import configparser # CONFIG, get the parameters config = configparser.ConfigParser()'dwh.cfg') access_key = config.get("AWS", "ACCESS_KEY") secret_key = config.get("AWS", "SECRET_KEY") log_data_source = config.get("S3", "LOG_DATA") log_jsonpath = config.get("S3", "LOG_JSONPATH") song_data_source = config.get("S3", "SONG_DATA") song_jsonpath = config.get("S3", "SONG_JSONPATH") # Queries to drop tables staging_events_table_drop = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS staging_events_table;" staging_songs_table_drop = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS staging_songs_table;" songplay_table_drop = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS songplays;" user_table_drop = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users;" song_table_drop = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS songs;" artist_table_drop = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS artists" time_table_drop = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS time;" # Create staging tables to be used to copy data to # Columns of staging_events_table are identical as those from log data files # Data is distributed across the cloud using the column "user_id" staging_events_table_create= (""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS staging_events_table ( artist VARCHAR, auth VARCHAR, first_name VARCHAR, gender VARCHAR, item_in_session INTEGER, last_name VARCHAR, length DECIMAL(9,5), level VARCHAR, location VARCHAR, method VARCHAR, page VARCHAR, registration BIGINT, session_id INTEGER, song VARCHAR, status INTEGER, ts BIGINT sortkey, user_agent VARCHAR, user_id INTEGER distkey ); """) # Columns of staging_songs_table are identical as those from song data files # Data is distributed using the column "artist_id" staging_songs_table_create = (""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS staging_songs_table( num_songs BIGINT, artist_id VARCHAR distkey, artist_latitude DECIMAL(9,5), artist_longitude DECIMAL(9,5), artist_location VARCHAR, artist_name VARCHAR, song_id VARCHAR sortkey, title VARCHAR, duration DECIMAL(9,5), year INTEGER ); """) # Create tables for the final results # The fact table of the schema # The data is distributed across the cloud using "user_id" # The rows are sorted using start_time songplay_table_create = (""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS songplays ( songplay_id BIGINT IDENTITY(0,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, start_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL sortkey, user_id INTEGER NOT NULL distkey, level VARCHAR, song_id VARCHAR NOT NULL, artist_id VARCHAR NOT NULL, session_id INTEGER NOT NULL, location VARCHAR, user_agent VARCHAR ); """) # Dimension table # The table uses "all" distribution style user_table_create = (""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users ( user_id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY sortkey, first_name VARCHAR, last_name VARCHAR, gender VARCHAR, level VARCHAR ) diststyle all; """) # Dimension table # The rows are distributed across the cloud using the column "artist_id" song_table_create = (""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS songs ( song_id VARCHAR NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY sortkey, title VARCHAR, artist_id VARCHAR NOT NULL distkey, year INTEGER, duration DECIMAL(9,5) ); """) # Dimension table # The table uses "all" distribution style artist_table_create = (""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS artists ( artist_id VARCHAR NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY sortkey, name VARCHAR, location VARCHAR, latitude DECIMAL(9,5), longitude DECIMAL(9,5)) diststyle all; """) # Dimension table # The table uses "all" distribution style time_table_create = (""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS time( start_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY sortkey, hour INTEGER, day INTEGER, week INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, weekday INTEGER) diststyle all; """) # Copy data to the staging tables from existing files # Copy from log data files to staging_events_table staging_events_copy = (""" COPY staging_events_table FROM {} access_key_id {} secret_access_key {} json {} region 'us-west-2'; """).format(log_data_source, access_key, secret_key, log_jsonpath) # Copy from song data files to staging_songs_table staging_songs_copy = (""" COPY staging_songs_table FROM {} access_key_id {} secret_access_key {} json {} region 'us-west-2'; """).format(song_data_source, access_key, secret_key, song_jsonpath) # Select data from staging tables # Insert data to the final tables # Join staging_songs_table and staging_events_table to get the "song_id" and "artist_id" # Insert the rest of data from staging_events_table into songplays table songplay_table_insert = (""" INSERT INTO songplays (start_time, user_id, level, song_id, artist_id, session_id, location, user_agent) SELECT DISTINCT dateadd(hr, EXTRACT(hr FROM, dateadd(day, EXTRACT(day FROM, dateadd(month, EXTRACT(month FROM, dateadd(year, EXTRACT(year FROM - EXTRACT(year FROM 'epoch'::timestamp), 'epoch')))), se.user_id, se.level, ss.song_id, ss.artist_id, se.session_id, se.location, se.user_agent FROM ( SELECT artist_id, artist_name, song_id, title, duration FROM staging_songs_table WHERE artist_id IS NOT NULL AND song_id IS NOT NULL ) AS ss JOIN ( SELECT dateadd(ms,ts,'epoch') AS tm, user_id, level, song, artist, length, session_id, location, user_agent FROM staging_events_table WHERE page = 'NextSong' AND ts IS NOT NULL AND user_id IS NOT NULL ) AS se ON ss.artist_name = se.artist AND ss.title = AND ss.duration = se.length ; """) # Select data from staging_events_table # Insert into users table # Limit "user_id" to be NOT NULL # Assuming the record with larger "ts" is newer # Need to communicate with the team about the actual details in real life user_table_insert = (""" INSERT INTO users (user_id, first_name, last_name, gender, level) SELECT DISTINCT id_only_table.user_id, first_name, last_name, gender, level FROM ( SELECT user_id, MAX(ts) AS mts FROM staging_events_table WHERE page = 'NextSong' AND user_id IS NOT NULL AND ts IS NOT NULL GROUP BY user_id ) AS id_only_table JOIN ( SELECT user_id, first_name, last_name, gender, level, ts FROM staging_events_table WHERE page = 'NextSong' AND user_id IS NOT NULL AND ts IS NOT NULL ) AS all_columns_table ON id_only_table.user_id = all_columns_table.user_id AND id_only_table.mts = all_columns_table.ts ; """) # Select data from staging_songs_table # Insert into songs table # Limit "song_id" and "artist_id" to be NOT NULL # Assuming "song_id" and "num_songs" uniquely identify each record # And the record with larger "num_songs" is newer # Need to communicate with the team in real life song_table_insert = (""" INSERT INTO songs (song_id, title, artist_id, year, duration) SELECT DISTINCT id_only_table.song_id, title, artist_id, year, duration FROM ( SELECT song_id, MAX(num_songs) AS m_num FROM staging_songs_table WHERE song_id IS NOT NULL AND artist_id IS NOT NULL AND num_songs IS NOT NULL GROUP BY song_id ) AS id_only_table JOIN ( SELECT song_id, title, artist_id, year, duration, num_songs FROM staging_songs_table WHERE song_id IS NOT NULL AND artist_id IS NOT NULL AND num_songs IS NOT NULL ) all_columns_table ON id_only_table.song_id = all_columns_table.song_id AND id_only_table.m_num = all_columns_table.num_songs ; """) # Select data from stagging_songs_table # Insert into artists table # Limit the "song_id" and "artist_id" to be NOT NULL # Assuming "song_id" and "num_songs" uniquely identify each record # And record with larger "num_songs" is newer # Actual communication needed artist_table_insert = (""" INSERT INTO artists (artist_id, name, location, latitude, longitude) SELECT DISTINCT artist_id, artist_name, artist_location, artist_latitude, artist_longitude FROM ( SELECT song_id, MAX(num_songs) AS m_num FROM staging_songs_table WHERE song_id IS NOT NULL AND artist_id IS NOT NULL AND num_songs IS NOT NULL GROUP BY song_id ) AS id_only_table JOIN ( SELECT song_id, num_songs, artist_id, artist_name, artist_location, artist_latitude, artist_longitude, year FROM staging_songs_table WHERE song_id IS NOT NULL AND artist_id IS NOT NULL AND num_songs IS NOT NULL ) AS all_columns_table ON id_only_table.song_id = all_columns_table.song_id AND id_only_table.m_num = all_columns_table.num_songs ; """) # Select ts (BIGINT) from staging_events_table and limit the data to be NOT NULL # Convert ts to TIMESTAMP and truncate the data to date and hour # Extract hour, day, week, month, year, weekday part from the truncated timestamp # Insert the result in time table # For weekdays, Sunday is 0, Monday is 1, Tuesday is 2, and so on time_table_insert = (""" INSERT INTO time (start_time, hour, day, week, month, year, weekday) SELECT trunc_time, EXTRACT(hour FROM trunc_time), EXTRACT(day FROM trunc_time), EXTRACT(week FROM trunc_time), EXTRACT(month FROM trunc_time), EXTRACT(year FROM trunc_time), EXTRACT(weekday FROM trunc_time) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT dateadd(hr, EXTRACT(hr FROM tm), dateadd(day, EXTRACT(day FROM tm), dateadd(month, EXTRACT(month FROM tm), dateadd(year, EXTRACT(year FROM tm) - EXTRACT(year FROM 'epoch'::timestamp), 'epoch')))) AS trunc_time FROM ( SELECT dateadd(ms, ts, 'epoch') AS tm FROM staging_events_table WHERE page = 'NextSong' AND ts IS NOT NULL ) ); """) # QUERY LISTS create_table_queries = [staging_events_table_create, staging_songs_table_create, \ songplay_table_create, user_table_create, song_table_create, \ artist_table_create, time_table_create] drop_table_queries = [staging_events_table_drop, staging_songs_table_drop, \ songplay_table_drop, user_table_drop, song_table_drop, \ artist_table_drop, time_table_drop] copy_table_queries = [staging_events_copy, staging_songs_copy] insert_table_queries = [songplay_table_insert, user_table_insert, \ song_table_insert, artist_table_insert, time_table_insert]