def uploadVHDFile(self): files = filedialog.askopenfilenames( initialdir=os.getcwd(), title="Choose VHD files", filetypes=(("VHD Files", "*.vhd"),) ) try: for tf in files: if tf == "": self.tbUploadVar.set("") return tf = open(tf) # or tf = open(tf, 'r') filename =["/") + 1:len(] # copy file over to tcl locations if filename.endswith("true_testbench.vhd"): shutil.copy(, os.getcwd() + os.path.join("\\testbenches")) else: shutil.copy(, os.getcwd() + os.path.join(f'''\\testbenches\\{filename[0:len(filename)-4]}_true_testbench.vhd''' )) tf.close() except: self.tbUploadLabel.configure(style="Red.TLabel") self.tbUploadVar.set("An Error Occurred") return if len(files) == 1: # Generate an animation for the result self.tbUploadLabel.configure(style="Green.TLabel") self.tbUploadVar.set("Copied " + files[0][files[0].rfind("/") + 1:len(files[0])]) elif len(files) > 1: self.tbUploadLabel.configure(style="Green.TLabel") self.tbUploadVar.set("Copied " + str(len(files)) + " Files") elif len(files) == 0: self.tbUploadLabel.configure(style="TLabel") self.tbUploadVar.set("")