import boto3 import tqdm import mysql.connector import sys from cryptography.fernet import Fernet from PIL import Image import os global s3 s3 = boto3.client('s3', aws_access_key_id='<>', aws_secret_access_key='<>') def percent(part, total): return 100 * float(part) / float(total) def WriteDataToFilePrompt(data, newline): filename = input("Filename: ") file = open(filename, 'w') location = 0 while location < len(data): if newline == True: file.writelines(data[location] + "\n") else: file.writelines(data[location]) location += 1 file.close() class Fibonacci(): def _init_(self): pass def Single(self, n): # Returns a single Fibonacci number if n == 0: return 0 elif n == 1: return 1 else: return self.Single(n - 1) + self.Single(n - 2) def SetOfFibonacci(self, start, end): # Returns a set of Fibonacci numbers from start to end. returnData = [] location = start while location < end: returnData.append(str(self.Single(location))) location += 1 return returnData fib = Fibonacci() encryptionList = fib.SetOfFibonacci(1, 11) class FibonacciEncryption(): def _init_(self): pass def Encrypt(self, textToEncrypt): location = 0 encryptedText = [] offsetIndex = 0 while location < len(textToEncrypt): if offsetIndex < 9: # Let's make sure we keep it in-bounds. offsetIndex += 1 elif offsetIndex == 9: offsetIndex = 0 charValue = ord(textToEncrypt[location]) offsetValue = encryptionList[offsetIndex] finalValue = int(charValue) + int(offsetValue) encryptedText.append(str(finalValue)) location += 1 location = 0 finalString = "" while location < len(encryptedText): finalString += str(encryptedText[location]) if location != len(encryptedText): finalString += " " location += 1 return finalString def Decrypt(self, textToDecrypt): # Anything other than a string input will break this location = 0 decryptedText = "" offsetIndex = 0 nextwhitespace = 0 while location < len(textToDecrypt): if offsetIndex < 9: offsetIndex += 1 elif offsetIndex == 9: offsetIndex = 0 nextwhitespace = textToDecrypt.find(" ", location) if nextwhitespace != -1: tempTextToDecrypt = textToDecrypt[location:nextwhitespace] offsetValue = encryptionList[offsetIndex] finalText = chr(int(tempTextToDecrypt) - int(offsetValue)) decryptedText += finalText if nextwhitespace < location: return decryptedText else: location = nextwhitespace + 1 fibe = FibonacciEncryption() class AESEncryption: def __init__(self, filename): # Constructor self.filename = filename def encryption(self): # Allows us to perform file operation try: original_information = open(self.filename, 'rb') except (IOError, FileNotFoundError): print('File with name {} is not found.'.format(self.filename)) sys.exit(0) try: encrypted_file_name = 'cipher_' + self.filename encrypted_file_object = open(encrypted_file_name, 'wb') content = content = bytearray(content) key1 = 192 print('Encryption Process is in progress...!') for i, val in tqdm(enumerate(content)): content[i] = val ^ key1 encrypted_file_object.write(content) except Exception: print('Something went wrong with {}'.format(self.filename)) finally: encrypted_file_object.close() original_information.close() class AESDecryption: def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename def decryption(self): # produces the original result try: encrypted_file_object = open(self.filename, 'rb') except (FileNotFoundError, IOError): print('File with name {} is not found'.format(self.filename)) sys.exit(0) try: decrypted_file = input( 'Enter the filename for the Decryption file with extension:') # Decrypted file as output decrypted_file_object = open(decrypted_file, 'wb') cipher_text = key1 = 192 cipher_text = bytearray(cipher_text) print('Decryption Process is in progress...!') for i, val in tqdm(enumerate(cipher_text)): cipher_text[i] = val ^ key1 decrypted_file_object.write(cipher_text) except Exception: print('Some problem with Ciphertext unable to handle.') finally: encrypted_file_object.close() decrypted_file_object.close() def genData(data): # list of binary codes # of given data newd = [] for i in data: newd.append(format(ord(i), '08b')) return newd # Pixels are modified according to the # 8-bit binary data and finally returned def modPix(pix, data): datalist = genData(data) lendata = len(datalist) imdata = iter(pix) for i in range(lendata): # Extracting 3 pixels at a time pix = [value for value in imdata.__next__()[:3] + imdata.__next__()[:3] + imdata.__next__()[:3]] # Pixel value should be made # odd for 1 and even for 0 for j in range(0, 8): if (datalist[i][j] == '0' and pix[j] % 2 != 0): pix[j] -= 1 elif (datalist[i][j] == '1' and pix[j] % 2 == 0): if (pix[j] != 0): pix[j] -= 1 else: pix[j] += 1 # pix[j] -= 1 # Eighth pixel of every set tells # whether to stop or read further. # 0 means keep reading; 1 means thec # message is over. if (i == lendata - 1): if (pix[-1] % 2 == 0): if (pix[-1] != 0): pix[-1] -= 1 else: pix[-1] += 1 else: if pix[-1] % 2 != 0: pix[-1] -= 1 pix = tuple(pix) yield pix[0:3] yield pix[3:6] yield pix[6:9] def encode_enc(newimg, data): w = newimg.size[0] (x, y) = (0, 0) for pixel in modPix(newimg.getdata(), data): # Putting modified pixels in the new image newimg.putpixel((x, y), pixel) if (x == w - 1): x = 0 y += 1 else: x += 1 def merge_file(f, ff, fff): data = data2 = data3 = "" # Reading data from file1 with open(f) as fp: data = # Reading data from file2 with open(ff) as fp: data2 = with open(fff) as fp: data3 = # Merging 3 files # To add the data of file2 # from next line #data += "\n" data += data2 #data += "\n" data += data3 with open('final_project.txt', 'w') as fp: fp.write(data) def decrypt_new(fileq, filea): with open(fileq) as f: with open(filea, "w") as f1: for line in f: f1.write(line) # Encode data into image def encode(): global new_img_name img = input("Enter image name(with extension) : ") image =, 'r') data = input("Enter data to be encoded : ") if (len(data) == 0): raise ValueError('Data is empty') newimg = image.copy() encode_enc(newimg, data) new_img_name = input("Enter the name of new image(with extension) : ") # Decode the data in the image def decode(): imgg = input("Enter image name(with extension) : ") image =, 'r') data = '' imgdata = iter(image.getdata()) while (True): pixels = [value for value in imgdata.__next__()[:3] + imgdata.__next__()[:3] + imgdata.__next__()[:3]] # string of binary data binstr = '' for i in pixels[:8]: if (i % 2 == 0): binstr += '0' else: binstr += '1' data += chr(int(binstr, 2)) if (pixels[-1] % 2 != 0): return data def write_key(): global key #key = Fernet.generate_key() key="" # def load_key(): def encrypt(filename, key): f = Fernet(key) with open(filename, "rb") as file: file_data = encrypted_data = f.encrypt(file_data) with open(str(filename.split(".")[0]) + 'FE.' + str(filename.split(".")[1]), "wb") as file1: file1.write(encrypted_data) print("") def fernet_cipher_and_save_file(filename, fkey): f = Fernet(fkey) # fkey = Fernet.generate_key() with open(filename, "rb") as file: file_data = encrypted_data = f.encrypt(file_data) with open(str(filename.split(".")[0]) + 'FE.' + str(filename.split(".")[1]), "wb") as file1: file1.write(encrypted_data) def decrypt(filename, key): f = Fernet(key) with open(filename, "rb") as file: # read the encrypted data encrypted_data = # decrypt data decrypted_data = f.decrypt(encrypted_data) # write the original file with open(str("decrypt_" + filename.split(".")[0]) + '.' + str(filename.split(".")[1]), "wb") as file7: file7.write(decrypted_data) def fernet_decipher_and_save_file(filename, fkey): f = Fernet(fkey) with open(filename, "rb") as file: # read the encrypted data encrypted_data = # decrypt data decrypted_data = f.decrypt(encrypted_data) # write the original file with open(str("decrypt_" + filename.split(".")[0]) + '.' + str(filename.split(".")[1]), "wb") as file7: file7.write(decrypted_data) """ def check_key(): my_db = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="root", passwd="Bruhan@123", database="os_project", autocommit=True) cur = my_db.cursor() cur.execute("select key_code from file_sec where name = '" + uname + "';") for i in cur: res1 = i[0] if len(res1) > 0: return res1 """ def get_symmetric_cipher_key(user_id): my_db = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="root", passwd="Bruhan@123", database="os_project", autocommit=True) cur = my_db.cursor() cur.execute("select key_code from file_sec where name = '" + user_id + "';") key = '' for i in cur: key = i[0] if len(key) < 1: key = Fernet.generate_key() # st = "INSERT INTO file_sec (name,password,key_code) VALUES(%s,%s,%s);" # key_string = (key, 'utf-8') st = "UPDATE file_sec SET key_code = '" + key.decode() + "' WHERE name = '" + user_id + "';" cur.execute(st) my_db.commit() else: return key.encode() print("HELLO!! WELCOME TO 3 STEP SECURITY FILE STORAGE IN AWS") print("1. LOGIN") print("2. SIGN UP") a = int(input("ENTER YOUR CHOICE: ")) os.system("cls") global name global res1 if a == 2: name = input("ENTER YOUR NAME: ") passwd = input("ENTER YOUR PASSWORD: ") write_key() st = "INSERT INTO file_sec (name,password,key_code) VALUES(%s,%s,%s);" record = (name, passwd, key) my_db = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="root", passwd="Bruhan@123", database="os_project", autocommit=True) # my_db = mysql.connector.connect("localhost", "root", "Bruhan@123", "os_project", True) cur = my_db.cursor() cur.execute(st, record) print("YOUR ACCOUNT IS ALL SET!! PLEASE COPY THE KEY BELOW") print(key) print("PLEASE PRESS 3 TO PROCEED FURTHER...") b = int(input()) os.system("cls") if b == 3: #print( # "WELCOME TO FINAL STEP OF SIGN UP PROCEDURE. KINDLY SELECT AN IMAGE AND PASTE UR KEY AS HIDDEN MESSAGE AND ENCODE IT.") #encode() #ss = "update file_sec set steg_file_name = %s where name = %s" #rec = (new_img_name, name) #cur.execute(ss, rec) print("YOU ARE ALL SET!!KINDLY EXIT AND RERUN FOR LOGIN") q = int(input()) if q == 4: os.system("exit") else: print("INVALID CHOICE") else: uname = input("ENTER USERNAME : ") pas = input("ENTER PASSWORD : ") os.system("cls") print("IF U WANT TO SELECT A FILE FROM UR PC AND UPLOAD IT TO AWS S3 THEN PRESS 1") print("IF U WANT TO DOWNLOAD ENCRYPTED FILES FROM AWS S3 AND DECRYPT IT FOR VIEWING - THEN PRESS 2") fg = int(input()) os.system("cls") if fg == 1: res = '' # call res= getSymmetricCipherKey(userName) """ my_db = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="root", passwd="Bruhan@123", database="os_project", autocommit=True) cur = my_db.cursor() cur.execute("select key_code from file_sec where name = '"+uname+"';") for i in cur: res = i[0] """ res= get_symmetric_cipher_key(uname) print("WELCOME TO THE MAIN PAGE") print("PLEASE GIVE THE FILE NAME(WITH EXTENSION) WHICH YOU WANT TO STORE IN CLOUD: ") fname = input() nf1 = open(str(fname.split(".")[0]) + '1.' + str(fname.split(".")[1]), "wb") nf2 = open(str(fname.split(".")[0]) + '2.' + str(fname.split(".")[1]), "wb") nf3 = open(str(fname.split(".")[0]) + '3.' + str(fname.split(".")[1]), "wb") with open(fname, "r", encoding="utf8") as file: data = file.readlines() si = len(data) for i in range(si // 3): nf1.write(data[i].encode()) # nf1.write('Why no work!.\n') for j in range(si // 3, 2 * si // 3): nf2.write(data[j].encode()) for k in range(2 * si // 3, si): nf3.write(data[k].encode()) nf1.close() nf2.close() nf3.close() # check_key() fernet_cipher_and_save_file(str(fname.split(".")[0]) + '1.' + str(fname.split(".")[1]), res) print("FILE 1st SUBPART HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY ENCRYPTED") fernet_cipher_and_save_file(str(fname.split(".")[0]) + '2.' + str(fname.split(".")[1]), res) print("FILE 2nd SUBPART HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY ENCRYPTED") fernet_cipher_and_save_file(str(fname.split(".")[0]) + '3.' + str(fname.split(".")[1]), res) print("FILE 3rd SUBPART HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY ENCRYPTED") s3.upload_file(str(fname.split(".")[0]) + '1FE.' + str(fname.split(".")[1]), 'os-project', str(fname.split(".")[0]) + '1FE.' + str(fname.split(".")[1])) print("FILE 1 UPLOADED SUCCESSFULLY") s3.upload_file(str(fname.split(".")[0]) + '2FE.' + str(fname.split(".")[1]), 'os-project', str(fname.split(".")[0]) + '2FE.' + str(fname.split(".")[1])) print("FILE 2 UPLOADED SUCCESSFULLY") s3.upload_file(str(fname.split(".")[0]) + '3FE.' + str(fname.split(".")[1]), 'os-project', str(fname.split(".")[0]) + '3FE.' + str(fname.split(".")[1])) print("FILE 3 UPLOADED SUCCESSFULLY") print("FILE HAS BEEN UPLOADED SECURELY USING 3SES. PLEASE PRESS 4 TO EXIT THE SYSTEM") h = int(input()) if h == 4: os.system("exit") else: print("INVALID COMMAND") else: bname = input("ENTER THE NAME OF THE FILE THAT YOU ENCRYPTED : ") df1=s3.download_file('os-project', str(bname.split(".")[0]) + '1FE.' + str(bname.split(".")[1]), str(bname.split(".")[0]) + '1DE.' + str(bname.split(".")[1])) print("FILE 1 HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY DOWNLOADED FROM AWS") df2=s3.download_file('os-project', str(bname.split(".")[0]) + '2FE.' + str(bname.split(".")[1]), str(bname.split(".")[0]) + '2DE.' + str(bname.split(".")[1])) print("FILE 2 HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY DOWNLOADED FROM AWS") df3=s3.download_file('os-project', str(bname.split(".")[0]) + '3FE.' + str(bname.split(".")[1]), str(bname.split(".")[0]) + '3DE.' + str(bname.split(".")[1])) print("FILE 3 HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY DOWNLOADED FROM AWS") """ my_db = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="root", passwd="Bruhan@123", database="os_project", autocommit=True) cur = my_db.cursor() cur.execute("select key_code from file_sec where name = '" + uname + "';") res1 = "" for i in cur: res1 = i[0] """ res1 = get_symmetric_cipher_key(uname) fernet_decipher_and_save_file(str(bname.split(".")[0]) + '1DE.' + str(bname.split(".")[1]),res1) #str("decrypt_" + bname.split(".")[0]) + '1.' + str(bname.split(".")[1]),res1) print("SUCCESSFULLY DECRYPTED FILE No 1!!!") # decrypt(str(bname.split(".")[0])+'2DE.'+str(bname.split(".")[1]), # str("decrypt_"+bname.split(".")[0])+'2.'+str(bname.split(".")[1])) fernet_decipher_and_save_file(str(bname.split(".")[0]) + '2DE.' + str(bname.split(".")[1]), res1) print("SUCCESSFULLY DECRYPTED FILE No 2!!!") fernet_decipher_and_save_file(str(bname.split(".")[0]) + '3DE.' + str(bname.split(".")[1]), res1) #str("decrypt_" + bname.split(".")[0]) + '3.' + str(bname.split(".")[1]), res1) print("SUCCESSFULLY DECRYPTED FILE No 3!!!") merge_file(str("decrypt_" + bname.split(".")[0]) + '1DE.' + str(bname.split(".")[1]), str("decrypt_" + bname.split(".")[0]) + '2DE.' + str(bname.split(".")[1]), str("decrypt_" + bname.split(".")[0]) + '3DE.' + str(bname.split(".")[1])) print("FILE HAS BEEN SAVED IN UR SPECIFIED DIRECTORY.")