123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183 |
- import os
- import time
- from flask import jsonify
- from accuracy.accuracytest import test_recall_accuracy, test_stamp
- from accuracy.accuracytest import test_missed
- from analyze.outanalyze import out_analyze
- from lattices.buildtree import switch_dict
- from parse.parse import parse_files, add_code_outside_func
- from parse.parse2nd import parse_files_2nd
- from models.funcnode import match_data_type
- from utils.fileio import load_json, write_csv, write_to_excel
- from utils.funclink import get_link, get_call_flow
- from utils.source import get_file_list
- from utils import log
- from utils.ERRORLIST import error_list
- logging = log.getlogger()
- def get_program_purpose(source, lattices, func_node_dict, node_list):
- program_name = source.replace("\\", '/').split("/")[-1]
- # 项目名称中有purpose 作为 项目的purpose
- purpose = match_data_type(program_name, lattices['purpose'])
- data_type = match_data_type(program_name, lattices['dataType'])
- if purpose[0][0] != "None":
- return purpose[0]
- # 项目名称中有datatype 找datatype对应的purpose作为项目的purpose
- elif data_type[0] != ("None", "none"):
- for private_info_pair in func_node_dict.values():
- for pair in private_info_pair:
- if pair[0] == data_type[0]:
- return data_type[1]
- else:
- for key, value in func_node_dict.items():
- if key.endswith("main") or key.endswith("__main__"):
- main_purpose = [item[1] for item in value]
- dict_num = {}
- for item in main_purpose:
- if item not in dict_num.keys():
- dict_num[item] = main_purpose.count(item)
- # print(dict_num)
- most_counter = sorted(dict_num.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0][0]
- return most_counter
- empty = []
- for l in node_list:
- empty.extend(l.purpose)
- dict_num = {}
- for item in empty:
- if item not in dict_num.keys():
- dict_num[item] = empty.count(item)
- # print(dict_num)
- if node_list:
- most_counter = sorted(dict_num.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0][0]
- else:
- most_counter = None
- return most_counter
- def test_projects(_path, _lattice):
- projects = os.listdir(_path)
- for project in projects:
- if project != ".idea" and project != ".DS_Store":
- project_path = _path + '/' + project
- stamp, func_node_dict = annotate(
- project_path,
- lattice, False)
- print(project)
- for s in stamp:
- print(s)
- save_path = 'analyze/output/' + project.replace('.py', '') + '.xls'
- write_to_excel(stamp, save_path)
- # print(os.listdir(_path))
- def annotate(source, lattices, entire=False):
- """
- Args:
- source: file_name which can be directory, file, zip
- lattices: _
- entire: 是否打印完整结果
- Returns:
- """
- logging.warning("Start getting file list...")
- lattices = switch_dict(lattices)
- source, file_list = get_file_list(source)
- # print(source, file_list)
- logging.warning("Start getting all operations for private info and methods call graph...")
- # 解析文件,获取隐私数据操作 和 函数调用图
- node_list, func_dict = parse_files(file_list, source, lattices)
- # print("func_dict", func_dict)
- if entire or not entire: # 当entire 为True时 要检测方法外代码行
- node_list = add_code_outside_func(file_list, lattices, node_list)
- # 递归获取所有方法可能的隐私数据和操作
- logging.warning("Start getting suspected data and operations in the first recursion...")
- func_node_dict = get_link(func_dict, source, file_list)
- # 第二遍递归
- logging.warning("Start second recursion...")
- node_list2nd = parse_files_2nd(file_list, source, func_node_dict,
- node_list)
- for node in node_list2nd:
- print(node)
- # try:
- # # 获取文件列表(文件名)
- #
- # except Exception as e:
- # # 因为有各种报错 包括编译错误SyntaxError 包循环依赖导致的KeyError 以及可能出现的其他error 具体信息都在e中 就直接返回e 而不返回具体文件名和行数
- #
- # logging.error(
- # "Error happened in " + e.__traceback__.tb_frame.f_globals["__file__"] + str(e.__traceback__.tb_lineno))
- # return {"correctness": False, "result": e}
- if error_list:
- return {"correctness": False, "result": error_list}
- # 将第二次递归对内容添加到列表
- node_list.extend(node_list2nd)
- # 去重
- node_list_no_repeated = []
- node_string = [node.__str__() for node in node_list]
- for node in node_list:
- if node_string.count(node.__str__()) == 1:
- node_list_no_repeated.append(node)
- else:
- node_string.remove(node.__str__())
- # for node in node_list_no_repeated:
- # print(node)
- # 计算准确率
- logging.warning("Start calculate the accuracy...")
- # 隐私扫描结果输出到json文件
- logging.warning("Output the result into file...")
- return_value = {"correctness": True, "result": {}}
- if not entire:
- out_analyze(node_list_no_repeated, source,
- "analyze/output2/" + source.replace('\\', '/').split("/")[-1] + ".xls", entire)
- call_flow = get_call_flow(source, file_list)
- anno = {}
- for key, value in func_node_dict.items():
- anno[key] = []
- for pair in value:
- item = {"dataType": {"value": pair[0], "confidence": 1}, "purpose": {"value": pair[1], "confidence": 1}}
- if item not in anno[key]:
- anno[key].append(item)
- return_value['result'].update(annotation=anno, call_flow=call_flow)
- else:
- # 当entire 为true
- purpose = get_program_purpose(source, lattices, func_node_dict, node_list_no_repeated)
- node_list_filtered = [item for item in node_list_no_repeated if
- item.purpose is not None and
- purpose in item.purpose]
- out_analyze(node_list_filtered, source, "analyze/output2/" + source.replace('\\', '/').split("/")[-1] + ".xls",
- entire)
- data_type_list = []
- for item in node_list_filtered:
- for data_type_each in item.private_word_list:
- if data_type_each != ("None", "none") and {"dataType": data_type_each[0],
- "confidence": 1} not in data_type_list:
- data_type_list.append({"dataType": data_type_each[0], "confidence": 1})
- return_value['result'] = {"dataType": data_type_list, "purpose": purpose}
- return return_value
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- data_type = load_json('lattices/datatype.json')
- purpose_dict = load_json('lattices/purpose.json')
- lattice = {'dataType': data_type, 'purpose': purpose_dict}
- res = annotate("D:\\study\\python\\SAP检测项目\\hana-my-thai-star-data-generator\\src", lattice,
- False)
- # res = annotate("/Users/liufan/Documents/实验室/隐私扫描项目/SAP检测项目/cms/test", lattice, False)
- print('----------------annotation-------------------')
- for key, value in res['result']['annotation'].items():
- print(key, value)
- print('----------------call-flow-------------------')
- for key, value in res['result']['call_flow'].items():
- print(key, value)