import pytest import os from videohash.videohash import VideoHash from videohash.exceptions import DidNotSupplyPathOrUrl, StoragePathDoesNotExist from videohash.utils import create_and_return_temporary_directory this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) def test_all(): source1 = ( "" ) videohash1 = VideoHash(url=source1, frame_interval=3) videohash1.delete_storage_path() hash1 = videohash1.hash hash_hex1 = videohash1.hash_hex assert hash1 == "0b1110000111100001111111111111111111111111000000000000000000000000" assert ( str(videohash1) == "0b1110000111100001111111111111111111111111000000000000000000000000" ) assert hash_hex1 == "0xe1e1ffffff000000" assert ( videohash1 - "0b1110000111100001111111111111111111111111000000000000000000000000" == 0 ) assert hash_hex1 in repr(videohash1) assert hash1 in repr(videohash1) assert (len(videohash1) - 2) == videohash1.bits_in_hash with pytest.raises(AssertionError): assert videohash1 != hash_hex1 with pytest.raises(TypeError): _ = videohash1 - None with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ = videohash1 - hash1[0:-2] with pytest.raises(TypeError): _ = videohash1 - ("XX" + hash1[2:]) with pytest.raises(TypeError): _ = videohash1 - True source2 = ( this_dir + os.path.sep + os.path.pardir + os.path.sep + "assets" + os.path.sep + "rocket.mkv" ) videohash2 = VideoHash(path=source2, frame_interval=3) hash2 = videohash2.hash hash_hex2 = videohash2.hash_hex assert hash2 == "0b1110000111100001111111111111111111111111000000000000000000000000" assert hash_hex2 == "0xe1e1ffffff000000" source3 = "" videohash3 = VideoHash(url=source3) hash3 = videohash3.hash hash_hex3 = videohash3.hash_hex assert hash3 == "0b0011010000011111111011111111111110001111011110000000000000000000" assert hash_hex3 == "0x341fefff8f780000" assert hash1 == hash2 assert videohash1 == videohash2.bitlist assert hash_hex1 == hash_hex2 assert videohash1 - hash_hex3 != 2 assert videohash1 == videohash2 assert videohash1 - videohash3 != 2 source4 = "" videohash4 = VideoHash(url=source4, download_worst=True) hash4 = videohash4.hash assert hash4 != hash1 assert hash4 != hash2 assert hash4 != hash3 assert videohash1 != videohash4 assert videohash2 != videohash4 assert videohash3 != videohash4 with pytest.raises(ValueError): # not padded with 0x VideoHash.hex2bin("741fcfff8f780000", 64) with pytest.raises(ValueError): # not padded with 0b VideoHash.bin2hex("010101001") with pytest.raises(ValueError): # hamming distance not defined for unequal length bitlists _ = videohash1 - [1, 0, 1, 1, 1] class FakeVideoHashForTesting(VideoHash): def __init__(self, hash=None): self.hash = hash fake_videohash_object = FakeVideoHashForTesting(hash="0b0011010") fake_videohash_object.hamming_distance(string_a="0b1011010", string_b="0b1011010") fake_videohash_object = FakeVideoHashForTesting() with pytest.raises(ValueError): # hamming_distance is not defined. fake_videohash_object.hamming_distance(string_a="abc", string_b="abcd") with pytest.raises(ValueError): # hamming_distance is not defined. fake_videohash_object.hamming_distance( bitlist_a=[1, 0, 1, 1, 0], bitlist_b=[1, 0, 1, 1] ) with pytest.raises(DidNotSupplyPathOrUrl): VideoHash(url=None, path=None) with pytest.raises(StoragePathDoesNotExist): storage_path = os.path.join( create_and_return_temporary_directory(), ("thisdirdoesnotexist" + os.path.sep), ) VideoHash(url="", storage_path=storage_path) with pytest.raises(ValueError): VideoHash( url="", path=create_and_return_temporary_directory() ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): path = os.path.join( create_and_return_temporary_directory(), "file_extension_less_video" ) VideoHash(path=path)