1]), dest_path, target_is_directory=True) settings = ShowroomSettings.from_file() # old defaults, for reference """ DEFAULTS = {"output_dir": "output", "index_dir": "index", "log_dir": "logs", "config_dir": _dirs.user_config_dir, "config_file": 'config.json', # TODO: allow using {output_dir}/data or similar directly in config file "data_dir": None, # if None, defaults to {output_dir}/data # "schedule_file": 'schedule.json', # "completed_file": 'completed.json', "record_all": False, # maximums "max_downloads": 80, "max_watches": 50, "max_priority": 80, # manager rate control "upcoming_rate": 180.0, # check api/live/upcoming "onlives_rate": 7.0, # check api/live/onlives # watcher rate control "watch_rate": 2.0, # check if watched room is live "live_rate": 60.0, # check if unwanted stream is still live "download_timeout": 23.0, # too short and we lose the start of the stream # end of day # "end_hour": 4, # "resume_hour": 5, # ffmpeg flags "ffmpeg_logging": True, # TODO: proper verbosity levels "noisy": False, 'write_schedules_to_file': True} """ # sample yaml config file, mostly without values """ directory: data: null # ~/Downloads/Showroom output: {data} index: index log: null config: null temp: {data}/active file: config: showroom.conf schedule: schedule.json completed: completed.json throttle: max: downloads: 80 watches: 50 priority: 80 rate: upcoming: 180.0 onlives: 7.0 watch: 2.0 live: 60.0 timeout: download: 23.0 ffmpeg: logging: true filter: all: false wanted: [] unwanted: [] feedback: console: false write_schedules_file: true """