import ast import re from models.funcnode import FuncNode, get_script, match_data_type, \ match_purpose_type from models.sentencenode import SuspectedSentenceNode from utils import log from utils.ERRORLIST import error_list logging = log.getlogger() def parse_tree(source, lattices, file_name, tree_node, code_lines, node_list=None, func_dict=None, class_name=None): """ Args: source: 项目路径 lattices: 隐私类型 file_name: 文件名(单个) tree_node: ast节点 code_lines: 源代码字符(readlines()) node_list: sentencenode列表 func_dict: 函数调用字典 class_name: 方法类名 Returns: """ if func_dict is None: func_dict = {} if node_list is None: node_list = [] data_type = lattices["dataType"] purpose_dict = lattices["purpose"] if isinstance(tree_node, ast.FunctionDef) or isinstance(tree_node, ast.AsyncFunctionDef): func_node = FuncNode(tree_node, file_name, lattices, code_lines) try: all_nodes = func_node.get_sentence_nodes() except AttributeError: raise AttributeError(file_name, tree_node.lineno) node_list.extend(all_nodes) if len(func_node.private_info) > 0: source_replace = source.replace('\\', '/') if class_name is None: func_path = func_node.file_path.replace("\\", '/').replace( source_replace + '/', '').replace('.py', '/' + func_node.func_name).replace( '/', '.') else: func_path = func_node.file_path.replace("\\", '/').replace( source_replace + '/', '').replace('.py', '/' + class_name + "/" + func_node.func_name).replace( '/', '.') func_dict[func_path] = func_node.private_info elif isinstance(tree_node, ast.ClassDef): class_name = for node_son in tree_node.body: if isinstance(node_son, ast.FunctionDef) or isinstance(tree_node, ast.AsyncFunctionDef): node_list, func_dict = parse_tree(source, lattices, file_name, node_son, code_lines, node_list, func_dict, class_name) # elif not isinstance(tree_node, ast.Module): # line_no = tree_node.lineno # script_ori, script = get_script(tree_node, code_lines) # # private_word_list = match_data_type(script['vars'], data_type) # private_word_list = list(set(private_word_list)) # # # print(script['methods']) # purpose = match_purpose_type(script['methods'], purpose_dict) # if not (("None", "none") in private_word_list and purpose == ["None"]): # sentence_node = SuspectedSentenceNode(file_name, line_no, # private_word_list, purpose, None, # script=script_ori) # # print(private_word_list, purpose) # node_list.append(sentence_node) try: for node_son in tree_node.body: node_list, func_dict = parse_tree(source, lattices, file_name, node_son, code_lines, node_list, func_dict) except AttributeError: pass return node_list, func_dict def parse_files(file_list, source, lattices): """ Args: file_list: 文件名列表 source: 文件路径 lattices: 隐私类型 Returns: node_list:[, ] node_list为sentencenode对象列表,sentencenode对象可打印。 [sentencenode1, sentencenode2...] func_node_dict: {'sdk_api.saltstack.SaltAPI.__init__': [('PassWord', 'Usage')], 'sdk_api.saltstack.SaltAPI.token_id': [('UserName', 'Usage'), ('PassWord', 'Usage')], 'sdk_api.saltstack.__init__': [('PassWord', 'Usage')], {func_path:[(private_info, purpose), ...]} """ node_list = [] func_dict = {} for file_name in file_list: with open(file_name, encoding='utf-8') as file_single: logging.error("Constructing file to ast:" + file_name) lines = file_single.readlines() file_string = re.sub(r"if[ ]*__name__[ ]*==[ ]*['\"]__main__['\"]", "def main()", ''.join(lines)) try: tree_root = ast.parse(file_string) except SyntaxError as e: e.filename = file_name error_list.append(e) pass node_list_single, func_dict = parse_tree(source, lattices, file_name, tree_root, lines, func_dict=func_dict) node_list.extend(node_list_single) return node_list, func_dict def add_code(lattices, file_name, tree_node, code_lines, node_list): """ Args: source: 目录 lattices: datatype purpose 格 file_name: 文件名 tree_node: code_lines: 代码行列表 node_list: sentencenode list Returns: """ data_type = lattices["dataType"] purpose_dict = lattices["purpose"] if not isinstance(tree_node, ast.FunctionDef) and not isinstance(tree_node, ast.AsyncFunctionDef) and not isinstance(tree_node, ast.ClassDef) and not isinstance( tree_node, ast.Import) and not isinstance(tree_node, ast.Module): line_no = tree_node.lineno script_ori, script = get_script(tree_node, code_lines) private_word_list = match_data_type(script['vars'], data_type) private_word_list = list(set(private_word_list)) # print(script['methods']) purpose = match_purpose_type(script['methods'], purpose_dict) if not (("None", "none") in private_word_list and purpose == ["None"]) and not has_node(node_list, file_name, line_no): sentence_node = SuspectedSentenceNode(file_name, line_no, private_word_list, purpose, None, script=script_ori) # print(private_word_list, purpose) node_list.append(sentence_node) try: for node_son in tree_node.body: add_code(lattices, file_name, node_son, code_lines, node_list) except AttributeError: pass def has_node(node_list, file_name, line_no): """ Args: node_list: sentenceNodes list file_name: 文件名 line_no: 行号 Returns: node_list是否含有file_name line_no 的sentencenode """ for node in node_list: if node.file_path == file_name and node.line_no == line_no: return True return False def add_code_outside_func(file_list, lattices, node_list): """ Args: file_list: 文件名列表 lattices: 隐私类型 node_list: senetencenode 列表 Returns: node_list:[, ] node_list为sentencenode对象列表,sentencenode对象可打印。 [sentencenode1, sentencenode2...] """ for file_name in file_list: with open(file_name, encoding='utf-8') as file_single: logging.error("Constructing file to ast:" + file_name) lines = file_single.readlines() file_string = re.sub(r"if[ ]*__name__[ ]*==[ ]*['\"]__main__['\"]", "def __main__()", ''.join(lines)) # file_string = ''.join(lines) try: tree_root = ast.parse(file_string) except SyntaxError as e: e.filename = file_name error_list.append(e) pass add_code(lattices, file_name, tree_root, lines, node_list) return node_list if __name__ == '__main__': # print(re.sub(r"if[ ]*__name__[ ]*==[ ]*['\"]__main__['\"]", "def main()", "if __name__ == '__main__'")) # print(re.sub(r"if[ ]*__name__[ ]*==[ ]*['\"]__main__['\"]", "def main()", "if __name__==\"__main__\"")) # print("if __name__==\"__main__\"".replace(r"if[ ]*__name__[ ]*==[ ]*['\"]__main__['\"]", "def main()")) with open("/Users/liufan/program/PYTHON/SAP/privacyScanLsn/test/", encoding='utf-8') as file_single: lines = # print(lines) # ast.parse(lines) tree_root = ast.parse(lines) print(lines)