import os, re
import html
from loguru import logger
from telethon.sync import TelegramClient
from telethon.errors import ChannelInvalidError
from storages import Storage
from .base_archiver import Archiver, ArchiveResult
from configs import TelethonConfig
from utils import getattr_or
class TelethonArchiver(Archiver):
name = "telethon"
link_pattern = re.compile(r"https:\/\/t\.me(\/c){0,1}\/(.+)\/(\d+)")
def __init__(self, storage: Storage, driver, config: TelethonConfig):
super().__init__(storage, driver)
if config:
self.client = TelegramClient("./anon", config.api_id, config.api_hash)
self.bot_token = config.bot_token
def _get_media_posts_in_group(self, chat, original_post, max_amp=10):
Searches for Telegram posts that are part of the same group of uploads
The search is conducted around the id of the original post with an amplitude
of `max_amp` both ways
Returns a list of [post] where each post has media and is in the same grouped_id
if getattr_or(original_post, "grouped_id") is None:
return [original_post] if getattr_or(original_post, "media") else []
search_ids = [i for i in range( - max_amp, + max_amp + 1)]
posts = self.client.get_messages(chat, ids=search_ids)
media = []
for post in posts:
if post is not None and post.grouped_id == original_post.grouped_id and is not None:
return media
def download(self, url, check_if_exists=False):
if not hasattr(self, "client"):
logger.warning('Missing Telethon config')
return False
# detect URLs that we definitely cannot handle
matches = self.link_pattern.findall(url)
if not len(matches):
return False
status = "success"
# app will ask (stall for user input!) for phone number and auth code if anon.session not found
with self.client.start(bot_token=self.bot_token):
matches = list(matches[0])
chat, post_id = matches[1], matches[2]
post_id = int(post_id)
post = self.client.get_messages(chat, ids=post_id)
except ValueError as e:
logger.error(f"Could not fetch telegram {url} possibly it's private: {e}")
return False
except ChannelInvalidError as e:
logger.error(f"Could not fetch telegram {url}. This error can be fixed if you setup a bot_token in addition to api_id and api_hash: {e}")
return False
if post is None: return False
media_posts = self._get_media_posts_in_group(chat, post)
logger.debug(f'got {len(media_posts)=} for {url=}')
screenshot = self.get_screenshot(url)
if len(media_posts) > 0:
key = self.get_html_key(url)
if check_if_exists and
# only s3 storage supports storage.exists as not implemented on gd
cdn_url =
return ArchiveResult(status='already archived', cdn_url=cdn_url, title=post.message,, screenshot=screenshot)
key_thumb, thumb_index = None, None
group_id = post.grouped_id if post.grouped_id is not None else
uploaded_media = []
message = post.message
for mp in media_posts:
if len(mp.message) > len(message): message = mp.message
# media can also be in entities
if mp.entities:
other_media_urls = [e.url for e in mp.entities if hasattr(e, "url") and e.url and self._guess_file_type(e.url) in ["video", "image"]]
logger.debug(f"Got {len(other_media_urls)} other medial urls from {}: {other_media_urls}")
for om_url in other_media_urls:
filename = os.path.join(Storage.TMP_FOLDER, f'{chat}_{group_id}_{self._get_key_from_url(om_url)}')
self.download_from_url(om_url, filename)
key = filename.split(Storage.TMP_FOLDER)[1], key)
hash = self.get_hash(filename)
cdn_url =
uploaded_media.append({'cdn_url': cdn_url, 'key': key, 'hash': hash})
filename_dest = os.path.join(Storage.TMP_FOLDER, f'{chat}_{group_id}', str(
filename = self.client.download_media(, filename_dest)
if not filename:
logger.debug(f"Empty media found, skipping {str(mp)=}")
key = filename.split(Storage.TMP_FOLDER)[1], key)
hash = self.get_hash(filename)
cdn_url =
uploaded_media.append({'cdn_url': cdn_url, 'key': key, 'hash': hash})
if key_thumb is None:
key_thumb, thumb_index = self.get_thumbnails(filename, key)
page_cdn, page_hash, _ = self.generate_media_page_html(url, uploaded_media, html.escape(str(post)))
return ArchiveResult(status=status, cdn_url=page_cdn, title=message,, hash=page_hash, screenshot=screenshot, thumbnail=key_thumb, thumbnail_index=thumb_index)
page_cdn, page_hash, _ = self.generate_media_page_html(url, [], html.escape(str(post)))
return ArchiveResult(status=status, cdn_url=page_cdn, title=post.message, timestamp=getattr_or(post, "date"), hash=page_hash, screenshot=screenshot)