123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839 |
- def roc(fpr=None, tpr=None, c_line_style='-', c_line_color='#f05f21', c_line_width=1, diag_line=True,
- diag_line_style='--', diag_line_width=1, diag_line_color='b', auc=None, shade_auc=False,
- shade_auc_color='#f48d60',
- axxlabel='False Positive Rate (1 - Specificity)', axylabel='True Positive Rate (Sensitivity)', ar=(0, 0),
- axtickfontsize=9, axtickfontname='Arial', axlabelfontsize=9, axlabelfontname='Arial',
- plotlegend=True, legendpos='lower right', legendanchor=None, legendcols=1, legendfontsize=8,
- legendlabelframe=False, legend_columnspacing=None, per_class=False, dim=(6, 5), show=False, figtype='png',
- figname='roc', r=300, ylm=None, theme=None):
- if theme == 'dark':
- general.dark_bg()
- plt.subplots(figsize=dim)
- # plt.margins(x=0)
- if auc:
- plt.plot(fpr, tpr, color=c_line_color, linestyle=c_line_style, linewidth=c_line_width,
- label='AUC = %0.4f' % auc)
- else:
- plt.plot(fpr, tpr, color=c_line_color, linestyle=c_line_style, linewidth=c_line_width)
- if diag_line:
- plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color=diag_line_color, linestyle=diag_line_style, linewidth=diag_line_width,
- label='Chance level')
- if per_class:
- plt.plot([0, 0], [0, 1], color='grey', linestyle='-', linewidth=1)
- plt.plot([0, 1], [1, 1], color='grey', linestyle='-', linewidth=1, label='Perfect performance')
- # ylm must be tuple of start, end, interval
- if ylm:
- plt.ylim(bottom=ylm[0], top=ylm[1])
- plt.yticks(np.arange(ylm[0], ylm[1], ylm[2]), fontsize=axtickfontsize, fontname=axtickfontname)
- plt.yticks(fontsize=axtickfontsize, rotation=ar[1], fontname=axtickfontname)
- if axxlabel:
- _x = axxlabel
- if axylabel:
- _y = axylabel
- if shade_auc:
- plt.fill_between(x=fpr, y1=tpr, color=shade_auc_color)
- if plotlegend:
- plt.legend(loc=legendpos, bbox_to_anchor=legendanchor, ncol=legendcols, fontsize=legendfontsize,
- frameon=legendlabelframe, columnspacing=legend_columnspacing)
- general.axis_labels(_x, _y, axlabelfontsize, axlabelfontname)
- general.get_figure(show, r, figtype, figname, theme)