# zeek_to_parquet Simple python script to convert Zeek ascii logs to parquet format and upload to Amazon S3 ### Installation Install dependencies `pip install zat awscli fastparquet s3fs` Add your credentials `aws configure` Edit `/opt/zeek/share/zeekctl/scripts/archive-log` script (let me know if there is a better way). I've placed this script just before archive-log deletes the logfile. ``` 158 159 # convert zeek logs to parquet and uploda to s3 160 /usr/bin/python3 /root/to_parquet.py $file_name $base_name s3://zeek.threatbear.co/ 161 162 rm -f $file_name ``` NOTE : Make sure you put the trailing slash on the `s3://zeek.threatbear.co/` URL otherwise the script will fail. IMPORTANT: Zeek package updates will overwrite `/opt/zeek/share/zeekctl/scripts/archive-log` so until we find another way of running zeek postprocessors YOU WILL NEED TO MAKE THE EDIT AFTER EACH UPDATE!! Restart Zeek `zeekctl restart` ### IAM Policy Example ``` { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:PutObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::zeek.threatbear.co/*" } ] } ```