SHELL := /bin/bash .PHONY : deploy deploy-containers pre-deploy setup test test-cov test-acceptance test-acceptance-cov test-no-state-machine test-no-state-machine-cov test-unit test-unit-cov # The name of the virtualenv directory to use VENV ?= venv pre-deploy: ifndef TEMP_BUCKET $(error TEMP_BUCKET is undefined) endif ifndef ADMIN_EMAIL $(error ADMIN_EMAIL is undefined) endif pre-run: ifndef ROLE_NAME $(error ROLE_NAME is undefined) endif build-frontend: npm run build --workspace frontend deploy: make pre-deploy make deploy-artefacts make deploy-cfn make setup-frontend-local-dev deploy-vpc: aws cloudformation create-stack --template-body file://templates/vpc.yaml --stack-name S3F2-VPC deploy-cfn: aws cloudformation package --template-file templates/template.yaml --s3-bucket $(TEMP_BUCKET) --output-template-file packaged.yaml aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./packaged.yaml --stack-name S3F2 --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND \ --parameter-overrides CreateCloudFrontDistribution=false EnableContainerInsights=true AdminEmail=$(ADMIN_EMAIL) \ AccessControlAllowOriginOverride=* PreBuiltArtefactsBucketOverride=$(TEMP_BUCKET) KMSKeyArns=$(KMS_KEYARNS) deploy-artefacts: $(eval VERSION := $(shell $(MAKE) -s version)) make package-artefacts aws s3 cp s3://$(TEMP_BUCKET)/amazon-s3-find-and-forget/$(VERSION)/ .PHONY: format-cfn format-cfn: $(eval VERSION := $(shell $(MAKE) -s version)) TEMP_FILE="$$(mktemp)" ; \ sed -e '3s/.*/Description: Amazon S3 Find and Forget \(uksb-1q2j8beb0\) \(version:$(VERSION)\)/' templates/template.yaml > "$$TEMP_FILE" ; \ mv "$$TEMP_FILE" templates/template.yaml git add templates/template.yaml .PHONY: format-docs format-docs: npx prettier ./*.md ./docs/*.md --write git add *.md git add docs/*.md .PHONY: format-js format-js: npx prettier ./frontend/src/**/*.js --write git add frontend/src/ .PHONY: format-python format-python: | $(VENV) for src in \ tests/ \ backend/ecs_tasks/ \ backend/lambdas/ \ backend/lambda_layers/boto_utils/python/ \ backend/lambda_layers/decorators/python/ \ ; do \ $(VENV)/bin/black "$$src" \ ; done generate-api-docs: TEMP_FILE="$$(mktemp)" ; \ $(VENV)/bin/yq -y .Resources.Api.Properties.DefinitionBody ./templates/api.yaml > "$$TEMP_FILE" ; \ npx openapi-generator generate -i "$$TEMP_FILE" -g markdown -t ./docs/templates/ -o docs/api git add docs/api .PHONY: generate-pip-requirements generate-pip-requirements: $(patsubst,%.txt,$(shell find . -type f -name .PHONY: lint-cfn lint-cfn: $(VENV)/bin/cfn-lint templates/* package: make package-artefacts zip -r \ backend/lambda_layers \ backend/lambdas \ \ cfn-publish.config \ templates \ -x '**/__pycache*' '*settings.js' @ package-artefacts: backend/ecs_tasks/python_3.9-slim.tar make build-frontend zip -r \ backend/ecs_tasks/ \ backend/lambda_layers/boto_utils/ \ frontend/build \ -x '**/__pycache*' '*settings.js' @ backend/ecs_tasks/python_3.9-slim.tar: docker pull python:3.9-slim docker save python:3.9-slim -o "$@" redeploy-containers: $(eval ACCOUNT_ID := $(shell aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)) $(eval API_URL := $(shell aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name S3F2 --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`ApiUrl`].OutputValue' --output text)) $(eval REGION := $(shell echo $(API_URL) | cut -d'.' -f3)) $(eval ECR_REPOSITORY := $(shell aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name S3F2 --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`ECRRepository`].OutputValue' --output text)) $(eval REPOSITORY_URI := $(shell aws ecr describe-repositories --repository-names $(ECR_REPOSITORY) --query 'repositories[0].repositoryUri' --output text)) $(shell aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region $(REGION)) docker build -t $(ECR_REPOSITORY) -f backend/ecs_tasks/delete_files/Dockerfile . docker tag $(ECR_REPOSITORY):latest $(REPOSITORY_URI):latest docker push $(REPOSITORY_URI):latest redeploy-frontend: $(eval WEBUI_BUCKET := $(shell aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name S3F2 --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`WebUIBucket`].OutputValue' --output text)) make build-frontend cd frontend/build && aws s3 cp --recursive . s3://$(WEBUI_BUCKET) --acl public-read --exclude *settings.js run-local-container: make pre-run ./ setup: | $(VENV) lambda-layer-deps (! [[ -d .git ]] || $(VENV)/bin/pre-commit install) npm i gem install cfn-nag # virtualenv setup .PHONY: $(VENV) $(VENV): $(VENV)/pip-sync.sentinel $(VENV)/pip-sync.sentinel: requirements.txt | $(VENV)/bin/pip-sync $(VENV)/bin/pip-sync $< touch $@ $(VENV)/bin/activate: test -d $(VENV) || virtualenv $(VENV) $(VENV)/bin/pip-compile $(VENV)/bin/pip-sync: $(VENV)/bin/activate $(VENV)/bin/pip install pip-tools # Lambda layers .PHONY: lambda-layer-deps lambda-layer-deps: \ backend/lambda_layers/aws_sdk/requirements-installed.sentinel \ backend/lambda_layers/cr_helper/requirements-installed.sentinel \ backend/lambda_layers/decorators/requirements-installed.sentinel \ ; backend/lambda_layers/%/requirements-installed.sentinel: backend/lambda_layers/%/requirements.txt | $(VENV) @# pip-sync only works with virtualenv, so we can't use it here. $(VENV)/bin/pip install -r $< -t $(subst requirements-installed.sentinel,python,$@) touch $@ setup-frontend-local-dev: $(eval WEBUI_URL := $(shell aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name S3F2 --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`WebUIUrl`].OutputValue' --output text)) $(eval WEBUI_BUCKET := $(shell aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name S3F2 --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`WebUIBucket`].OutputValue' --output text)) $(if $(filter none, $(WEBUI_URL)), @echo "WebUI not deployed.", aws s3 cp s3://$(WEBUI_BUCKET)/settings.js frontend/public/settings.js) setup-predeploy: virtualenv venv source venv/bin/activate && pip install cfn-flip==1.2.2 start-frontend-local: npm start --workspace frontend start-frontend-remote: $(eval WEBUI_URL := $(shell aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name S3F2 --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`WebUIUrl`].OutputValue' --output text)) $(if $(filter none, $(WEBUI_URL)), @echo "WebUI not deployed.", open $(WEBUI_URL)) test-cfn: cfn_nag templates/*.yaml --blacklist-path ci/cfn_nag_blacklist.yaml test-frontend: npm t --workspace frontend test-unit: | $(VENV) $(VENV)/bin/pytest -m unit --log-cli-level info --cov=backend.lambdas --cov=decorators --cov=boto_utils --cov=backend.ecs_tasks --cov-report term-missing test-ci: | $(VENV) $(VENV)/bin/pytest -m unit --log-cli-level info --cov=backend.lambdas --cov=decorators --cov=boto_utils --cov=backend.ecs_tasks --cov-report xml test-acceptance-cognito: | $(VENV) $(VENV)/bin/pytest -m acceptance_cognito --log-cli-level info test-acceptance-iam: | $(VENV) $(VENV)/bin/pytest -m acceptance_iam --log-cli-level info test-no-state-machine: | $(VENV) $(VENV)/bin/pytest -m "not state_machine" --log-cli-level info --cov=backend.lambdas --cov=boto_utils --cov=decorators --cov=backend.ecs_tasks test: | $(VENV) make test-cfn $(VENV)/bin/pytest --log-cli-level info --cov=backend.lambdas --cov=decorators --cov=boto_utils --cov=backend.ecs_tasks make test-frontend version: @echo $(shell $(VENV)/bin/cfn-flip templates/template.yaml | $(VENV)/bin/python -c 'import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)["Mappings"]["Solution"]["Constants"]["Version"])') %/requirements.txt: %/ | $(VENV)/bin/pip-compile $(VENV)/bin/pip-compile -q -o $@ $< requirements.txt: $(shell awk '/^-r / { print $$2 }' | $(VENV)/bin/pip-compile $(VENV)/bin/pip-compile -q -o $@ $<