# s3scrot A screenshot tool that automatically uploads to Amazon S3 and copies the URL to the clipboard. ### Requirements * scrot * xclip * python-gobject * An [AWS S3 account](http://aws.amazon.com/s3/) ### Install After ensuring dependencies are met, simply run: pip install s3scrot ### Usage The first time you run s3scrot it will complain that you do not have a config file. It will create a default one for you in your home directory (~/.s3scrot). Edit this file according to the comments in that file. You will need to enter your Amazon S3 bucket, and access credentials. ### Options usage: s3scrot [-h] [-n] [-c] [-b] [-p] [-j] [-q QUALITY] s3scrot optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -n, --non-interactive Capture the whole screen, don't wait for mouse selection -c, --no-clipboard Do not copy URL to clipboard -b, --open-browser Open browser to screenshot URL -p, --print-url Print URL -j, --jpeg Use JPEG compression instead of PNG -q QUALITY, --quality QUALITY Image quality (1-100) high value means high size, low compression. Default: 75. For lossless png, low quality means high compression. #### Examples: ##### To take a screenshot of just a portion of your screen: s3scrot Then click on a window or click and drag across a rectangular region of the screen you wish to capture. ##### An example using all the options: s3scrot -ncbpj -q 50 This will take a screenshot of the entire screen, does not copy the URL to the clipboard, opens the browser to the URL, prints the URL, and uses JPEG compression instead of PNG, at a quality level of 50. ### How I use this I wanted an easy way to paste screenshots into IRC / hipchat. I use [i3wm](http://i3wm.org/) and so I have some easy keybindings setup to use s3scrot: bindsym $mod+Print exec "s3scrot -b" bindsym $mod+Shift+Print exec "s3scrot -bn" That makes Alt+PrintScreen take a screenshot with selection, and Alt+Shift+PrintScreen take a whole screen screenshot. Then it opens my browser with the URL for preview, and I can paste the URL directly into my chat client.