Subject: winning with small - cap daily trading . small - cap homerun newsletter high - priority status : immediate triple predicted cdyv profits soaring , company forecasts they will be acquired in takeover exciting new issue - get in now unknown and undervalued publishing / advertising leader projecting ' 05 - ' 06 sales of 30 million , . 42 eps cody ventures corp . otc - cdyv price range : . 35 - . 45 10 - day target : 1 . 20 major breaking news : cdyv expands publication into the dallas / ft . worth , texas metroplex area resulting in circulation of 3 million copies monthly . revenues to exceed 30 mill annually with nearly 15 mill bottom - line profit . cdyv positioned as likely takeover candidate by the always acquisition - minded leaders of the publishing industry capturing sales of 20 billion . cdyv is the leading advertising , printing , and publishing company in texas specializing in the very high - profit sector of community - based weekly publications . as master publisher for the state of texas , cdyv reaches 22 million people , 254 counties , and over 3 , 100 towns and cities with their tidbits publication featuring local advertising in dozens of areas including entertainment , real estate / housing , consumer goods and services , and major retailers like walgreens and dollar general . cdyv has been in business 4 years and has grown quickly , now it is time for them to explode in the public markets . cdyv is new to the stock market , having gone public in a very quiet manner . so you have a very brief period to get in at or near the bottom before share prices soar on increased investor awareness . there are very few companies that have perfected this niche of advertising platform with none being publicly offered starting out at less than 50 cents per share . monthly circulation has jumped from 500 , 000 to 3 million with the additional expansion into dallas / ft . worth , translating into over 9 million readers monthly and achieving an additional 17 million in annual revenues from the metroplex area alone . cdyv will also provide the necessary printing services for 150 other national publishers in their respective states resulting in another 9 . 5 million in yearly sales , with 50 % to the bottom - line , on top of their already explosive , record - shattering figures . the publishing industry has always been an active leader in mergers , takeovers , and acquisitions . dow jones ( dj , 37 . 00 , pe 32 ) , gannett ( gci , 79 . 00 , pe 16 ) , knight - ridder ( kri , 65 . 00 , pe 16 ) , and tribune co . ( trb , 40 . 00 , pe 24 ) are just a few examples of industry leaders that have spent billions over the last few years acquiring aggressive and profitable newspaper chains and publishing companies . cdyv represents the epitome of an attractive buyout target as their pe is 1 based on 12 - 18 month sales and earnings figures . the industry average pe is 20 , indicating that a share price of 5 . 00 for cdyv would be a very conservative valuation . it is only a matter of time before detailed information is released out into the investment community . by receiving this email , you are among the first public investors to know about cdyv . get in now before the crowds take it to the moon . please read - the information and opinions in this featured profile are based on sources believed to be reliable but no representation is made to its accuracy or completeness . past performance is not an indicator of future results . this report is a paid profile for information purposes only and should not be used as the basis for any investment decision . this newsletter has been compensated ten thousand dollars for the preparation of this profile and for continuing cover age of the featured company . newsletter publishers are not investment advisors and this profile is not to be considered investment advice . this information is neither a solicitation to buy nor an offer to sell securities . information herein contains future - looking statements that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties . there are no shares presently held and no participation will occur in the trading of shares in any profiled company .